First grow white widow


Well-Known Member
Hellow evvelybowdy!

im growing my very first plant and i wanna hear opinions!
good, bad, pointers, advice or just straight up bullshit opinions!

i have allready buried my first baby :sad:, and i dont wanna through that again!
so im trying to keep my two Widows alive until bloom atleast haha.

im growing in my skinny ass closet with very low standards ( im not toooo serious about these first plant, i just dont want them to die)
im only using a pair of 20 W know thw proper word in english, but they consume 20 W but produces 100 W lighting if that makes any sense. plus one 18 W ( 85 W) and a tablefan. thats it...thats all equipment ive got. silly i know, but it works a little below BAD at this piont anyways haha.

this is "Ikaros" (dudes name, i know) she about 3 days old . i dont know if shes stretching or what .

"Ikaros" to the right, and my late baby "Baglady". te one to the left grew upside down so i tried to help her, but she died :sad:

"Ikaros" again. 5 days old. soon you will see why she got the name.

"Ikaros" at um...dont know... 14 days? as you can see she leaned into one of them lights and burned herself (either that, or she responded bad to the minimal nutrients i gave her) not sure. and her stem is still very weak. ive had big problems with the stem issue...she leans , she falls, she bends and all of that. so i tried a support beam. it works but its not a permanent option. so i buried som of the stem in more soil and added a fan :smile:

Here she is again in an different angle, next to a standard lighter. i dont know if you can zoom in or sumtin, but if you can, look at the stem and comment. i think the stem will be her death if i dont see any improvements soon...

thats all for know, i'll be updating if i get some response from any of you ( and if she still lives) plus i'll be uploading some pics of my newest member "Madelene" she so cute :smile:


Active Member
looking good, dont feed until you have at least 5 sets of decent leaves, then take it easy with the nutes, start at 20% recommended dose, they will soon shoot up, mine have gone mad!



Well-Known Member
yeah im kinda scared of feeding them after my incident :(
wow you got a million plants up in there! they must STANK =O btw, you have any experience with white widow? i wanna know if theyre the smelly kind :P


Active Member
they are widow in the pic, starting to humm now, running my small can at the moment, taking out this weekend and rigging up my beastie can and fan. 6 plants there, started as a scrog, trained them for 4 weeks then got impatient and took the screen out, maybe a mistake, we'll see;) the front left plant has 8 colas forming, dont know wether thats good or bad?


Well-Known Member
whoa thats bad news for me...the stank i meen. i dont mind the apartment smellin, but if the smell reaches out my front door out in the building, i will get nervous =O oh well.
when is the smell the strongest? during bloom or when i hang em to dry before harvest?


Well-Known Member
so they widows? my widows have more wide leafs than come? is the lighting messing with me again?
have you grown widow before? if so, how much yield did you get out of em?


Well-Known Member
but thats not an issue for me if its only INSIDE my crib. i dont what that stank leaking out.
do you have some kind of vents and carbonfilters?


Well-Known Member
Indica=wide leaves Sativa=Thin Leaves.....Humidity in a room can also change leaf structure. There are also Sativa/Indica Hybrids.

I would also say for me the stink was the worst when ya harvest.
The plants in the pics you saw were Lowryder and one bagseed. I've got Widows and Northern Lights going now and they are dank bro. Smell isn't really a concern of mine where I own my own house, but all I do is have a fan circulating the air around the plants. You could put a high-RPM PC fan over your plants and have it blow through some dryer hose and vent it through the window if you want a low-cost fix.


Well-Known Member
i think the widow is an hybrid . not sure though. the plants like it dry huh? i havent read so much about pH and climate yet. maybe i should start pronto


Well-Known Member
aint northern lights suppose to be the least smelly ones? i got a regular fan for humans . you know the ones that turnes from side to side. i set it to "low" and later on when the start to stink, i thought i could just crack open a window and be on my way . guess not


Well-Known Member
Ya research is KEY and White Widow was developed by crossing an Indian indica strain with a brazilian sativa strain,giving it a 60%sativa 40%indica ratio.


Well-Known Member
im aware of this, but since i aint got my gear, i figured i collect info about the things a can change until i get my pH meter . then i can start worrying.
about the strain, if thin leafs is sativa and wide ones are indica and widow is an mix of both, does that meen the leafs can look either way? i meen that i can have one plant with wide and one plant with thin leafs? sorry if i dont make any sense, english is not my main language


Well-Known Member
No you make sense. I'm thinking your WW will most likely have wider leaves than thin. Never grew WW though just me 2 cents..