fem blue mystic

just an update i added chicken wire to my box to keep the plants lower im not to sure on how this works but im thinking i just let the plant grow into the wire therefore keeping the main part of the plant lower if im mistaking can someone correct me also about topping my plant ive decided that its not going to happen just because i see it as a wast of time but thanks for the uncle ben technique maybe ill try that on the next grow ill have new pictures in the upcoming days thanks for the responses and help

It's not a wasre of time. You would increase your yield dramatically. But, if you can figure out how to scrog, you might do ok. Since you are already flowering, it might be a bit late.
Picture update?

I'm growing a mystic from Nirvana right now, It's vegged for 60 days and been topped and cropped. It's also been uprooted, dried out completely while uprooted smashed with heavy branches from a tree, forgotten for a week like this and resurrected along with my two other kids (check my name to find my second grow). after 60 days of veg, all that hell I mentioned and then 4 weeks in flower it's close to 20 inches tall and it's scraggly as all get out. it's also a CFL grow in a rubbermaid growbox.

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sorry about the wait i was busy and didnt feel like taking pictures but im back and got my camera. this is day 10 of flowering and i spotted the first white hairs its the first/second picture, but it is getting bigger not to much in height but more in width. i took out the chicken wire because it was not working just smushing the top of my plant. im giving it nutes every second watering. some of the leaves at the bottom are half dead, should i cut them off or just leave them? tell me what you think about my plant do you notice anything odd inform me...


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tell me more my first grow i burnt my plant to a crisp, spoiled all the goods at week 8 of flowering. how often should i feed it?
tell me more my first grow i burnt my plant to a crisp, spoiled all the goods at week 8 of flowering. how often should i feed it?

It's always best to underfeed than overfeed. By the looks of things, I think you should repot in a bigger container...and in some good soil. Then just let it rock and roll. As long as your plant is looking good and doing well, why muck about?
If your measuring from the directions try only using 3/4 to 1/2of it. If it works keep it there.
Remember, you can't reverse nute burn. The damage is permanent. But, your plant will recover its vigor if you give it a chance. If the burnt leaves start looking worse, I'd remove them, but if they just stay as they are, they are still performing (except for the worst ones)...just to a lesser extent. Kpac suggests 3/4 to 1/2, I'd go with 1/2 to 1/4. You won't need anything for awhile if you repot in good soil. And, if you don't, you're playing with fire with your feeding schedule.

Since your plant is beginning to flower, you should be extremely careful giving it anything. Molasses and seaweed are safe considerations. And maybe a touch of Epsom salts. But not NOW.
well im on a budget and cant afford good nutes so im using slow release nutes so what i do is put about half a hand full in the bottle i use for watering twist the cap on and shake until there all dissolved it says put a cup per gallon of soil so im not to sure how to measure that. also my plant looks a little funny on the top because for the last week there was chicken wire in my box pushing down on the plant i took it out because its to late for it now
Remember, you can't reverse nute burn. The damage is permanent. But, your plant will recover its vigor if you give it a chance. If the burnt leaves start looking worse, I'd remove them, but if they just stay as they are, they are still performing (except for the worst ones)...just to a lesser extent. Kpac suggests 3/4 to 1/2, I'd go with 1/2 to 1/4. You won't need anything for awhile if you repot in good soil. And, if you don't, you're playing with fire with your feeding schedule.

Since your plant is beginning to flower, you should be extremely careful giving it anything. Molasses and seaweed are safe considerations. And maybe a touch of Epsom salts. But not NOW.
the only other pot i have is about a gallon and a half bigger, is it really worth the stress? also what can happen if i leave it in the pot its in? also about the molassers and epson salt will ordinary molasses work and how much of each should i use while watering?
the only other pot i have is about a gallon and a half bigger, is it really worth the stress? also what can happen if i leave it in the pot its in? also about the molassers and epson salt will ordinary molasses work and how much of each should i use while watering?

You won't stress the plant if you repot carefully. Your plant will be much better off.

You can use grocery store molasses, just make sure it is unsulfered. Put a teaspoon or so in 1/2 to 1 gal. of water, I forget the recommended dosage, but this is about what I use. Epsom salts is magnesium, you might want to read the sticky posts on plant nutrition before you use it. Remember, less is more. I just put a small amount in my molasses water concoction, about a 1/2 tsp. I also use seaweed and disolve a couple of alfalfa pills in my mix. My plants love this stuff, and I use very little fertilizer, with good results.

Of course, some strains of mj demand more intensive feeding...but that is another kettle of fish. Your plant is begging you to hold off the nutes.

edit: Molasses feeds the soil by stimulating microbes which help the plant take up what it needs, promotes chelation, etc. But you can use other sugar syrups to do basically the same. Molasses is best though.

If you are using tap water, make sure you let it sit for a a day to let the chlorine evaporate. Water with just water at least every other time.
thanks that was very informative i heard about the molasses trick but never got any details ill try that and when you say seaweed do you mean from like the ocean?
thanks that was very informative i heard about the molasses trick but never got any details ill try that and when you say seaweed do you mean from like the ocean?

Yes, many plant products contain seaweed. You can buy a small bottle of seaweed concentrate just about anywhere. It is great for foliar feeding.
the days are long but the nights are longer my plant dont grow when i stare at her. her buds wont show because she knows im a monster and all i want is to get up in her. i want to rip her arms off then her legs then get in the cracks and corners and snatch whats mine because i dont beg. once i have every last popcorn and monster bud i will hang her by her feet till i can snap her legs like i mean it. once she is paralyzed in her bed with nothing left to give but some head i will put her in a jar and let her rest till the day she is ready and looking her best. now that she is looking like a queen with out a fear i must show her what hell looks like, for her hell is my bong or my pipe and when i feel chill there is a philly ,when im in a hurry it's my papers. now that you know my master plan why dont you fuck off and give me a hand.......
the days are long but the nights are longer my plant dont grow when i stare at her. her buds wont show because she knows im a monster and all i want is to get up in her. i want to rip her arms off then her legs then get in the cracks and corners and snatch whats mine because i dont beg. once i have every last popcorn and monster bud i will hang her by her feet till i can snap her legs like i mean it. once she is paralyzed in her bed with nothing left to give but some head i will put her in a jar and let her rest till the day she is ready and looking her best. now that she is looking like a queen with out a fear i must show her what hell looks like, for her hell is my bong or my pipe and when i feel chill there is a philly ,when im in a hurry it's my papers. now that you know my master plan why dont you fuck off and give me a hand.......

You've got more problems than I realized.