Guy gets beat with an aluminum bat on my lawn.

Matt Rize

Crazy shit happens when you live downtown... especially when it rains. I noticed someone sleeping in the doorway of the elementary school across the street and thought 'that's unusual'. Usually the bums sleep under the highway where it's dark, and low key. The school is very high key, and the doorway is lighted.

Then I heard someone walking around in the parking lot next to my house, usual downtown bum action. I was chilling on the couch, just recovering up from the usual after-dinner hash coma.

Next I heard arguing from right in front of the house. I looked out the window just in time to see three guys jump one dude. One of the short guys has beating this dude with an aluminum baseball bat. He was on the ground on my front yard. I heard "Ting!, Ting!"

I grabbed the cell and dialed 9 11. Ran out and yelled "What are you doing!!!!" lol, because that's what I say to my dog. The three short guys ran off and jumped into a waiting SUV at the end of the block, gone. The bigger guy slowly got up, shook it off and stumbled away. The bum sleeping across the street slowly packed up, he got questioned but didn't get arrested!

Cops came, picked dude up from around the corner and took him to hospital. Did their question/info thing. I didn't really see much other than 3 little mexican dudes and the victim. One in a grey hoody and jeans beating the bigger dude (very dark hispanic) in blue/white plaid shirt and jeans.

Good thing I'm 215. Still, the six cop cars that pulled up had me shaking.

The cops picked him up and he's in the hospital. The three guys are long gone. Gotta move to the county. This part of my front yard has been a vortex for drama.
Ah I love having episodes of cops erupt nearby but my front yard? Probably not. Sounds like some funny shit."Ting, Ting, Ting" lol....
3 guys for 1 guy what a bunch of pussies, it figures they would be mexican to. i would have ran out and helped the guy getting beat down
i did have something intelegent to say until i saw those boobies bouncing around:shock::shock:
I could not live someware like that with no privacy let alone dude getting beat outside:joint:
Damn, that's why I became a country mouse.....'bout the worst thing that happens around here is when my dog eats the newspaper because the lazy-ass paperboy throws it into the yard and she thinks it's a stick. Around here, we use baseball bats for...well...playing baseball.

Move to the country, mind your own business, grow your weed and be happy: the recipe for success.

Great avatar shrig.
I live in the country and the only thing i have to worry about is the coyotes eating my cats or running in to skunks at night
Nice avatar exile This is turning into a sexy avatar thread

what's she saying?

and to mcpurp: they took off as soon as i opened the door. that was the plan. it was about 2 seconds between me looking out the window and being out the door. i saved that dude. I was supposed to be at the bar, but passed out on the couch from all the purple kush hash smoking. my neighbors didn't even come out of the house, which is effed because I know they were home.
what's she saying?

and to mcpurp: they took off as soon as i opened the door. that was the plan. it was about 2 seconds between me looking out the window and being out the door. i saved that dude. I was supposed to be at the bar, but passed out on the couch from all the purple kush hash smoking. my neighbors didn't even come out of the house, which is effed because I know they were home.

they ran as soon as they knew some one was gonna step in and say something. and mmm PK hash sounds good.
and that sucks the neighbors did nothing, probably did not want to get hurt them selfs or just only care about them selfs.
theri is a show called what would you do where they make situations to see if strangers will step in and help it is a cool show but hardly any one ever helps the people who need it
I'm a country boy and never am far from something nasty to use, learned my lesson early in life. Always have my trusty 8 D cell aluminum flash light handy in the truck, I call it the camp ground peace maker, works real good and as a flashlight too. Love my baseball bats, but I use wood. Nothing like a roll of nickles in your pocket, just in case. You see I like to make a difference and will step in, makes life interesting. Around here everyone says never mind the dogs, watch out for woodsmaneh!
Kudos to you for doing something a lot of people would be too worried or scared to do any more than call 911, I could never watch someone just get jumped Ive been jumped and it was fun. Good shit Matt
Kudos to you for doing something a lot of people would be too worried or scared to do any more than call 911, I could never watch someone just get jumped Ive been jumped and it was fun. Good shit Matt

There was that split second where I thought "knife or beating stick?" but neither were on hand and time seemed of the essence. I always feel like a paranoid stoner because I watch my windows constantly at any sound... not anymore.
and you didn't run out there and fight the bad guys off? geeze..
