First grow white widow

Brick Top

New Member
No you make sense. I'm thinking your WW will most likely have wider leaves than thin. Never grew WW though just me 2 cents..
None will be all that thin but among the roughly 30 different "White Widow" knockoffs you will see some distinct variance from one to another.

Here is the original "White Widow" that was renamed Black Widow.

Here is Seedsman Seeds "White Widow" knockoff

That will give you some idea of how the knockoffs can vary from the original.


Well-Known Member
well i dont know if its a knockoff, but its from amsterdam so i dont think they'll fuck me over. either way, im not worrying about the strain too much nowadays, im just tryna make my own buds :)


Well-Known Member
thats weird as hell :S im gonna try to grow it in the mini-pot just for fun and to compare it to the bigger :P
see the difference ya kno-ow
Ya try it out. I'm actually doing the same in a 16oz beer pong cup. Unknown Bag seed in case it just doesn't work out.


Well-Known Member
Cool :) ima let the little one just tag along then :P maybe it will turn out better than the big. who knows
good luck btw


Well-Known Member
Thanks you too... You should run threw that thread and see how diff people maintained there girls in the small cup so you can get an idea of what your up against lol.

I seen this thread about maintaining a mother....the dude would pull the plant from the pot,shave some of the roots off so theres more space in the pot for new soil, put some grade A soil in and place plant back into pot. Like a re-plant rather than a transplant lol. Maybe I'll try this with mine and keep ya updated.

Brick Top

New Member
shave roots off? that sound reeeeal messed up in my mind :S
but let me know if it works!
You can shave roots but if you do you should also remove some foliage so there isn't an imbalance and not enough roots to handle the above ground growth. It's not totally about room for fresh soil but also so the roots will head off into the new soil and not end up with such tangled or root-bound roots. If your root-ball is tightly packed even if you put it into a very large pot it would take a good while before the roots used the additional soil. Once tightly wound the roots will continue to grow like that for some time even in fresh soil and with more soil.

If you want to up-pot, go to a larger pot, all you would need to do is score the bottom and sides of the root-ball making shallow cuts into the roots so they then push out into the additional soil.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1308308View attachment 1308309View attachment 1308310

so ive stopped watering on request. its been 3 days and no improvements. the young one is the healthier one i think.
whatcha say?
The They both look great Stink! Growing rapidly as well! Depending on how much space you have I would flower soon. The plants will shoot up atleast a foot or more most likley more. Some strains triple in size when lights switched to 12/12.

How much longer you want to veg for?


Well-Known Member
The They both look great Stink! Growing rapidly as well! Depending on how much space you have I would flower soon. The plants will shoot up atleast a foot or more most likley more. Some strains triple in size when lights switched to 12/12.

How much longer you want to veg for?
actually i wanna flower it ASAP but its only about half a foot tall. that enough?


Well-Known Member
You can put on 12/12 as soon as the seed starts...I would never do this but some do that just don't got the space.

How much space you got to work with in the room height wise??


Well-Known Member
i say about 5 feet. but i aint got the strongest lighting so a plant on the shorter side may be a good alternative


Well-Known Member
i say about 5 feet. but i aint got the strongest lighting so a plant on the shorter side may be a good alternative
Yep your ever look into LST, FIM or topping? These are technigues to keep your plant small but still bushy as possible!

Low Stress Training (LST)
Hardroc's How To LST

LST is Low Stress Training
It's when you bend the main stalk over at a 45-90 degree angle ( I use 90) to make the auxin's of your plant go to all the side branches instead of the "top".
Which makes all your side branching turn into a bunch of "tops".
This has very little stress on the plant, and can GREATLY increase your yeild, as you get more smaller tops than the "regular" 1 big top cola.
You can also add fimming or topping technique to increase even more of your yeild.
If you don't have much vertical room, then LST is the best way to maximize your yeild with hight restrictions.
For example, pc cases, small grow boxes or even outdoor plants.
If you LST outside then your plants will be harder to detect, because they'll look like bushes instead of pot plants, and your plants will love you for all the extra sunlight that'll be penetrating the lower and middle branches.

Now, that you got the descripton of what it's about now, let me tell/show you how to do this........

1st thing you want to do is make an anchor tie around the bottem of your stalk, to prevent your plant from uprooting when you bend her over.
I just use string, I poke a hole in the pot and feed it through and loop it around the bottem of the stalk, bring it back to the pot and tie it.

Now that you have the anchor tie, tied, gentley bend your plant over as far as it will let you (the opposite way you tied your anchor tie) without snapping, then tie it down that way to the pot.
You might not be able to bring her down to a full 90 degrees at 1st but just wait a day or so and see if you can bend it more, and re-tie.
Quick tip....your plants are much more easier to bend without breaking just before watering, if just watered, then they'll be more rigid and more seceptible to breakage.

I like to incorperate topping & sometimes fimming

I now like to top on top of the 4th node, which gives you 8 tops to lst into a nice even canopy.
I choose the 4th node because I like to have 6 main shoots and take the smallest 2 and make clones.
Topping is also usefull in LST because it gives the lower shoots time to catch up to the top ones, which helps in a nice even canopy, that gets all equal light to all the tops.

The next step is easy but sometimes time consuming, but is my fav part of lst, is the shaping of your plants.
With LST you can pretty much shape your plants any way you want them to grow. It's almost like art lol.
All you do is poke holes in your pot (or use weights, paper clips, twist ties or even coat hangers) and tie the branches the way you want your plant to grow.
As the plants grow you will have to re-adjust the ties.
I keep the ties on the plant until the plant is hardened (stays in place) or on the 3rd week of flower (after the strech stage)

I'll throw in some pix of the anchor tie and some nice even canopy's that were LST'd

I hope this answers some questions on how to Lst.
Anymore questions feel free to ask.

Keep it green everyone


Some pics for ya of some LST'd plants ---

A pic of a plant I LST'd at first transplant a while back, Master Kush.

FIMMING and nothing but it. A HOW TO guide.

By FuzzyBuds

FIMMING your plant have a few different effects to help u out, but first a look into how TO FIM. Fimming is a slightly modified version of TOPPING, instead of leaving u with 2 colas from the area cut, it gives u 3-4.

heres a CHEESE plant i decided to FIM...

Here she is in her VEG stage and i decied to FIM...

as u can see, instead of a direct chop across the middle of the stem ur only taking the top 1/4 of an inch. heres another pik...

that last pik was of a YUM-boldt plant i FIMMED in flowering to create 3-4 headed colas, ill post morepiks of that tommorow at lights on, they are looking interesting.

but the 1st plant i was showing was FIMed in VEG and after some healing and wat not she recovered to look somehting like this.....

As u can tell after i 12-12'd her the canopy REALLY evened out from the fimming. it helps to create a more open canopy and more colas per plant over all. u can also do this in flowering to achieve a more beautiful effect to ur buds (not really a harvest power up in flowering tho)

see the 4 main tops to it.



Love Uncle Ben! >>


Well-Known Member
yeah i will absolutely try all these tech's out next time i grow.
i gotta get my shit together first. get better lights, install vents and so on and so on


Well-Known Member
If ya don't want to train these guys I would start 12/12 asap!

As for the venting I would just get a fan in there and that should be good enough or better than nothing. Serious vent systems are mainly to keep temps down and smell which you shouldn't have a problem with at the moment.

As for your lighting...I think your flower time is just gona be a little longer than lets say a 400w HPS light would be.


Well-Known Member
yeah i just put them to sleep. first bloom day today ;). so exciting! and its a monday too, so i remember when i switched :P
im still worried about the smell. they dont smell now, but when they do, i really really reaaaaally hope the stank dont make its way out the front door =O
then im fucked. police will beat my ass down and fuck me in court.