

Well-Known Member
Logical thought? With the shear numbers of stars and solar systems, the fact it seems like something that needs to be proven to you doesnt' say much for your grasp on out technological level, but also that you don't do well with numbers either.

You're just confused. I never said aliens don't exist. I believe aliens DO exist. I just don't believe they've visited the Earth. You think they have, or are defending the position that they have, based off information I explained to you that wouldn't hold up as scientific proof.

If it helps you sleep at night, no there is no life on other planets, and the life there is couldn't never find they're way here. But honestly, the odds aren't in your favor. Your idea of logic is wanting, and I'm getting the impression you didn't even graduate high school. I can feel myself getting stupider just conversing with you, so yea, I'm done...have fun.

Well, at least this "high school dropout" knows not to use double negatives in a proper English sentence... But maybe that's something they don't teach you in school... I guess I wouldn't know.. :dunce:

-you make an outrageous claim and back it up with what amounts to nothing in regards to scientific proof

-your standard of evidence doesn't meet the scientific requirement

-using your logic, you must also accept that Bigfoot and all the other things witnessed by people over the world are real, as you fail to understand why eyewitness testimony alone isn't scientific proof

I'm sorry man, I just don't know how to make it any more clear than that...
What part of "I'm done." was hard for you to understand? Should have expected as much.
Did I use double negatives? Yes. Did I know better? Yes. Do I think your worth the consideration? No.


Well-Known Member
I'd believe in sea people living in the oceans before I believed in aliens visiting earth. To truly travel what most people consider as "space travel; you'd have to master what is in reality called space-time (i.e. being in the same space at the same time, its pretty weird to think you can be in the same place but in a different time, or a different place in the same time). To master space time you'd have to have a meta-understanding of the multiverse, dimensions, time and space, the effects of gravity, the timing of planetary orbits, magnetism, and various other things (i.e. gravity may work differently in other parts of the universe than it does here or in other dimensions). Gravity is what scientists call a unusually weak force. Scientifically speaking gravity should be stronger and about as strong as magnetism yet a small magnet on Earth defies gravity. You'd need to master that understanding meaning you'd have to travel the entire universe to safely travel.

Another thing to consider is distance. The distance in our solar system is huge (it would take most of your lifetime to travel it at several thousands of miles per hour)...then you take into account the size of our galaxy (it takes 126,000,000,000 years for our sun to orbit the galaxy), and then you take into account how far our nearest star other than the sun which is 400-700 or so light years away...It starts to become totally unbelievable that something could visit this planet let alone detect it. The Earth is dark matter that emits little to no light other than what it reflects. It's mass is too small to effect the sun's elliptical orbit (detecting the Earth's effects on the sun would only be possible at close range i.e. a few million or so light years, beyond that you wouldn't know it existed).

Surprising life is a very random process. Most solar systems have 2 suns (which have crazy radiation and xray effects making life impossible), some don't have terrestrial plants like earth, and sometimes planets are just too close to their sun for life to exist as we know it. Having a single sun/star solar system is incredibly rare, even when you take the vastness of space and the universe into consideration.


Well-Known Member
I've been watching alot of Nat Geo and History and the fucking proof is there.The Japanese have documents that tell the story of how they were taught by them.Makes ya feel really small.Short timespan so we need to do alot with what time we have.


Well-Known Member
Another thing to consider is distance. The distance in our solar system is huge (it would take most of your lifetime to travel it at several thousands of miles per hour)...then you take into account the size of our galaxy (it takes 126,000,000,000 years for our sun to orbit the galaxy), and then you take into account how far our nearest star other than the sun which is 400-700 or so light years away...It starts to become totally unbelievable that something could visit this planet let alone detect it. The Earth is dark matter that emits little to no light other than what it reflects. It's mass is too small to effect the sun's elliptical orbit (detecting the Earth's effects on the sun would only be possible at close range i.e. a few million or so light years, beyond that you wouldn't know it existed).

Proxima Centauri is the closest star at 4.24 light years from the Sun.

It would take a being going light speed just over 4 years to reach the Earth from the Centauri star system.

Also, there are a few different ways scientists have of detecting plants light years away, to name a few;

-Radial Velocity
-Pulsar Timing
-Transit Method (TTV & TDV)
-Gravitational Microlensing
-Direct Imaging

Surprising life is a very random process. Most solar systems have 2 suns (which have crazy radiation and xray effects making life impossible), some don't have terrestrial plants like earth, and sometimes planets are just too close to their sun for life to exist as we know it. Having a single sun/star solar system is incredibly rare, even when you take the vastness of space and the universe into consideration.

I'm not sure if it's accurate to say single star systems are incredible rare.

Most exoplanets I know about orbit one star.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Thats like being able to go back in time to ask Archimedes to explain how people will manage to talk to each other from great distances. You think he would have been like "electrical lines carrying signals over large...etc" No, its would be well past his technological understanding. So in a conversation about intelligent life more advanced then us being able to make the trip, you want a detailed explanation of the technology a race would use to get here. We are not at that level of technological understanding, you dumbshit. That doesn't mean we won't be, we just sure as shit aren't now. And yea, being invisible to radar would be crazy...oh, wait, stealth planes...You knew this was going to be a hypothetical conversation to begin with, if thats a problem for you, then don't participate, how fucking hard is that, seriously?
There is a big difference between ignorance of how something works, and knowing it's limitations. Not knowing how people could communicate long distances just shows he didn't understand the physics yet, not that it specifically violated the laws of nature as he knew them. I think interstellar travel is fundamentally different in this respect. It's not that we are saying "oh gee willickers thats a super long distance, no one will ever have that technology!". It's more like "That's a near inconceivable distance, and the time required to traverse it at the cosmic speed limit (which we have lots and lots of evidence to suggest it is in fact the cosmic speed limit, and none to support it's not) will be astronomical not only in comparison to a single organisms life, but of entire cultures and species as we know it."

As much as I would like it to happen, I just don't think it's a reality. It's just not gonna be possible regardless of how much time and technology you have.

Red Robin

New Member
aliens landed on Earth thousand years ago and interbreeded their race with ours. Those people where the myans, the alien tought them everything.

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
It goes way back, farther then they Mayans.
Monolithic cities existed over 10,000 years ago!
There have been at least 200 found on the ocean floor in recent history.

Truth is........
Humans are alien hybrids, and dinosaurs still exist. They are what we know of today as, birds.

Red Robin

New Member
It goes way back, farther then they Mayans.
Monolithic cities existed over 10,000 years ago!
There have been at least 200 found on the ocean floor in recent history.

Truth is........
Humans are alien hybrids, and dinosaurs still exist. They are what we know of today as, birds.
I just watch History channel, When im stoned. Im not an Ancient Alien Theorist, Just a pot head.

Red Robin

New Member
Me too. I'm only stoned, when I'm breathing.:eyesmoke:
ahh man, not me, my high is usually gone by the time I wake up in the morning, then I have to smoke again. But if I never slept I could be like you and be high literally 24/7. I stay high about 21/7


Well-Known Member
I lied I'm not done but I am done w pandabear. Cant get this guy outta his little bubble of reality. Anyways, watch this video. Theres a few parts but if you arn't like pandabear and you believe that there is a possibility of an eye witness account being right, then this guy could blow your fuckin mind. Or at least make you think a little more lol. BY POSTING THIS VIDEO I AM NOT SYAING THAT I THINK THIS VIDEO IS THE TRUTH IN ANYWAY. That being said, if this guy is telling the truth, GODDAMNMUTHAFUCKA!!!


Well-Known Member
And somewhere in there pandabear he talks about how they got to earth. Not saying you would give it credit anyways but basically they have such an almost perfect understanding of the universe and are so advanced that they are connected to their vehicles in a way that allows them to somehow "think" about where in space, and time they want to go, and go there. I put think in quotations because, just like speech and intelligence, the way you "think" would evolve and change into something a little diferent i assume after millions of years, as well as every other function of the physical and mental parts of your body. Also your basic makeup would be much different if you were from a different planet I'm gettin off topic watch the videos though theyre pretty crazy. Pandabear Nor Response Neccessary.


Well-Known Member
I lied I'm not done but I am done w pandabear. Cant get this guy outta his little bubble of reality. Anyways, watch this video. Theres a few parts but if you arn't like pandabear and you believe that there is a possibility of an eye witness account being right, then this guy could blow your fuckin mind. Or at least make you think a little more lol. BY POSTING THIS VIDEO I AM NOT SYAING THAT I THINK THIS VIDEO IS THE TRUTH IN ANYWAY. That being said, if this guy is telling the truth, GODDAMNMUTHAFUCKA!!!


Well-Known Member
It's pretty obvious they exist, but I don't think they are necessarily alien. Cryptoterrestrial, more likely. And they must be fond of the dank, 'cause I'm sure some are members of RIU.


Well-Known Member