The Art of The Auto


Active Member
Hey dargo K2 has a good link to an idiots guide to hempy in her thread. the link to her thread is in her sig. the other link is only a page or two into the thread. Don't tell her I sent you as it will only make her suspicious.
Suspicious???? Who me???? Never suspicious....just err on the side of caution!!! lol Besides I would never be suspicious of any of you fine gentlemen here....


Active Member
nc....she just keeps astounding me....and the others are looking Lush....
I love seeing the deep green pheno with brilliant white bud...contrast is stunning.
Thanks Mossy...
The smell in that room is amazing and I'm happy to say that ALF#3 only needs 20-25 days more before I get to sample her. She has a few yellow leaves from her little drought but she is putting on weight as we speak.
The HBD will be a little longer I think but it's going to be some good smoke, Some older heads smoked the last HBD I came off with and they though it was(I didn't tell them it was auto)right up there with the big boys.
The little ALF is starting to bud uo nice but its a little slow, I have 7-8 females at the moment with more showing every day... Now I'm praying for males! Guess this is not such a bad thing but I want more beans!

Harry Bald Sack

Active Member
So I woke up today and found that the yellowing has progressed along with a couple new brown spots. P1000292.jpg
I also found that the very bottom two leafs are really yellow and one was crispy on the end. Should I go ahead and give her some N along with the bloom nutes I just started her on? (after the soil drys a bit more that is)


Active Member
So I woke up today and found that the yellowing has progressed along with a couple new brown spots. View attachment 1341340
I also found that the very bottom two leafs are really yellow and one was crispy on the end. Should I go ahead and give her some N along with the bloom nutes I just started her on? (after the soil drys a bit more that is)
IMO I wouldn't feed her for a few days and if she doesn't look any better after a couple days with only fresh water then i would hit her with N...


Active Member
Cheers justparanoid..appreciated
1 Love.....:weed:

I just cant seem to get it right indoors with soil
Try 1 pot m8 with Universal potting compost..Honestly..

That is all I use.
It takes them right to sex before they are asking for a feed.
Try 1 pot...and I am sure you will be converted...
it is just right for them.

Im really excited about the super bad bettys, I want a 6ft+ purple/red is that to much to ask for from a F1? :grin:
No is not....
and can you just Imagine what it would look like...I can....;-)
6ft of Burning Bush...

I've just got a red in the DC's today...
looking forward to a 2 ft Burning Bush.....

The RedHeads are a little Crazy....


Active Member
I went to pick up some nute for a hempy bucket grow today (going to ditch the soil indoors, I just cant get it right!), In conversation with the BOSS!! I said I allway use rain water in the greenhouse and outdoors.... OHHHH NOOOO you cant do that!!!!! he said, you wouldnt drink rain water so why the hell would you feed it to your plants! he then asked me all fucking smugg & up his own ass.... do you drink rain water? I said no, do you drink canna boost? he looked at me like I just shit on his mums grave & said..... anyway you cant grow outdoors here, not even in a greenhouse. I reminded him all I came in for was so A & B and thats all I need. I hate going in there, the is only one guy that I normally talk to but he wasnt in today. the rest have been growing the same strains for 20 years with the same equipmtment and they put down anything they dont use, even though they havnt used it. rant over lol

The 4 Bad Betty x Nirvana Sky I started popped there heads up this morning

What the hell do all the outdoor growers water their plants with? Would you eat corn from the market Yes!!! Duhhhh. What an A hole.

I got one of these at my local shop too. Mr know it all. I went in looking for some gnat control products. He hands me trounce. I'm like no.. i need some thing with spinosad in it... no no this'll work..

I just turned my back to him, put it back on the shelf and grabed what i need.
Bloody hell. I don't even talk to them more often than not. In and out!!


Well-Known Member
So I woke up today and found that the yellowing has progressed along with a couple new brown spots. View attachment 1341340
I also found that the very bottom two leafs are really yellow and one was crispy on the end. Should I go ahead and give her some N along with the bloom nutes I just started her on? (after the soil drys a bit more that is)
How old is it? I get yellowing on the bottom most leaves as they move into full flower. I usually add a little N and let it go. That leaf looks like the one first single blade or 3 bladed leaves on the plant


Active Member
HBS, the brown spots are a cal deff starting to happen. When the soil drys a bit hit her with some nutes, if you have one with some cal/mag that'll help.

The spots are cal deff, the pale leaves wit green veins starting, is the mag def. If the leaves didn't have the green vein down the middle it'd be more of a lacking N thing. If you over fed them you'd have eagle claw looking leaves all over and burnt tips on new and old growth. I seen none of that.

Like Neal was saying, let it sit until she drys out a bit then hit her with some feed. She is or sure not over fed.

Got to keep in mind, the over watering will give you defficencies. So once that is sorted you can start to work the next issue, the feed. If there is one.



Active Member
I'm going to a friends house to pick up a couple Super Lemon Haze clones in a bit...
One of the clone is going to be flowered then put in the dark so she will make some male pollen, I'll use the pollen from the SLH to pollenate a sativa dominant auto(haven't decide which strain).
The plants with AF genes will be chosen and crossed to each other and eventually crossed back to the SLH and AF phenos will be chosen again and again till I get an Auto Super lemon Haze f1 hybrid beans.
I think I have the breeding process down at an intermediate scale, Making a auto from an photoperiod strain is my top goal. Making an auto haze might a little hard for my first but I'll get it done if it takes me 3 yrs.
I will always enjoy crossing auto strains with other auto strains, I like the thought of how many strains are in each cross we make.
If I cross HBD with RRF, HBD has Auto BB, Auto Kush & Auto NYC Diesel and RRF has White Widow,Auto Kush & NYC Diesel. Thats about 6-7 strains in one cross..


Active Member
The smell in that room is amazing and I'm happy to say that ALF#3 only needs 20-25 days more before I get to sample her. She has a few yellow leaves from her little drought but she is putting on weight as we speak.
The ALF's have The Best/perfectly form THC trics of all the girls that I have viewed under the scope.
Better even than the DC ATM...
I've got her hybrid mixed phenos ATM

But I was telling FullD...
there is an Ultra Indy..Ultra Stench pheno there that I will work forward.
when you do cut them down..check to see if the are Hollow stems or not.

The HBD will be a little longer I think but it's going to be some good smoke
Yeah M8..I look at her and I want to smoke her..:bigjoint:

Now I'm praying for males!
Ha ha..nice place to be...

BTW..11 out of 12 of my ALFie babies are above soil in the Air-pot...
and 8 out of 8 JEM.
Oh and 12 I think Whores.


Active Member
@ mossy: The oguns are looking mighty fine!! I love the structure they have.. Very robust, worthy of supporting a healthy yeild :D

That tall pheno is a looker, i see why you stare soo much..



Active Member
The ALF's have The Best/perfectly form THC trics of all the girls that I have viewed under the scope.
Better even than the DC ATM...
I've got her hybrid mixed phenos ATM

But I was telling FullD...
there is an Ultra Indy..Ultra Stench pheno there that I will work forward.
when you do cut them down..check to see if the are Hollow stems or not.

Yeah M8..I look at her and I want to smoke her..:bigjoint:

Ha ha..nice place to be...

BTW..11 out of 12 of my ALFie babies are above soil in the Air-pot...
and 8 out of 8 JEM.
Oh and 12 I think Whores.
Mossy, are looking to eventually release the ALF#3?
I think that they would be ready the way they are now but I'm not an expert breeder.

You know Mossy out of all the strains I've grown of either AF or Photo I've never had such good germination ratio as I've had with the JEM. The JEMs I have are some of the OG JEMs that were gifted to me a while back so I don't know how good the ratio is on the JD Purple Ryders but I've not had one Mossy's JEM not to germ for me.
The ALF#3, Bad Betty & ICU#2 have all germed so far too.
What makes these beans so superior to other beans that I've bought from seed banks? Is it the freshness, Or maybe because they were grown long enough for all of them to rippen?


Active Member
@ mossy: The oguns are looking mighty fine!! I love the structure they have.. Very robust, worthy of supporting a healthy yeild
Cheers BH
They are Tufty Bro....I'm Well Happy with them...

This is the F3's..more pheno stable...
And the slightly bigger one is starting to show the Colour/halo on the calyx that I want...
thought the little buggers were gonna stay white. white/albino.
You know the WR up to F4 were made by kenzler..
we grew virtually side by side..
so if he had come across the Albino..I would have known.

I have played with it through 5 generations...with literally hundreds..
and I ain't seen a glimmer..

I'm Awestruck..privilledged to see it Bro.....:hug:.....I wanna Hug it...


Well-Known Member
Sooo I'm sitting here at the bookstore reading this large article in Hightimes about the company Sun Pulse, says this is the future of lighting. Never heard of it before now but you guys should check it out is pretty interesting.
Long story short, Different bulbs to better replicate the natural sun light(like 5diff types), this companied with their rotating lamps( looks like a huge ceiling fan) that move to the same frequency as the sun... Pretty interesting technology.

Phones about to die so I'm outta here



Active Member
I think that they would be ready the way they are now but I'm not an expert breeder.

ALL of the girls that were Gifted were out on Test.......;-)

What makes these beans so superior to other beans that I've bought from seed banks?
Outdoor grown..
IMO..what you have to watch is outdoors have a thicker calyx..
so they need to be Dry..
did you follow the hint to put in a dry warm place for a couple of days Before you germed...?


Active Member
ALL of the girls that were Gifted were out on Test.......;-)

Outdoor grown..
IMO..what you have to watch is outdoors have a thicker calyx..
so they need to be Dry..
did you follow the hint to put in a dry warm place for a couple of days Before you germed...?
Yes I did, I put them at the top of my closet for 2 weeks then I put them in the refridgerator inside the vegie crisper and they've been in there since.
The beans grown outdoors always seem to take a little longer to pop is that because of a thicker seed husk?


Active Member

FullD...WATER...I can't grow good girls in small pots......water......:clap:

Wish you could smell these Bitches first thing in the morning...



Active Member
Sooo I'm sitting here at the bookstore reading this large article in Hightimes about the company Sun Pulse, says this is the future of lighting. Never heard of it before now but you guys should check it out is pretty interesting.
Long story short, Different bulbs to better replicate the natural sun light(like 5diff types), this companied with their rotating lamps( looks like a huge ceiling fan) that move to the same frequency as the sun... Pretty interesting technology.

Phones about to die so I'm outta here

I saw that system as well.
If I had the cash one of those babies would be hanging in my growroom..


Active Member
Terpin profile is huge.. franco from GHS talks about how some terpens are tied to the med affects. So i try to use the males that have some kind of funk to them. Rub the stems or if they are good it'll have some NICE funk.. Anything to dertermin what profile it has. (Berry, skunk, citrus, ect.)
This is the work that I was telling you about in the new Ed Rosenthal was done in conjunction with GHS.

OneTip for everyone....smoke a bit of your male.
They have THC glands as well.
Nip some of the fine leaves..dry and smoke.

Scratch and sniff on the main-stem.