Well-Known Member
what is the humidity at the moment?
hey buddy
its between 20-30%, the problem is my setup, fan an extract is on a loop so to keep temp down my extracts on full suckin fresh air in so the humidity in the air gets sucked strite out soon as i open the door it starts slowly rising but i cant keep my door open for secrurety reasons, ive jus put a bucket in there with a wet towel hangin out an got another fan in there blowin strite on it so hopefully that will creep it up to like 30-40% an that will have to do. the other option is a humidifier checked them out can get 1 for £30 which has got a runnin time off 18hour but i dont want to waste money if its not goin to work an its just goin to get sucked strite out.
the humidity at night is around 35% when the fan slows an is only suckin a small amount of air out.
cheers pal