The Art of The Auto


Active Member
When FullD pulled the Cup thread..I didn't think I couls keep the small pots hydrated in my conditions...
so I set 50 germs away in the 25 ltr pot..
so each Plant got 1/2 ltr of compo..same as the party cup.

Here they are..if you look at the can see the ones in the Big pot are bigger already..
they are a week younger.

(1 week in AF life is around a month in long-season is quite a difference)

I had to stop the experiment as they reached sex..couldn't have the males sex..
so I stripped the pot down..
the Younger ones..same the Big pot..

were taller and wider that the fert bottle..from soil level..
and the ones in the small pots..just matched the height of the fert bottle..INCLUDING THE POT.

When the Experiment finished...


John Mondello

Active Member
When FullD pulled the Cup thread..I didn't think I couls keep the small pots hydrated in my conditions...
so I set 50 germs away in the 25 ltr pot..
so each Plant got 1/2 ltr of compo..same as the party cup.

Here they are..if you look at the can see the ones in the Big pot are bigger already..
they are a week younger.

(1 week in AF life is around a month in long-season is quite a difference)

I had to stop the experiment as they reached sex..couldn't have the males sex..
so I stripped the pot down..
the Younger ones..same the Big pot..

were taller and wider that the fert bottle..from soil level..
and the ones in the small pots..just matched the height of the fert bottle..INCLUDING THE POT.

When the Experiment finished...
you know, it just sprung into my head, my brother always used to say "competition is good for them, it makes them grow kickass... keepin up with the jones'"

it just came to me... it might be why they seem to do so well in groups like that...

John Mondello

Active Member
FD- you said you were using oxy tablets from walmart? do you also use a microrozial fungi? ... (forget how to spell that shit) and if so, the o2 treatment doesn't cancel out the bacteria? cuz in my big garden i use 35% food grade h202 injected with my irrigation (to reduce to lower percentage) as an anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and growth booster... but from everything I've read o2 kills the bacillus subtillus and many other varieties of those. just wondering what your results / thoughts / conclusions were on that.... currently running fox farm root Bushdoctor root drench (list a shitload of microzial fungi / bacillus subtillus variets etc etc.

John Mondello

Active Member
Photo #2...20 ltr pot..Outdoor....Germed in minus 2 degrees...Jan/feb..
minus 2 degrees... i assume celsius? and either way... seriously? thats cold.... very interesting... what would you say lowest reasonable grow temp s for these sexy auto ladies?


Well-Known Member
FD- you said you were using oxy tablets from walmart? do you also use a microrozial fungi? ... (forget how to spell that shit) and if so, the o2 treatment doesn't cancel out the bacteria? cuz in my big garden i use 35% food grade h202 injected with my irrigation (to reduce to lower percentage) as an anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and growth booster... but from everything I've read o2 kills the bacillus subtillus and many other varieties of those. just wondering what your results / thoughts / conclusions were on that.... currently running fox farm root Bushdoctor root drench (list a shitload of microzial fungi / bacillus subtillus variets etc etc.
I used to use the oxy tabs before i got everything automated. this was the way i began to do everything.
Then i started seeing the results and switched to pumps to keep everything going at all times.
the tabs started adding up after a while so i had to make cheaper way to do this at a larger scale.
Now i use rain water and before i just used tap. At first i thought that i may have to use some sort of anti fungal
because i was using rain water and lord only knows what bacteria may be in there.
So i ran as normal to see if there would be any difference than tap, tap has several things in it to keep bacteria down.
After the test things were normal as usual so i decided to use this method in the future.
I have been using the rain water method for some time now and keep 4 jugs of water with o2 running at all times.
i think the biggest help here are two things

1. the water i have in the jugs has o2 running in them 24/7 so there is no time for the water to just sit and get stagnant
2. while i have the jugs running they are at a cooler temp so there is no time for bacteria to grow due to the colder nature of the water

The rain water that i store back is kept in sealed 5 gal buckets. I can open any of them at any time and the water is crystal clear. This keeps my supply good as well as healthy
and the water i feed to the plants is always on key with ph.


Well-Known Member
minus 2 degrees... i assume celsius? and either way... seriously? thats cold.... very interesting... what would you say lowest reasonable grow temp s for these sexy auto ladies?
i agree thats a cold start to the ladies, but as you can see Mossys credo of "heart like lions" shows true here
-2 degrees Celsius is equal to 28.4 f so like you said either way its cold.....


Active Member
what would you say lowest reasonable grow temp s for these sexy auto ladies? depends on the genetic..
some of my girls have been on the patio for 14 they have acclimatised to outdoor/off season.

If a genetic has been grown/made totally indoor/ isn't going to be anywhere near as hardy...
you May kill it..

I was actually Testing out a new polystyrene grow pot..
it is supposed to insulate the roots from heat in the summer..and cold in the winter....
so..germing @ minus 2..sounds like they were a success..
I also had another cross germ from a self-seed in an ordinary exactly the same time..

so it was nowt to do with the pot or the genetics...:-P

And since there has been talk about her. heres the heffer......

You are only doing that to torment me because you know I have no mature girls to gaze at..aren't you...:twisted:

Just thinking..we have about 6 weeks 'til christmas..and that may suit you...
coz if you got one up to 8 weeks...
there would be no-where to hang any baubles for the bud.

Fat Bitch...:clap:

heres the heffer......
ha ha ha..after explaining about her afghan genetic swamp...
I was thinking more like Little Swamp Duck...

Sounds like a plan to me.
I go to the craft places and they usually have little light strands
that run on batteries ive seen them for USB too lol
You know I said I had set a few germs away the other day...
they are in Christmas pots...
Red and Gold..I drilled them out...:bigjoint:

Wey Hey...I have a head-start.

Harry Bald Sack

Active Member
I used to use the oxy tabs before i got everything automated. this was the way i began to do everything.
Then i started seeing the results and switched to pumps to keep everything going at all times.
the tabs started adding up after a while so i had to make cheaper way to do this at a larger scale.
Now i use rain water and before i just used tap. At first i thought that i may have to use some sort of anti fungal
because i was using rain water and lord only knows what bacteria may be in there.
So i ran as normal to see if there would be any difference than tap, tap has several things in it to keep bacteria down.
After the test things were normal as usual so i decided to use this method in the future.
I have been using the rain water method for some time now and keep 4 jugs of water with o2 running at all times.
i think the biggest help here are two things

1. the water i have in the jugs has o2 running in them 24/7 so there is no time for the water to just sit and get stagnant
2. while i have the jugs running they are at a cooler temp so there is no time for bacteria to grow due to the colder nature of the water

The rain water that i store back is kept in sealed 5 gal buckets. I can open any of them at any time and the water is crystal clear. This keeps my supply good as well as healthy
and the water i feed to the plants is always on key with ph.
All this talk about water and o2 content has the sprockets in my head turning. I have a 90 gallon aquarium with 30 African Cichlids. The fish like slightly acidic water, (I keep the ph between 6.4-6.8). The water is constantly being oxygenated and filtered. Do you think that it would be ill advised to water the babies with the aquarium water? I am sure there are beneficial nutrients in the water also.

John Mondello

Active Member
All this talk about water and o2 content has the sprockets in my head turning. I have a 90 gallon aquarium with 30 African Cichlids. The fish like slightly acidic water, (I keep the ph between 6.4-6.8). The water is constantly being oxygenated and filtered. Do you think that it would be ill advised to water the babies with the aquarium water? I am sure there are beneficial nutrients in the water also.

I would say you'd be well advised to water them with that... if you're really anal you might wanna drop to 5.8 ph before watering... but its not much of a change. I have a question for you.... African Cichlids like what water temp? I've got some ongoing experimentation with tying an aquarium to my ladies... trying to find a fish that likes very tropical temps.... actually part of a water-cooling auxillary idea.

John Mondello

Active Member depends on the genetic..
some of my girls have been on the patio for 14 they have acclimatised to outdoor/off season.

If a genetic has been grown/made totally indoor/ isn't going to be anywhere near as hardy...
you May kill it..

I was actually Testing out a new polystyrene grow pot..
it is supposed to insulate the roots from heat in the summer..and cold in the winter....
so..germing @ minus 2..sounds like they were a success..
I also had another cross germ from a self-seed in an ordinary exactly the same time..

so it was nowt to do with the pot or the genetics...:-P
Thanks for all the info mossy... u n FD are always so full of info! I'd be curious to see what conclusions you may come to upon further experimentation. I only wish I had 14 gens under my belt for that... I'm thinking these may acclimatize really really well to my climate here.

also, I'm down for a christmas competition! I'll do anything to get my hands on even 1 fem seed of THAT variety! Better watch out gents... I'll blow a wad on christamas decorations Donald Trump would be envious of for those genetics! lol


Active Member
also, I'm down for a christmas competition! I'll do anything to get my hands on even 1 fem seed of THAT variety! Better watch out gents... I'll blow a wad on christamas decorations Donald Trump would be envious of for those genetics! lol
Woooooppss now..I Think that was down to shroomy..and I'm not sure he asked we better not mention it..

dam all this talk about growing autos out doors is making me want to start a comp and give the winner some of my NYLD x auto ak47 I am making

Harry Bald Sack

Active Member
John: I keep my aquarium between 75 and 80f. I think most fresh water fish that you find in pet stores like 70-80, so it would really be up to you on what kind of fish to have.


Well-Known Member
You are only doing that to torment me because you know I have no mature girls to gaze at..aren't you...:twisted:
maybe :fire:

see you are teasing me with this

Im still waiting on mine to come out of the soil! They have been in dirt for 36 hrs at this point so it should be any day now. i usually see them in 3-4 days after planting.

Just thinking..we have about 6 weeks 'til christmas..and that may suit you...
coz if you got one up to 8 weeks...
there would be no-where to hang any baubles for the bud.
This is true unless i get a nice bushy pheno out of this run. I am hoping to see some color on the ICU's and i am sure that the BB i put in the ground will have some surprises, but IF they dont i have a trick up my sleeve.

ha ha ha..after explaining about her afghan genetic swamp...
I was thinking more like Little Swamp Duck...
I could agree with this

Wey Hey...I have a head-start.
You deff do and i will be right behind you looks like you'll be a week a head of me ;)


Here is pics of my auto as requested fullduplex. ANy help with pruning would be great. Cant really LST anymore as no room :(
One is of the bottom of the plant and one of the top. Seems to much leaf blocking out light. Seems to be a healthy plant and flowering on 24/0 light perfectly :)


Well-Known Member
All this talk about water and o2 content has the sprockets in my head turning. I have a 90 gallon aquarium with 30 African Cichlids. The fish like slightly acidic water, (I keep the ph between 6.4-6.8). The water is constantly being oxygenated and filtered. Do you think that it would be ill advised to water the babies with the aquarium water? I am sure there are beneficial nutrients in the water also.
Im not sure about this. This is something that i never really thought about or tried. i know that certain fish like certain types of water temps and pH. I used to raise Piranha's and they like warm, acidic water. If i remember correctly it needed to be in the 80-90 range, this to me would scream warning due to pathogen activity.

You said that your water is between 70-80 and the pH is in the 6's. I know fish dont like chlorine so i know your free of that and the pH is good but i am still worried about the heat and pathogen levels. I know that you said it is filtered as well as o2 fed but you have to remember that the fish are using that o2 to live.

So there has to be some sort of break down on the amount of o2 actually left in the water when it is drawn out. You would think that the levels of co2 would be higher because of that. I know that c02 is used in growing but i am not sure of what the effects of in the water are.......yet, working on this one :)

Thanks for all the info mossy... u n FD are always so full of info! I'd be curious to see what conclusions you may come to upon further experimentation.
Thanks my friend! :bigjoint:

I really enjoy having my brain picked and love to share the knowledge so the more questions asked in here the better for me anyway. Im like Mossy though i hope i dont talk to much in here


Active Member
Right FullD..this is not the homework..and I don't expect an answer..
it has been rolling round my head since you mentioned your teeth..and posted the PH charts below it.

The people that have the dietry problem we mention have a Big vitamin and mineral deficiency problem due to Malabsorbtion..
(you have already identified the cal/mag deficiency..)

On a CELLULAR level..Humans have a similar food/water/nute distribution system to plants...

Plants get nute Lock-out when the PH of their water is not right...Do Humans...

wouldn't it be strange if nute lock out in plants..has the same cause as the malabsorbtion problem in humans...

Simply that your drinking water is Bad..wrong ph

thinking about it..
many of the worlds health problems are blamed on the diet we consume..
diets vary from country to country..and from race and religious perspectives..

The One thing that we all have in common is the need to consume water..
and seeing as the human body is 70-90% water..

would it not be probable that our drinking water IS the most important/problem part of our diet.

Could ph buffering the water we drink improve US as much as it does the girls.

(Aaaannnddd..before you say...
well..there is only one way to check are gonna have to buffer your water and measure your Run Off...I'm ahead of you...:bigjoint:..)

Seeing the difference the ph balanced oxygenated water was making to the girls..
I was gonna try the dog on it

Now I'm wondering if I should be doing it for all of us.


Well-Known Member
Here is pics of my auto as requested fullduplex. ANy help with pruning would be great. Cant really LST anymore as no room :(
One is of the bottom of the plant and one of the top. Seems to much leaf blocking out light. Seems to be a healthy plant and flowering on 24/0 light perfectly :)
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First i want to say how great this lady looks.
Looks like you are giving her what she needs and giving a little extra TLC.
Job well done there endorium:clap:

Now as far as the trimming goes you have room for options.
IF it were me i would start on the bottom eighth of the plant.
removing all fans and little leaves that you can from the MAIN stem.
Once you have done this you will need to do the same to all the branching arms.
remove all the lower foliage that is from the top of the res to about 5inches up the plant.

This plant has had some extreme trimming done to it but it will help you get an idea of what to clean off.

I wouldnt go as far up the plant as they did but this will give you an idea. Make sure that you take this in phases if not you will stunt the plants.


Well-Known Member
I don't expect an answer..
You should know better lol

I can see your point though, it makes sense as even Coke a Cola can dissolve a 16 penny nail, so whats that tell you about the pH of a can of coke.

It only makes sense that the things that we put in the body harm it over time. I cant tell you that drinking Mt Dew has NOT helped my case over the years. With the Calicum issue and then the over drinking of the green monster i have destroyed my teeth. resulting in massive nerve pain from time to time.

So i have to agree that if it improves the plants it has to do something for us too

(Aaaannnddd..before you say...
well..there is only one way to check are gonna have to buffer your water and measure your Run Off...I'm ahead of you...:bigjoint:..)
This is where the home work would come into play BUT this one i am gonna skip, there is no way that im gonna measure the pH of some urine LOL mine or the dogs hahaha :-P

EDIT: were at 602 replies and 14,228 views. i believe its way over due for the mossy wiggle