First Grow, Bagseeds, Come take a look!!!

The Ganj Father

Well-Known Member
now onto what i enjoy doing... yes, go full strengt per gallon, even with the water, the reason i say full strength is because the water that is still in the pots will dilute it a bit anyway, plus your plants need the nutes. your plants are waaayyy to young to be root bound. but for sure man, start spraying the hell out of your plants with a half diluted lukewarm water solution, they absorb moisture very well, and respond just as well with folar feeding. after this your not going to have to water again for a long while, you'll want to driy the medium pretty well, so the second dosing gets sucked up more efficiently. but keep on spraying, that doesnt affect anything, it will only help. sorry man, business has been good and its been taking me on a lot of road trips. they've been telling us we're getting snow, but havent seen it, i hope it comes tonight though, then i can call into my "real job" lol...

I appreciate any and all input, but getting reused, recycled, and unintelligent replies seems to be a big thing on my thread. Which is confusing to me cause the majority of the issues ive had are pretty cleanly layed out, many pics, tons of info, stuff ive tried and my entire setup (including PH). It's confusing for me to see other threads, with much less info, pics, etc. and more people posting more intelligent thoughts, anyways, new update. The Ganj Father is back!!!! woot! Good lookin out big homie, me and storz thought we lost ya. So ya it looks like you nailed my issue on the ball. We got 2 fuccin feet of snow in the last 24hours so Im kinda snowed in, so I can go get my water, although the plants are still a wee bit moist so Im shooting for tomorrow. So you suggest a full dose per gallon even if I water tomorrow (soil will still be moist)... Im so glad to see you back up in here. Let me know if you want some more pics or whatever and ill hit em up. :peace:


Well-Known Member
now onto what i enjoy doing... yes, go full strengt per gallon, even with the water, the reason i say full strength is because the water that is still in the pots will dilute it a bit anyway, plus your plants need the nutes. your plants are waaayyy to young to be root bound. but for sure man, start spraying the hell out of your plants with a half diluted lukewarm water solution, they absorb moisture very well, and respond just as well with folar feeding. after this your not going to have to water again for a long while, you'll want to driy the medium pretty well, so the second dosing gets sucked up more efficiently. but keep on spraying, that doesnt affect anything, it will only help. sorry man, business has been good and its been taking me on a lot of road trips. they've been telling us we're getting snow, but havent seen it, i hope it comes tonight though, then i can call into my "real job" lol...

So spray the leaves with a solution? what solution? just water? also does it matter if the water I spray the leaves with isnt PH'd? or are we still targeting for a 6.5 PH? Yeah ill hopefully water tomorrow. yeah we got mad snow. yeah hopefully the friendly city to the west gets hit too :P... here are some pics.

lookin off my porch

the babies

good to have you back :mrgreen:

The Ganj Father

Well-Known Member
you want to mix up a nutrient solution just like you were going to water them, but half strength, and put it in a spray bottle. you can get away with it not ph'ing for tonight, but once you get you some fresh water go ahead and use that. you can drench the hell out of them, i would do it as many times as you can today, if i'm right, which i said i might be wrong, you will though see a difference overnight.


Cheese Head
correct me if im wrong but spraying nute mixed water on leaves under a hid will cause burning. like i said correct me if im wrong

The Ganj Father

Well-Known Member
nah, shouldnt be a problem at all, i've never heard of that happening... not saying it hasnt, but i spray my plants in veg a few times a day, i've got them under 1600w of MH... A test cited by Ed Rosenthal states that folar feeding will increase veg production. its not wise to continue into bloom though. RU8 you see how your plants are eating up their own leaves, and causing them to shrivel and dry, thats another sign that your plant needs nitrogen, along with other nutes, its eating up its stores inside its leaves. its almost exactly what leached plants look like right before harvest. man, i'm almost positive your just needing to feed those babies... no spray bottle huh... what about a hair spray bottle or something... your really going to need to folar feed to nurse them to health...


Well-Known Member
I have nothing that could really work as a spray bottle tonight... the best I could do is get one tomorrow... but Im also going to feed tomorrow so... suggestions? Should I feed and spray them down at the same time or is that overkill?

The Ganj Father

Well-Known Member
no you can never over spray. it goes strait into the plant, its like a steriod boost, lol, but since they're females you dont have to worry about the balls shrinking, lol. you'll be ok waiting until tomorrow, just make sure you get that spray bottle, i cant stress that enough... i recomend everyone spray they're veg'ing plants, you will notice a difference...


Well-Known Member
Ok ill get 10 gallons of water and a spray bottle tomorrow. the water im getting is naturally ph'd at 6.5... so how much do you think adding the nutes will mess with the PH? Cause I dont have a digital ph'er, I just used the water drops to test it...


Well-Known Member
Ok Then I wont even bother trying to test it. If I water tomorrow how long you think itll be before I start seeing results? and what should I be looking for? I know with hydro you see results way faster, just curious on how long.


Well-Known Member
well Im currently snowed in... but I have an albertsons across the street so you think theyd have spray bottles there? like in their cleaning section or something? I could walk there if this has to happen tonight.


Active Member
Hello everyone, I'm ru8fru's partner in crime and he would like me to learn more about growing so i made an account, and I've been reading all your posts trying to learn new things. Growing seems to be a very hard but interesting process, and I look forward to learning more :blsmoke:

The Ganj Father

Well-Known Member
wussup chicka, nice to see you in the forums! Big R you should see results very fast. if you can bare the cold, do it, it will only help fix things sooner. they would have a spray bottle, either in the cleaning section, or like the beauty supply like hair stuff, i'm sure of it.


Well-Known Member
I had my lady call em for me and surprisingly enough they didn't. So I suppose it will have to wait until tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
yeah, although im excited to feed tomorrow... hopefully they like it... Also, how much should I spray on them? and should I cover the entire plant? Like even the damaged leaves.