home.grower 1.2kW indoor cheddar log.


Well-Known Member
Day 65 since cutting: Day 46 since first potting: Day 7 since re potting.

Today I selected the bushiest 3 girls and cloned one of each of their lowest branches. These clones will be bloomed at the same time as the cheddar in soil. So, as soon as these clone are showing nice roots, 4 of the cheese in pots will go for blooming. 2 will remain in veg for and future cheesey developments.


Well-Known Member
Things seems so slow. I will be bringing four nicely vegged Cheese plants into the bloom room any day soon. Over the next fourteen to twenty four days the current bloom op will come to an end and I shall be giving everything a good clean just before I bring the new plants in.

The cheese will be interesting, I'm excited lols.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to get things started.

77 Days since cutting
58 Days since first potting
19th Day in 6L pots

The moment I've been waiting for. Please welcome to the stage for their first day in the bloom room, fourrrrrrrrr, BB.Cheeeeeeeze. *applause*

All I've done thus far is fed these ladies some Mother Earth Grow, Sensi Grow, Barricade, Misting with Formulex, and finally a couple of assaults with the pest control solution. I sprayed em once more and allowed the liquid to evaporate before bringing them in to the bloom room. The soil is almost dry, but I will not be feeding them for another day or two.

I think they look nicely vegged. I've clipped off the leaves that appeared to have suffered mites, so they are off to a healthy looking start. The tallest stands at a whopping 15 inches.



Well-Known Member
I'm going to get things started.

77 Days since cutting
58 Days since first potting
19th Day in 6L pots

The moment I've been waiting for. Please welcome to the stage for their first day in the bloom room, fourrrrrrrrr, BB.Cheeeeeeeze. *applause*

All I've done thus far is fed these ladies some Mother Earth Grow, Sensi Grow, Barricade, Misting with Formulex, and finally a couple of assaults with the pest control solution. I sprayed em once more and allowed the liquid to evaporate before bringing them in to the bloom room. The soil is almost dry, but I will not be feeding them for another day or two.

I think they look nicely vegged. I've clipped off the leaves that appeared to have suffered mites, so they are off to a healthy looking start. The tallest stands at a whopping 15 inches.
ok ok ok , they do look nicely vegged. uuummmm this mites business u contained/deleted the problem completely? For bloom feed will u be using any sensi bloom?


Well-Known Member
..For bloom feed will u be using any sensi bloom?
Maybe. Cheese like a good meal. While for me, the AK is a little shy at the table. It will be Mother Earth Bloom doing the majority of the work. Sensi possibly around week 4 or 5 for a short time. Depends on how they look as an when feeding time arises. I will not have that plan set in stone as I may decide differently over the course of time. Also these plants are starting bloom slightly older than the last cheese that I had a go with. These may be able to handle sensi a bit better. On top, I'm now using smaller pots and anticipate feeding more regular than late, so I can have more control over the feeding regime.


Well-Known Member
The four Cheeses went in on the evening of 12/18/2007, and today is 12/20/2007; I will be naming today Day 2 in the Bloom Room.

They had yesterday, Day 1 (12/19/2007), to use up any available moisture in their pots. Even though there maybe dry residual elements and compounds in the medium from previous waterings/feeds, I thought it wise to allow the medium to dry out. Previous bloom events, where pots have been heavily laden with veg nutes upon entry to the bloom room, have seen pots still registering WET on the soil moisture meter after 8 Days in the bloom room without any watering since they were in veg. So this time I decided to ensure the pots would be somewhat dry after 48hours so I could commence Bloom feeding without wasting over 10 Days waiting for the grow medium to dry out.

Today they had Mother Earth Bloom to EC1.2. Upon writing this I've just realised I haven't pH'd their feed even though I've already given it to them. I'm not worried. I didn't add anything to the feed mix that would have pushed the pH to alarming heights. Had I added barricade, which is a potassium silicate, I would be worried because very small amounts of this additive raise the reservoir pH by quite a lot. Next time I will be on top of things... With any luck it should only be 2 days until their next dose of feed.

Yesterday I put 3 stakes in 3 pots and tied a few branches down. A form of LST that I've found to be helpful in helping light penetration to the lowest bud sights. The last time I worked with this strain, I employed LST quite late into flowering when I realised the lower branches needed more light. This time, as I know what is likely to happen, I'm thinking ahead a little.

The 4th pot didn't have any thing tied up/down. I ran out of stakes and it's nice to see one of the plants untampered with to see what might have happened to the LST'd ones.

Any questions, feel free... Photos coming in a few days when I see some changes. Tune in next time :)


Well-Known Member
The two cheeses that were due to start life as mothers have been added to the bloom garden. Conversation has arisen which has meant drawing this particular Medical Gro Op to a close after this last run.

As of 12/21/2007 I added the two extra cheeses to the bloom room. They are only a matter of moments behind the others so there shouldn't be too much in the way of difference in development.

Now there are 6!

Today I fed the first4 with Mother Earth Bloom, Barricade and Carboload to and EC of 1.3. The additional2 didn't get anything as their pots were quite heavy on entry to the bloom room.

All plants are in 6L pots. Their initial potting was in B'Cuss Special/Plagron mix in 1/2L pots. Their 2nd potting was with approx 1L Hydroton to the bottom of each, topped with Canna Pro Plus. A grow medium composition of various sort. Tune in for up and coming pictorial updates :)


Well-Known Member
Today (12/23/2007) they are all being treated to a blast with SpiderMite Control. I've spotted a large number of the buggers on a few leaves. I thought I might have had it under control. I think I shall have to take alternate action. Watch this space.


Well-Known Member

12/24/07.All 6 plain water

12/26/07. All 6 plants 1L of Voodoo, Carboload, Barricade, and Mother Earth Bloom to EC1.3/pH6.65. The first signs of pistil development is visible on all plants including the 2 @ Day 8 in Bloom. I see quite a bit of purple on the stems, which could be related to the room temperatures. I did not see any other issues with deficiency.


Well-Known Member
Day 10 for 4 / Day 7 for 2 of Bloom.

Things are still looking good. Today I shall be feeding them all 1L of F1, H2, Barricade, Carboload, Big Bud, and Mother Earth Bloom to an EC of 1.4. Todays pH weighs in at 6.67.

I definitely recommend vegging Cheese for as long as possible. I'm so impressed with their development so far compared with my previous cheese grow which I only vegged for around 16 Days. I don't think the quality will be improved but I feel the overall weight will be higher.


Well-Known Member
Hello, welcome back, whoever is following... feel free to make yourselves known who ever you may be...

Some pics I think!!

The development of the cheese is as I expected having worked with it before. They have taken to bloom quite well. They have accepted the EC1.4 schedule with grace and are asking for a second helping.. The pics are of the plants with dry grow medium. I'm about to give them some pH'd water to ensure no build ups in the medium. So the pics show the leaves a lil droopy, always acceptable to let the medium dry up but not in so far as the plant is going to die.

I'm certain they will finish between 40 and 50 days of bloom..(I have been wrong many times, and admit it).

Temps are 24.1C/18C max/min, while RH atm appears to be zero but the max/mins show 54/31%... but I don't know as it faile to give the current reading...

Not much else to add really!! Stay tuned... Check my gallery for other images of my work :)


Well-Known Member
Some pics (bigger ones in Gallery)

Unfortunately my pics are always tinted with the hps, I seldom will take photographs in the dark period or by taking the plants out of the room.

Today they will be getting another EC1.4 dose of Mother Earth Bloom, Carboload, Barricade, F1, H2, Big Bud and Voodoo Juice. 1L every other day seems to be adequate at them moment. Some time between weeks 4 and 6 (or equivalent) I expect to have to water daily for one week. That normally happens when I use the 6L pots.


Well-Known Member
It's been a while. A few things are happening. Not all are good, if anything.

Last update was, errrrr, let me seeee... 1st of the month.. 9 days ago. Right!

01/03/2008 - Mother Earth Bloom, Carboload, Barricade, F1, H2, Big Bud and Sensi Bloom to and EC of 1.4. I also insecticided with 'Spidermite Control' on this day before feeding. Unfortunately I forgot to check the pH due to my intoxicated state. I had no solution left in the bucket to even get to the actual realisation of how bad the pH was out. This may be a contributing factor to why my plants look the way they do?

The pots remained quite weighty for an extra day or so. It seemed as though they weren't taking anything up.

01/07/2008 - Mother Earth Bloom, Carboload, Barricade, F1, H2, Big Bud and B52 to and EC of 1.5. They looked ok.

For quite a few days I've spotted 'leaf yellowing' on one, then gradually to a couple more. A friend said its Magnesium deficiency, but he doesn't know a lot lol. I posted some pics to see what you all think (if anyone is following).

I don't think the yellowing has increased much since applying the B52 formula. I must also add that I see a lot of purple (red) leaf stems (petioles) and purple (red) on the main stem on all of them. I'm going wrong somewhere and I think my last harvest is causing me to be too wasted at this time to not see it lol...

Yesterday they had Mother Earth Bloom, Sensi Bloom A only, Big Bud, carboload and Formulex to a 1.6EC pH6.68. I gave them this because of what appears to be a Nitrogen deficiency. I may have cause more problems than I already have.

Today I've sprayed them with 'Spidermite Control' to keep the pests at bay. I may get some lady bugs if I every grow again.

The above pics were taken 2 days ago. They look a little different now.


Well-Known Member
Today the had Sensi Bloom, B52, F-1, H2, Big Bud and Carboload... The don't seem to be any worse than before.. the top sets of leaves are now a bit more deeper in green


Well-Known Member
I took some pix yesterday after feeding them doses as prescribed on the label of: F1, H2, Big Bud, Carboload, Mother Earth Bloom and the topping off with Sensi A & B to an EC of 1.8. Today the look good. I think they can take more food. It seems the more I give them the more they perk up and look healthy. I'm use to maxing at EC1.8, but I may push it to 2.0 on the next and see if and nute burn arises.

The yellowing has subsided, but hasn't stopped completely. By increasing their food supply its slowed the deficiency by more than half the rate it was.

proper size images in gallery


Well-Known Member
yeah man people are following, well i am lol.
im hoping to push my cheese to an EC of 1.8 as well. dunno if i will make it tho, very slight nute burn signs and im at 1.4 atm


Well-Known Member
I took some pix yesterday after feeding them doses as prescribed on the label of: F1, H2, Big Bud, Carboload, Mother Earth Bloom and the topping off with Sensi A & B to an EC of 1.8. Today the look good. I think they can take more food. It seems the more I give them the more they perk up and look healthy. I'm use to maxing at EC1.8, but I may push it to 2.0 on the next and see if and nute burn arises.

The yellowing has subsided, but hasn't stopped completely. By increasing their food supply its slowed the deficiency by more than half the rate it was.

proper size images in gallery

They look very nice. Hope i get to see mine reach that far into flowering.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for dropping in pccdrom. Good luck with your cheese, would be nice to see how different soil and hydro compare. I wanted to do it with my home brew system but grow room politics disabled me from accomplishing that.

Today then, Day 27 I do believe, I'll state the measurements for once (taking a leaf out of pccdrom's book);

Bucket / Reservoir in the following order:

6.5L aerated water
12.5ml F1 - Fulvic
25ml H2 - Humic
5ml Carboload
25ml Big Bud
20ml Mother Earth Bloom
**5ml B52** edited
4.5ml Sensi A / Sensi B (added in 2.5 then 1ml increments)

EC 1.9 (pushing the limits today) pH was 7 after all that so i brought it down to 6.25. They had 1L each, or just over.

Today I amputated more leaves. I'm finding spidermite problematic. I took of a few yellow fans that were shading lower bud sites. I took off a few spidermite colonised leaves. Luckily, they are quite bushy in comparison to my previous cheese attempts, so hacking off a leaf or two has no left the plants looking naked. To the most extent I tried to just amputate leaves that were posing more than one problem, be it; yellowing, mites and/or blocking light from lower bud sites.

I mixed up 2L of 'Pest Off'. I'm trying a different product. Failing this I will be off to by some Cyanide from the hydro shop. They have this stuff with no label on it that has to be applied without inhaling it. Inhaling causes respiratory problems, but it does kill all pests. It isn't on the shelf lol. You have to ask. It's good shit but toxic. Any way, I will be spraying these in a couple hours or so with the pest off solution with the hope that it eradicates my mite problem.

Besides that, they smell great, and the frost is forming on them a treat. Moving them around for watering is a stick and smelly job... fucking great! They seem to be growing pretty quick. I'll take some more pix when I spot some calyx dev goin on.