Dj Ruiners feeble attempt at his first DWC grow...Jacks Classic only.


Well-Known Member
man thats no bueno, hopefully she will recover for you. also have you ehard the new parkway drive cd? think its called deep blue.


Well-Known Member
glad i didnt have my girl pop a plant into the mini dwc....i guess these cans wont work.i think the insides was coated with aluminium over started flaking off and rusting made another one.its a little bigger and plastic...should work much just need to lightproof the sides


Well-Known Member
well..i guess for now party girl is gonna make it a little longer...none of the remaining leaves have had any new damage...and the roots grew about another 6 inches overnight...and they are bright white again.ive been adjusting the ph and water levels daily and that seems to help...i still need to get a good system down with the dwc...but it seems to be coming along...the biggest of the dwc babies has a few new sets of roots popping out the bottom..and i moved the lights closer to them...which seemed to help even more.ill have to do pics tomorrow..ran out the cameras battery taking pics of our new kitten...i hope this one dont end up retarded


Well-Known Member
woo girl lives...she has started getting back on track new damage...buds are getting mass again...and the roots are fucking huge...about a foot and half long now...and i think im going to rip up the new babies...all kinds of problems with them...seems to be a shitty strain i got these seeds from...randoms of course.weird deformed leaves,slow growth...half sativa leaves half indica leaves...dont think i should waste anymore time on them...already had some new seeds germing anyways...but here is some new pics...also just put a sprout into my girls mini dwc...its already taller then my other i know i have a problem with the first seeds i started.....and has for the big thinking of getting rid of it for a couple of buckets...too much work trying to keep it cool,ph'ed,and res changes are a bitch...buckets would make it easier in my small space...since i cant grow more than 2-3 at most in there anyways


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear party girl is still pumpin! If nothing else you got some good knowledge out of her!! Hopefully some bud too:)


Well-Known Member
been kinda slacking on the updates...but i got discouraged after almost killing party girl...but she is back on track...tons of new leaves coming in...bud starting to form again...just sucked that she missed about 2 weeks worth of growing.but i guess ill keep her going for now...till i really really need the room.i chopped 1 of the dwc babies...wasnt looking too good after i fucked up the roots some...word of advice...after its in the hydroton and in rockwool...dont take it out.....i pulled almost all the roots off it...but its all good...still thinking of starting new ones...i think i got some defective seeds...the one that i kept has weird ass leaves...and is growing oddly..but its getting a strong root system...only a week since roots started popping out the bottom and they are growing tons daily...just not impressed with the growth rate so far...but i still think its the seed...was an oldddddd seed.the new one in my girls dwc is already bigger...and it just went into the also giving in a picking up a ppm meter.i got a few bottles of r/o water today...gonna try it in the mini dwc...if it seems to help im going to buy it till my ppm meter comes in.i know ive got shitty water...central florida...ugh...and it probably has a ppm of 300-500...not good since im adding in a ton of nutes...still no nute burn tho...seems harder to burn plants in dwc to me...or maybe im still not adding enough...doing double per gallon that i was in soil though......but here is some pics....and dammit i wish i was harvesting all out of herb and cant get any for awhile...hate being broke...but here is the pics


Well-Known Member is my birthday...not doing shit for it again...which is fine..just another day to me...but the first birthday since i was like 11 that i havent had any weed on my birthday....being sober about to jack buds off party girl...ugh


Well-Known Member
A true friend haha!! Happy B day homie, may your next b day be filled with all types of different buds :)
hell yeah...its the gift that keeps giving...cuase its given me the munchies..thanks bro

happy birthday dude plant is looking good
thanks man....its looking better then it girl had her bitchy little moment...but she took some midal is and all better now....took some time to recoup..but is improving


Well-Known Member drunk as piss...just whooped some ass at a few games of pool...thought id do a added tomorrow tho....ended up yanking the mini dwc plant...did the same as the that was a defective batch...its all good tho..put the biggest of the new ones into...since it already had a nice root took to it all i ahve in the big dwc is party girl...who is still budding away...and ive got 2 new killer seeds in party cups...working on their second set of leaves inly after 2 says since seed...can tell the difference already...really healthy looking with no irregular growth like the last also picking up more containers soon...gonna take the big dwc out and use just buckets...i can get 2 good sized buckets in there and 4-6 party cups....soon as party girl gets done ill be starting my big named im guessing another 3-4 weeks


Well-Known Member
got some new pics for girl is doing great considering the hell she went budding away nicely...and is starting to get frosty.roots are still growing some closeup shots tonight can finally see some trichs forming.and she is filling back out again with the leaves...had my ph not doubled overnight after going into the dwc..she would be huge right now.but im guessing another 3-3.5 weeks till she is ready for a flush....should have a nice little harvest around christmas time...and the bottom bud sites have taken off...growing more in size daily...woo hoo.....and the 2 new party girls are doing thinking ive got 1 sativa and 1 indica...will probably toss the sativa...and the girls mini dwc plant is having some issues..but i think its just ph...was at 7.0 when it was checked tonight...she was kinda droopy..didnt get any pics...she was doing a res change when i was taking pics tomorrow for her.and im placing another seed order in the next day or so...getting some "the church" and some blue cheese...and i think im getting 4 freebies with those....but ive got a pipe calling my name...heres the pics
100_9619.jpg100_9613.jpg100_9613 (2).jpg100_9617.jpg100_9620.jpg


Well-Known Member
hahahahaha..want to hear some funny shit....wanna hear what my 63 yr old mother.... wants to get me for my birthday....seeds...told me to order what i think im getting some the church and a strain that i found called aroma...that shit looks and sounds dank as hell...least i dont have to pay for the next so glad that i have a mom that i can get high with....both fem..and think they might go into soil


Well-Known Member
hahahahaha..want to hear some funny shit....wanna hear what my 63 yr old mother.... wants to get me for my birthday....seeds...told me to order what i think im getting some the church and a strain that i found called aroma...that shit looks and sounds dank as hell...least i dont have to pay for the next so glad that i have a mom that i can get high with....both fem..and think they might go into soil
Your mom is cool!