Texas Growers Unite!

Wow I am so glad i dont manufacture pot. Here all this time I thought it was against the law to grow pot. Who new it is only illeagal to manufacture pot.
Hey guys I moved from Dallas Arlington area three years ago and got into growing down here in Houston. Moving back to Big D this week and I was hoping someone could give me a price list of everything from Schwag all the way to top of the line Dro. Thanks
niko if you dont know general prices thats odd. there are thousands of threads on the site about prices. You still are a stranger here

but welcome to the site
Hey guys I moved from Dallas Arlington area three years ago and got into growing down here in Houston. Moving back to Big D this week and I was hoping someone could give me a price list of everything from Schwag all the way to top of the line Dro. Thanks

schwag @ 40 a zip.....dro 10 a g and up

good luck getting a better answer than that...this ain't the place. ask your neighbor
im a city slicker and all... but can i get a yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw!!!! texans!!!!
Had some Purple Hash Plant mailed from The Triangle show up last week,$50 a quarter I got a Oz and a half of it but it needed grooming and was a little dry.Guess they are mailing out the old buds.I have a bunch of Christmas nugs to give away now.