well it wasnt stressed it was the lighting that got fucked up cause my side lighting isnt on a timer.
i guess if you wanna call it that sure.wtfever. i wasnt looking for a smartass answer, just dont post on my thread next time.
im actually a 25 year old U.S. Marine Corps veteran two times over so fuck you.
you ever been to iraq? thought not. eat a dick bitch.
aircraft carrier?? wtf. youre an idiot.
here the problem you will be facing with hermaphodite plants...one part of your plant will be in production for the thc that will be created for for the bud that is being produced...all that will stop when a pollen sack that has developed ripens enough to burst sending pollen all over ALL the plats in the vacinity...all the buds forming (even undeveloped buds) will now switch into seed production also passing on the traits of the hermaphodicallic qualities if you choose to use the seeds. There are several species that are hermaphodite but I cannot recommend you using them... If you are intentionally trying to grow for more seed stock there are other ways that are more satisfying..good luck!