How do you handle a rat?

Well i learned today that im not going too be seeing some of my buds for quite some time now. 3 of my buds were with these other guys and thought it would be a good idea too break into a restaurant and rob it. My buddies are all looking at three years now this other fucker that gave the cops my friends name has 1 year probation. So of course something must be done...was pondering ideas with my bud today while smoking a gas mask:bigjoint: what are your thoughts on dealing with rats...

and no im not going too kill this kid rofl
how many retards does it take to rob a restaurant? seriously like 5 or 6 guys to rob one store? yeah,obviously every one is gonna go down..... some real gangsta shit lol that $150 bucks they got sure must have ve been worth it.
Well i learned today that im not going too be seeing some of my buds for quite some time now. 3 of my buds were with these other guys and thought it would be a good idea too break into a restaurant and rob it. My buddies are all looking at three years now this other fucker that gave the cops my friends name has 1 year probation. So of course something must be done...was pondering ideas with my bud today while smoking a gas mask:bigjoint: what are your thoughts on dealing with rats...

and no im not going too kill this kid rofl

Forgot what I just said,
but forreal..
if all my best homeboys got locked up cause of a fuckin bitch.
Get some coke,
Call the kid up.
Be like, yo man I know some females that want to chill.
If you got a homegirl give the coke to her or something and plant it on him,
or you plant it on him.
Be a snitch right back if you want to and say theirs a coke dealer walking around.
Or you can do it the man, but idiot way,
and get rid of him through anger.
Either way,
something along those lines just go give you ideas.
(Dont do nothing stupid).

Cut them off completely, have nothing to do with them again and inform other people they are cut. Karma will take care of the rest, revenge is pointless. Chop and move on. =)
set him up some how maybe just start sum plants from bagseed and then once there a couple weeks old put them in his house or on his property then make an anonymous call to the cops, maybe not this exactly but an idea to get started
You should order 2 large pizzas to his residence

or go put your story on *chan and let the internet deal with it

go sign him up for free trials of like hardcore gay BDSM porn sent to his house
I don't think the OP cares anymore. He posted this January 2009 haha



WHO KEEPS BUMPING THESE OLD FUCKING IRRELEVANT THREADS!? like alright one or two is fine my bad but this shits seriously taking time out of my day now
How about stop robbing restaurants. Is everyone here a criminal or something, why am I the only one saying it? When I read the title of the thread I assumed it'd be about something to do with narcing on people for weed, not fucking robbing places.
If it wasn't a big corporate chain they robbed, they're a dick. Family businesses are in enough trouble right now without scumbags robbing them.

Personally speaking, if someone used to cause me problems (I had a guy organise for my house to be broken into, grow room goodies stolen etc.) I simply marked it down as one of the known dangers and moved to a different area. Life is too short to get involved in teenage fantasies about being badass. If you actually have the skills, you only use them when it's really REALLY necessary, and not for petty crime crap. That stuff just isn't worth the time, most of these young hoodlums (and I'm betting its the same in the US) are just idiots with nothing to lose... I have plenty to lose so I would never play their games. You have to be above that petty crap to make a living out of growing. Why risk the next 5 years of nice profits on trying to prove a point to people nobody cares about anyway? Meditate upon this you must padawan.
Exactly, when you involved with the stuff we all are, we all knw the possible outcomes if you cant handle that get the fuck out we were thinkin about beating this shit outta him, but then in a month hes fine...and my buds are still in jail - and i really dont think that would teach him
your buds are in jail because they are theifs, not because of the guy that told on them. Fuck your thieving buds, and fuck you.