The Heavy Frutie Duty, The Nuken And JTR

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
well i did wonder but if its an 8 inch fitting and an 8 inch fan surely theyre designed for each other? man i dunno my heads done with fans nd filters. im gonna toke up big n worry no more!

bubblegum and cherry cheese popcorn spliffy>>>>>>>>:joint:


Well-Known Member
well i did wonder but if its an 8 inch fitting and an 8 inch fan surely theyre designed for each other? man i dunno my heads done with fans nd filters. im gonna toke up big n worry no more!

bubblegum and cherry cheese popcorn spliffy>>>>>>>>:joint:
That sounds really good cheery cheese,,,Think i'm gonna have a little NuKen Hash this AM


Well-Known Member
Mothers Update front to back Sensi Star, Rocklock, and G-13 Pineapple express.
The bud is some NuKen I just took down looks like about 2.5-3 z's..



Well-Known Member
Looking good Hemlock, you doing these outside or are they just enjoying a bit of fresh air?

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
MMMMMMmmmmmm looking very nice, like the frostiness- one of my PC's is looking nice and frost already so cant wait to get further on in grow. Your Pics made me smile lol- 'Ebay Pics' lol if only there was a sub heading 'Weed' - would make life alot easier lol :)