Rude advice from somebody who doesn't care about your feelings - hydro only

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Active Member
Thats sucks about those vending machines :( those things are so cool lol You know what else I miss are the laox stores haha I used to buy lots of stuff there.

You got any info on the GH lucas formula method? I just scrapped my hydro plant last week cuz it was doing shitty.
Any advice on a different nutrient line thats about the same cost as GH, but better quality? I want to be able to pull off some decent hydro, but I wasn't liking the lucas formula, hence why I may try with different nutes next time around.


New Member
I spent over 1k on the full BioBizz set. =/
Wow, that's a lot of money. If it includes the light, tent and shit it's not that bad though, I'm not really sure what a BioBizz set is. I think I bought their root juice stuff once but it was expensive so I stopped.
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