fem blue mystic


Well-Known Member
You should've tied her down, or topped her long ago.

You are going to be in big trouble when she stretches. You need more vertical room.


Active Member
there is no room for another fan but the circulation is very good, the whole plant moves with the door closed and the temperature is reasonable considering how close the light is. do you think if i supercrop the main branch it will break/die maybe its to thick, and will it mess up the main cola?


Well-Known Member
You're asking an impossible question. I can't give you a very informed opinion. But if you do nothing, your main cola is going to burn up in the light, anyway. I'd definitely do something.

I'd probably stake it, and slowly bend it down, over time.

I think maybe you can still supercrop it, but I'm not the one to ask.


Well-Known Member
Remember, whatever happens if you do try to supercrop it, the secondary colas will bulk-up.


Active Member
i think that that is what im going to do, ill have pictures of my work in a few days... i hope everything goes ok. do you know how i can put this thread as my signature?


Well-Known Member
Looking good....I've got a seedling of Royal Queen Blue Mystic and looking forward to watching her grow


Well-Known Member
Sigs for Dummies

i tried this but im not sure how to put this thread as my sig any idea
You know how to post links? Just post the url with the sig editor. You can type in whatever you want, and then link to it.

(To post a link, highlight your text -ie "My Grow"- click the Globe symbol with the chain link, enter your url.)