The Heavy Frutie Duty, The Nuken And JTR


Well-Known Member
MMMMMMmmmmmm looking very nice, like the frostiness- one of my PC's is looking nice and frost already so cant wait to get further on in grow. Your Pics made me smile lol- 'Ebay Pics' lol if only there was a sub heading 'Weed' - would make life alot easier lol :)
LOL...Funny Agent..yes buy this clone for 80 quid..LOL


Well-Known Member
OK took some pic of a today... buddy bred this mother says it WW and Jack herer..


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Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Sheet Hem so this is where your hangin! Should have told me and I would noot of have to have stumbled upon it. With a name like Hemlock, I figured ya lived in my neck a the woods. Ha ha noop. Polar opposites! You got a lot going on Hem I like your style Ill read through your thread. And I hear ya on about being low on funds,,, holy fuckaronis. Got rid of all that hash I made cause I needed the dough and this months harvest with the single colas is going to be another light harvest, thats 3 months in a row with the numbers down. Ha ha oi fookin vay

Catch ya later bro

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
sweeet baby hey zues!!! :shock: hats some trunk! i was a ittle overwhelmed by that!?! nice scrog too. i so badly wish we could grow outdoor on this bloody frozen island


Well-Known Member
Thanks ya'll,,,HC my numbers have been down as well. But I'm comin back....

Thanks for all the kind words. You guys and gals are fun to hang out with!!!!


Well-Known Member
Sheet Hem so this is where your hangin! Should have told me and I would noot of have to have stumbled upon it. With a name like Hemlock, I figured ya lived in my neck a the woods. Ha ha noop. Polar opposites! You got a lot going on Hem I like your style Ill read through your thread. And I hear ya on about being low on funds,,, holy fuckaronis. Got rid of all that hash I made cause I needed the dough and this months harvest with the single colas is going to be another light harvest, thats 3 months in a row with the numbers down. Ha ha oi fookin vay

Catch ya later bro
Nothing worse in this business than a light harvest. In this ecomny its tuff anyway.
Thanks for stoppin by HC

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Citrus farmers will be worrying about there trees. I've spent plenty of time in your neck of the woods brother...I dont like the heat, like the cold and the change of seasons here... thinking I would be happy in Alaska too if they were not the laughing stock because of that McCain created monster of an ex gov they have lol


Well-Known Member
Citrus farmers will be worrying about there trees. I've spent plenty of time in your neck of the woods brother...I dont like the heat, like the cold and the change of seasons here... thinking I would be happy in Alaska too if they were not the laughing stock because of that McCain created monster of an ex gov they have lol
I'm with ya my man,,we all have our oppinions,,,I can't do the cold. Man when I was in the Corps we did a reenactment of the D Day invasion on Normandy. For 3 months leading up to it we train in Jan. at Ft Mcoy in madison Wis..55 below zero...FUCK THE COLD i ain't doin it no gets below 50 LOL, I'm indoors

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Mornin brother. Got the makings of a little blizzard going on up here. Its like gold for the ski areas lol. Slow time of year for me with my legit business, haven't worked in a month and nothing lined up for the near future. Oh well thats the nature of this beast :) Have a good day man!


Well-Known Member
You have a harvest coming up this week? How often do harvest??
As often as possible..LOL..Don't we all. I try to set me shit up so that I harvest every 10days to 2 weeks..but as u know in this business thats tuff to pull off.
I got a bunch of open tables right now so I'm clonin my ass off. Started soakin my clones about a year ago, for 24 hours before I put them in a cube and a dome. Been workin really good gettin roots in about 7 days as an average. 10 days if I use a rockwell cube.