home.grower 1.2kW indoor cheddar log.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for dropping in pccdrom. Good luck with your cheese, would be nice to see how different soil and hydro compare. I wanted to do it with my home brew system but grow room politics disabled me from accomplishing that.

Today then, Day 27 I do believe, I'll state the measurements for once (taking a leaf out of pccdrom's book);

Bucket / Reservoir in the following order:

6.5L aerated water
12.5ml F1 - Fulvic
25ml H2 - Humic
5ml Carboload
25ml Big Bud
20ml Mother Earth Bloom
**5ml B52** edited
4.5ml Sensi A / Sensi B (added in 2.5 then 1ml increments)

EC 1.9 (pushing the limits today) pH was 7 after all that so i brought it down to 6.25. They had 1L each, or just over.

Today I amputated more leaves. I'm finding spidermite problematic. I took of a few yellow fans that were shading lower bud sites. I took off a few spidermite colonised leaves. Luckily, they are quite bushy in comparison to my previous cheese attempts, so hacking off a leaf or two has no left the plants looking naked. To the most extent I tried to just amputate leaves that were posing more than one problem, be it; yellowing, mites and/or blocking light from lower bud sites.

I mixed up 2L of 'Pest Off'. I'm trying a different product. Failing this I will be off to by some Cyanide from the hydro shop. They have this stuff with no label on it that has to be applied without inhaling it. Inhaling causes respiratory problems, but it does kill all pests. It isn't on the shelf lol. You have to ask. It's good shit but toxic. Any way, I will be spraying these in a couple hours or so with the pest off solution with the hope that it eradicates my mite problem.

Besides that, they smell great, and the frost is forming on them a treat. Moving them around for watering is a stick and smelly job... fucking great! They seem to be growing pretty quick. I'll take some more pix when I spot some calyx dev goin on.
lol. u takin a leaf outta my book. lol
i aint been stating the dosages im feeding my ladies. u got any room for a wardrobe, 7ft high 3ft wide? hahahaha
u and these bloody mites, im fed up of hearing abt em, kill em by some super killer bug killer shyt (say it fast) kill everything hahahaha
plants are nice, r urs very flimsy? very nice grow.


Well-Known Member
yes pccdrom, the stems and branches are skinny compared to my previous cheeses. The last cheese grow were in bigger pots and had very strong branches, but these are needing support. It could be due to what part of the mothers i took the clones from. I took them from the lowest branches, which usually grow quite weak without lst. This is a possibility or it could be the pots. ..yes, i'm about to update on the bug problem...


Well-Known Member
Seems I've forgotten 2 of the cheeses are 3 days behind. There are subtle differences in there appearances that denote the fact they didn't all do in at the same time.

All is good. I think I've already said that the yellowing is still occurring. Not so much as it was, but the increased feeding seems to be buying me time. Only one of the plants are showing minuscule signs of over fert from the 1.9EC given yesterday. They're all are quite green. I'll be easing off the food after this little push. I'll be commencing overdrive one day soon.

Today I've blasted them with pest off. I mixed 2L and assume i applied 1/3rd of a litre of the solution to each plant as thorough as i could be. while i was doin it I thought about having a pest control bath that I could dunk the plants in, maybe a future implementation?

They, really let off a stench today while spraying, twas very pungent.

as usual, larger images in gallery


Well-Known Member
Today, I'm a little confused as to what I should feed them. I was going to give them a flush with pH'd water before commencing overdrive for the last fortnight of bloom, but I think I won't be doing them any justice by skimping on food for a day.

I'm quite overwhelmed with the resin production so far. Not so much the quantity as the quality of the aroma. These ladies portray a very rich fragrance. The resin is very oily at the moment. I touched a frosted leaf and rubbed my fingers together and the stench was terrific. The consistency of what was on my fingers was quite oily, almost like cheap lubricant; but after some rubbing it got more sticky.

They are still yellowing gradually. Now that I'm into the final furlong I'm now not overly worried about the nitrogen problem, although I will bare this in mind come next phase.

I can see calyx development. Overdrive time!!

As I said, I dunno what to feed em! Since I'm goin to give up Big Bud any day now, I've decided to give them a snack:

15ml - F1 Fulvic
25ml - H2 Humic
7ml - Carboload
10ml - Sensi A / Sensi B
5ml - B52
EC1.5 / 6.20pH

Hopefully, this will suffice. Its looking bountiful.


Well-Known Member
Still going quite well. Probably looking at an average harvest..

Today I commence overdrive feeding regime.

12.5ml - F1 Fulvic
25ml - H2 Humic
5ml - Carboload
12.5ml - Overdrive
3.5ml - Sensi A / Sensi B

EC 1.6 and... errrr. the pH errr, hummm, shyt... i forgot to pH again.. may as well add an extra day before the next feed now.. pH was probably 7.0, I hope it was less, I'll know next time when it may have been. Damn!!

I see calyx development happening on all of them now so it won't be very long before I'm leeching the soil and readying these girls for the chop.

I've also taken some pix of a couple plants.



Well-Known Member
I tried updating yesterday, no joy for some reason...

I think I gave them

12.5ml - F1
25ml - H2
7ml - Carboload
12.5ml - Overdrive
10ml - Mother Earth Bloom
2.5ml - Sensi A / Sensi B

EC1.5 pH 6.25

All was well... can't remember what I wrote at the time. They are now showing signs of yellowing that should indicate the end of bloom. It is kinda different to the previous yellowing in a sense. This is definitely the autumn period for the plants. Calyx development is now prominent. Lots of resin. Very sticky when moving them around... Stinking loads... Not a single sign of a melenated pistil. Might be a late finisher due to veg time.. Was hoping for an early finish as my medication is now having to be sourced from foreign sources and their product is not a patch on my self reared medical kit...

I think they are about to explode. Their food consumption / fluid intake has increased. The pots seemed much dryer today than normal, not quite dry enough to water, but more than usual. I'll be feeding them them first thing and probably going to feed them a little more than normal.

My regime has been to only give the plants 1L each, which has kinda worked for the past several weeks / years. I'm very eager to see how well these ladies do.


Well-Known Member
As the plants enter week 5, things still look promising.

Still observing decaying leaves. I'm having to remove a few every other day when I water them. Buds are maturing at a gradual rate, nothing of exponential proportions as of yet.

Today's feeding consisted of

10L - Water this time instead of usual 6/7L
7ml - Barricade - Potassium Silicate
12.5ml - F1 - Fulvic
25ml - H2 - Humic
10ml - Carboload
12.5ml - Overdrive
5ml - Sensi A / Sensi B

EC1.5 pH 6.32

They were well watered today as I'm observing quite a lot of run off on each tray. I'm seeing new signs of spider mite, so I'll be giving them a blast with something, likely tomorrow, to try and control the problem before its too late.Looking good for week5!! I have no more upload space for images, go until I fix that situation they'll be no more pix.


Well-Known Member
I've taken pics of all 6 today to show how they are coming along. Since I've run out of gallery space I'm having to take this outside the box :( So here are some nice big ones. Best Viewed in



Well-Known Member
Today I've removed more decaying leaf matter and one or two leaves that looked as though spidermites were colonising on the underside. The calyces are developing nicely, still at a steady rate. I expect they will start packing on weight any day soon. I'm goin to start easing off the food slightly. I'll be giving them a little less amendments and more bloom food. Todays feeding is

9L water
5ml - B52
15ml - Overdrive
15ml - Carboload
c40ml - Mother Earth Bloom

EC1.6 pH 6.4 without pH down so I left it at that.

The EC is a little higher than I wanted to give them, but there is still plenty time and growth left in them. A few pistils are starting to change. I feel as though there are still a good 3 weeks left of development left in them. I'd much prefer if they finished early as their mothers did, but I can see this yield being well worth the wait.


Well-Known Member
very nice. imagine wot would of happened if yo had used bug bud longer. i like the frost hope to see it on mine soon. You need to eliminate the the mites.


Well-Known Member

15ml - Carboload
12.5ml - Overdrive
4.5ml - Sensi A / Sensi B

EC somehow reached 1.5 / pH 6.x


Took of numerous leaves because of decay and yellowing.

20ml - Carboload
15ml - Overdrive
10ml - Sensi A / Sensi B
5ml - B52

Calyx development coming on nice. Still stinking, literally moments away from flushing as pistils are now starting to change. Won't be long til the weigh in.


I think I'm looking at 8-12% pistil change. It's come on quite sudden. Some colas have started to swell up with nice calyces. Some branches, though not many, are now showing signs of not being able to hold the weight of the end buds. There hasn't been a need to remove and leaves today. I just so happened to feel the weight of four pots and somehow I must have forgot to water one yesterday so I've mixed a similar feed and given it to plant number 2. She didn't look like she was suffering drought, so I caught it just in time.

I removed a lot of leaf matter yesterday from all plants. This time not for decaying as much as bettering the light penetration to the lowest bus sites. As the plants come nearer to their harvest day, I'm less wooried about moving a lot of leaves. The first time I took this measure, on a previous cheese grow, it improved the density of the lowest buds. I'm hoping this time it will be the same result even though I've changed one or two variables.

I've removed a few calyxes from the nodes between internodes and put them straight into a joint and I'm looking forward to chopping them down...


Well-Known Member
very nice. imagine wot would of happened if yo had used bug bud longer. i like the frost hope to see it on mine soon. You need to eliminate the the mites.
I dunno what may have happened really, hoping I've done things right though... Quite frosty, looks good! Looks better under normal light and not hps...


Well-Known Member
i can see the benefit this time round of using stated bug bud.
Not saying u done anything wrong, (who am i to say that).
They look very nice


Well-Known Member
Good Good! Might make time for a photo shoot later today. Pistil change is in full flow, as is calyx development. I now see very apparent daily changes. I do believe these will be finished between 50 and 60 days now.

Still quite a bit of wispy/fluffy bits on the lower portion of each plant. Trying to do my best with trimming back leaves to aid light penetration. The strain seems quite resilient to having limbs trimmed. Growth hasn't appeared to slow even though leaf removal has been a regular duty quite a while. They are now smelling more mature. They are kinda loosing their sweet middle age aroma and getting on to a rich adult peng. I'm not overly excited about what their final weight may be coming in at, but so long as they out weigh the combined weight of my previous 3 cheeses I'll be happy.

Today's feed

15ml - Overdrive
20ml - Carboload
7ml - B52
4ml - Sensi A / Sensi B

EC1.4 pH was 6.5 but lowered to 6.2.

The ladies seems to be enjoying a drink. The pots, except the one I missed on the feed day, were all lighter than usual. I believe now is the time they will begin to put on most girth. The next few days will determine whether or not I am right. I've only given them 1L again as this gives me a definite every-other-day feeding regime and more control than 15L pots and 3-4 day feeding regime.

I have quite a few flies in here. I forgot the fly traps on the last visit to the hobby store. I don't think they will be a major problem. The spidermites have kinda kept at bay since the last blast with Pest Off. I'd like to do a full room clean up as soon as these get the chop.


Well-Known Member
hey u could add lady bugs to the room. That will hold them down untill chop. This way you won't need anymore pestiscide. Good job by the way. They look great. I just picked up a cheese clone( said to be uk cheese) from the club two days ago, gonna mom it and take babies( I have others I'm also workin on) but I can't wait to see how mine and your( since you'll be done first) are gonna turn out


Well-Known Member
yes yes iBLaZe4tozErO i get ya. I can't be much fussed now that I'm nearing the end. I'm goin to flush them next week then cut em at the weekend (ish).. if you have a cheese journal i'll follow it.. my main interest these days is just cheese cheese and more cheese, even though I have other strain to prepare for flowering... thanks for droppin in


Well-Known Member
Today, final phase! I'm flushing these all week! So 42 / 45 Days so far. By the time I give them the chop, likely friday or saturday we'll be up to day 48 / 51. I'm ahead of myself with clones and need to get the room sanitised for the next batch. With any luck I will commence a perpetual cheese crop with a couple of special guests