The Art of The Auto


Active Member
My advice for everyone do your homework on the strains your buying.!!!
You shouldn't Have are paying for AF..they should be AF..
there are gonna be some reputations go down the Pan with this.

My advice is..find a grower with roughly the same set-up/conditions as you have..
and ask them what grew best for them.
Personal recommendation counts for a lot.

I have just started mine in a 1.5-2.0g pot yesterday
Speed & Safety for them HBS..:leaf:
I'll keep my fingers crossed that they are all AF for you.
karma sent..

Here are the first set of seed that have fallen out during the drying process.

127 and counting
They look superb my m8...
nice ginger touch there..tiger striped..tiger coloured.

Have you graded them..what % you getting overall.

Just think all of the Magic sitting in them.


Well-Known Member
You shouldn't Have are paying for AF..they should be AF..
there are gonna be some reputations go down the Pan with this.

My advice is..find a grower with roughly the same set-up/conditions as you have..
and ask them what grew best for them.
Personal recommendation counts for a lot.
I agree you should get what you pay for. If the strain is advertised as AF it SHOULD be AF. I agree that a good deal of rep is going down the drain especially from the well known breeders. I think this really goes to show that the breeder did know what was going on. Yeah they apologized for the problem and nirvana pulled stock but it still doesn't make it right. I feel for the guys that got the seeds that are not true auto.

They look superb my m8...
nice ginger touch there..tiger striped..tiger coloured.

Have you graded them..what % you getting overall.

Just think all of the Magic sitting in them.
Thank you my good friend i appreciate it greatly. So far i am at about 93-94 % success on them. I havent gone through the buds in there entirety yet but this was mostly from fall out and pods that were already split. Each day i check them more and more open/fall out :) and there all looking like that :)

I cant wait to see what they hold. Once there dry im gonna do a mass germ on them. Once the ones in the box show ill be pulling the males (unless i get an ICU male and female) and then ill be placing 2 3.5 gal buckets in there one will hold the F1's and the other the semi-auto.

Harry Bald Sack

Active Member
Thank you very much for the, "good ju-ju" Mossy. I agree with you on getting what you paid for. A car salesman wouldn't get away with selling a Ferrari with a Ford Taurus engine. I know that isn't the best comparison but I think you guys get my point. I guess all I can do is call them and see what they can do if the DDR's dont flower. SABARMARTHA needs to man up, remove all old stock and replace them with a thoroughly tested product if they want to remain in the race for good auto's. If not, I believe they will eventually end up in the shitter (like you said)

John Mondello

Active Member
Sorry about that one my friend LOL:-P
I couldn't help it :leaf:

WOOOHoooo ........Now i cant wait to hear your results

Oh i believe Dargo but again i though you were defying nature again.
Seems you and that wand have a special touch over there
and thought that even though it was old compo and ferted
you still got all those females.

So i know to deff stay away from preferted, then again i may want to as i have so much luck with finding your females :)

In regards to this gentlemen... I saw your previous potsts on this.. and even though I have feminized seeds... chose to use a FFOF mix with no nutes.... and further, a no-nute organic potting mix as "plugs" so to speak... where i plunged a hole about 1.5 in dia and 1.5 in depoth and places the no-nute soil in... just a suggestion in regards to satisfying both ends of the equasion... least disturbance... and no-nute soil for femmy femmy


Harry Bald Sack

Active Member
Okay, so this is Tessa (my test bitch). It was a bag seed that I started 3 weeks ago to get my system dialed in before I start my auto's in it. Could the irregular branching mean this Tessa is actually a male?

tessa 1.jpegtessa 2.jpeg


Well-Known Member
In regards to this gentlemen... I saw your previous potsts on this.. and even though I have feminized seeds... chose to use a FFOF mix with no nutes.... and further, a no-nute organic potting mix as "plugs" so to speak... where i plunged a hole about 1.5 in dia and 1.5 in depoth and places the no-nute soil in... just a suggestion in regards to satisfying both ends of the equasion... least disturbance... and no-nute soil for femmy femmy

I see what you are getting at here and i used to do something like that my self.
I started in a jiffy pellet and then to the final pot worked good cause the soil
in the pot had some trace nutes in it, this allowed the roots to get started
and then hit the slightly preferted soil.


Active Member
Yes I agree 100% with what you guys are saying how you think i felt when i got dickd out of about 120$. but oh well I guess I'm NOT giving up on autos I have a roadrunner and a auto haze from dinafem (freebies) both 3days old hopefully these will auto oh plz auto!! Guess we'll find out in acple weeks..

John Mondello

Active Member
btw guys... picked up some mangos the other day... weren't quite ripe yet... let em ripen... one was partially rotted.. DAMN IT!.... ate what I could... but wasn't much... and smoked... no noticeable effect... but again... using kona mist... not an afghan base as far as I know. The other Mango is hopefully ripening without rotting... will try again... looking for that viagra/muscle rlaxant/ etc.



Well-Known Member
Okay, so this is Tessa (my test bitch). It was a bag seed that I started 3 weeks ago to get my system dialed in before I start my auto's in it. Could the irregular branching mean this Tessa is actually a male?

View attachment 1286765View attachment 1286766
Not really, and its interesting that you bring this up. I had a plant have an abnormal leaf trait and it was a female. There are several different things that can cause what you are seeing. My best guess though is that its bag seed and unknown genetics. Your gonna have to grow it out to really tell, i have yet to come in on any tale tell signs ......yet :)

Here is the anomaly i had called a cloven



Well-Known Member
Absolutely stunning! Was that right side branch the one with the irregularity. The bud on that side looks almost deformed.
Thanks HBS,

Nope, it was shaped different but like a heart :)
the anomaly was through out the plant as it grew
it got more and more evident as she got older and well defined