1st Grow (Bagseeds/DinaFem AutoFlowering Haze)

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Well-Known Member
An honor to have you along with my lil grow....was supposed to be expanding my lil op but alas hired help that doesn't show combined with below freezing temps has suspended construction. So soon I will ramp up my lil op where it is so should be an interesting ride.:bigjoint:

As you do hydro I on the other hand like the soil. Power here due to high winds and elevation over 6500 ft pretty much rules out hydro for me. Plus I rather like the buffering and ease of recovery soil or actually soiless offers.

Look forward to seeing you there as well as further sharing knowledge and discovery.

BKB things looking up?

Yesssss, all the leaves are looking up...LOL Tell me what you think of MD new growth coming in.
My Giants won today!!! Giants all the way baby!!!!


New Member
Here you go as requested Mentor and It looks nice! Wow I am excited about the recovery of my girl MD:-P!

Last 2 pics are of Pat and Baby Lou, can I trim off those dried up fan leaves on Baby Lou?

I see green....Hell yeah ...congrats....if the fan will come off with ease if ready...if it doesn't come off with a slight tug then leave it....IMHHO

Congrats on the turn around:clap:



Well-Known Member
Hahaha, fun night with BKB, what better way to start than:

(BKB knocks on door after being lost for half hour)
bajafox: Dude, you can't possibly be that high!?
BKB: I totally am bro!

No denial! :leaf:

Hahahaha, great having you over yet again BKB :weed:


Well-Known Member
Hahaha, fun night with BKB, what better way to start than:

(BKB knocks on door after being lost for half hour)
bajafox: Dude, you can't possibly be that high!?
BKB: I totally am bro!

No denial! :leaf:

Hahahaha, great having you over yet again BKB :weed:
Yeah it was a great night my man.....Just next time remind me not to eat a Marijuana Cookie and Rice Crispy treat prior to coming over....I really got lost a few times. By the time I found your front door I was completely stoned off my ass. Thats whats awesome about being around good peeps when you can be totally comfy with being high as a kite! I had a blast even though I lost $10 on the damn Chargers. They did whip that ass against Indy...Oh well.

For sure had a blast and thanks for showing me how to Super Crop a plant!!!!



Well-Known Member
Yeah it was a great night my man.....Just next time remind me not to eat a Marijuana Cookie and Rice Crispy treat prior to coming over....I really got lost a few times. By the time I found your front door I was completely stoned off my ass. Thats whats awesome about being around good peeps when you can be totally comfy with being high as a kite! I had a blast even though I lost $10 on the damn Chargers. They did whip that ass against Indy...Oh well.

For sure had a blast and thanks for showing me how to Super Crop a plant!!!!

You're welcomed to come over and get high any time man :D

BTW, super cropping really is just trial and error, all I did was show you the one's that worked and the one's that snapped (:() but just like anything else, it'll take practice


Well-Known Member
You're welcomed to come over and get high any time man :D

BTW, super cropping really is just trial and error, all I did was show you the one's that worked and the one's that snapped (:() but just like anything else, it'll take practice
Yes and Thanks a bunch for the live lesson on Super Cropping. I am for sure going to give it a shot with the G13 you gave me. once it start to stretch from LST that when I am going to SC the plant.

I had a blast over your house except for all the damn Charger shit talking....You charger fans are really blind if you think Rivers is going to the Superbowl...HE CANT WIN THE BIG GAME!!!! LOL


Well-Known Member
Since the weather is changing so quickly and temps outside are dropping fast. Outside Temp in the 50's is pretty cold for Cali especially Southern. I been monitoring my temps these last 3 days, just to see whats going on with my plants in this cooler weather.

Its currently 1pm afternoon, My tent is only 68F and 38%rH. Is that going to be a problem for me soon? Do I need to get a heater in my bedroom to keep the outside tent warmer? My window is cracked open and thats because I vent the air out of my tent through the window.

At night my temps have hit 55F inside my tent, will I have a problem with those kind of Temps in the near future?


New Member
Since the weather is changing so quickly and temps outside are dropping fast. Outside Temp in the 50's is pretty cold for Cali especially Southern. I been monitoring my temps these last 3 days, just to see whats going on with my plants in this cooler weather.

Its currently 1pm afternoon, My tent is only 68F and 38%rH. Is that going to be a problem for me soon? Do I need to get a heater in my bedroom to keep the outside tent warmer? My window is cracked open and thats because I vent the air out of my tent through the window.

At night my temps have hit 55F inside my tent, will I have a problem with those kind of Temps in the near future?
Lights off 60-70 F:lights on without co2 enrichment 78 F is optimal

Try to hold to that throughout and if you desire you can lower temps below 60 to around 50F the last week of flowering if purpling is attractive to you

During veg 50 % rh is good ...during flower lower rh is desired for 2 reasons....more triches and better resistance to molds and/or rot .... 20% is what I shoot for

What I have found is ALL ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS AT OPTIMUM IS KEY nutes, air circulation, rh, temps, lights, co2, oxygen ...the entire picture is the great secret

Always pay attention to your foliage, in others words the leaves....keep the leaves green healthy and plentiful...you know why... Foliage, or leaves, build bud!! :clap: Not nutes....leaves!! :twisted:

Hope it helps



Active Member
Hey bro I wouldn't worry about the temperature differences if the fluctuation is less than 15 degrees (Fahrenheit) between 'night' and 'day' in your tent. If it starts getting too cold all around, I'd just let the tent intake and exhaust into the room - they'll get more than enough fresh CO2 from you being around and you'll get clean oxygenated air from them in exchange.

And about the leaf thing Illumination just mentioned... I was just reading the reason a plant keeps a leaf or makes it fall off all comes down to one thing (and it's not photosynthesis capability): leaves produce auxin for the plant as a whole. And as soon as any one leaf stops producing auxin for the plant, the plant forms an abscission layer through the vascular tissue feeding the leaf and literally cuts it off from the plant.

So even if you see a gnarly, ugly-looking leaf... if it doesn't come off with a bump or a very light tug: it's still producing auxin and helping the plant as a whole grow. Granted a single leaf doesn't mean much during the vegetative growth stage. But during the flowering stage leaves become a precious commodity - as the plant is just no longer putting much energy to growing new ones to replace any losses... and I don't know about you but I want as much auxin flowing from the leaves to the budsites as possible. lol


New Member
Hey bro I wouldn't worry about the temperature differences if the fluctuation is less than 15 degrees (Fahrenheit) between 'night' and 'day' in your tent. If it starts getting too cold all around, I'd just let the tent intake and exhaust into the room - they'll get more than enough fresh CO2 from you being around and you'll get clean oxygenated air from them in exchange.

And about the leaf thing Illumination just mentioned... I was just reading the reason a plant keeps a leaf or makes it fall off all comes down to one thing (and it's not photosynthesis capability): leaves produce auxin for the plant as a whole. And as soon as any one leaf stops producing auxin for the plant, the plant forms an abscission layer through the vascular tissue feeding the leaf and literally cuts it off from the plant.

So even if you see a gnarly, ugly-looking leaf... if it doesn't come off with a bump or a very light tug: it's still producing auxin and helping the plant as a whole grow. Granted a single leaf doesn't mean much during the vegetative growth stage. But during the flowering stage leaves become a precious commodity - as the plant is just no longer putting much energy to growing new ones to replace any losses... and I don't know about you but I want as much auxin flowing from the leaves to the budsites as possible. lol

Thank you for the enlightenment...knew what they do but not why and that makes perfect sense...And HELL YEAH!! AUXINS R DA SHIT!!



Active Member
There's a cool little experiment you can do if you have any cloning powder: Cut the leaf blades off of a fan leaf... but leave the petiole attached. Do the same thing to the fan leaf blades on the opposing side of the branch. Go back to the first side, cover/treat the cut end of the petiole in cloning powder. As long as you keep a little cloning powder on the cut area, the plant won't ever form an abscission layer to remove the petiole (a small amount of auxin from the cloning powder will be absorbed into the petiole and still travel down to the branch as if there were still leaves producing it). But on the untreated side, the plant will quickly form an abscission layer and the petiole will fall off with the slightest nudge relatively quickly.

Just thought it was cool. lol Sorry to go off-topic in your thread BKB.


Well-Known Member
There's a cool little experiment you can do if you have any cloning powder: Cut the leaf blades off of a fan leaf... but leave the petiole attached. Do the same thing to the fan leaf blades on the opposing side of the branch. Go back to the first side, cover/treat the cut end of the petiole in cloning powder. As long as you keep a little cloning powder on the cut area, the plant won't ever form an abscission layer to remove the petiole (a small amount of auxin from the cloning powder will be absorbed into the petiole and still travel down to the branch as if there were still leaves producing it). But on the untreated side, the plant will quickly form an abscission layer and the petiole will fall off with the slightest nudge relatively quickly.

Just thought it was cool. lol Sorry to go off-topic in your thread BKB.
No dont stop please....i am fucking learning....shit this is interesting and very informative. I welcome all and everything in my journal shit I dont care if you want to post pics of your plants or anything. I enjoy it all dont stop. I am sure there are many people reading this and learning, thats what its all about.

BKB (I am taking notes)


Well-Known Member
Well 30 days are done so far I am very patient and in no rush. Actually the first 30 days of flowering went by fast then I expected. Especially looking at my plants every single day. I could never get bored of looking at them. Its a real good stress reliever after work!!!

Well here are pics of MamaDude's top. Please look and see that the tips look alittle fried is that ok or what? I mean the last feed she had was on Nov 26 so is this a sign of lockout coming or alittle Nute burn? Help

Pics Baby Lou and Pat drooping they were fed yesterday.

Pic Dee Dee(G13)** MENTAL NOTE** Dont put the light that close to the plant cuz I burnt some of the leaves. Other than that she is definately looking like the Nutes were accepted by her and she is really starting to grow upwards. Any people who have LST before please comment and let me know if I am doing it correctly. Any suggestions about my LST I want to LST this baby and when it gets a little bigger start Super Crop it. I am going to really veg her for about another month and a half. Looking for some advice on that.

Feel free and comment on anything. Just alittle nervous about MD now again.




New Member
let her be for now...how light has her pot gotten? MD that is

when you feed her next when the pot is light enough to do the rain feed, use 1/3 dosage GB 1/2 Dosage TB and 4 tablespoons BB


ps-are md's tops really close to the light? As is unusual but does occur that burn shows on the top leaves...may be from heat light too close?
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