... so, are you saying that 70% of your ancestors were/are "jack offs" and that the minority 30% of your lineage is what you claim to be?
I guess just growing up in my family is where I get that from. My Grandfather was 50% Cherokee, my Grandmother a 75% hodge podge of various norther tribes. That made my Dad about 2/3 Native, and with my Mother's Scottish/Irish/English genes that diluted my blood to where it is now. But going to visit Gma and Gpa was a very Native experience and I guess I've always identified closer with that side because of my upbringing. I can't do anything about where I came from, but I'm glad to have at least that much of a disappearing people in my genetics.
And yes, at least 70% of my ancestors were Jack Off's.
I have a very common "Black" last name, despite being a reddish/white, you see it on the back of sports jerseys all the time...
My father's side of the family is from Pre-Civil war Alabama...
You do the math on that...
So I choose to identify myself with the minority of my genetics because of the SHAME I have to carry around for what my Raping, Slave Owning, European ancestors accomplished while on Earth. I am grateful I exist, for sure, just shamed.
The last part I can blame is my true American Heritage and it pisses me off to hear Europeans refer to American as a Nationality when referring to the non-natives. This is a land of Immigrants. What little real American is left should not be blamed for the current state of the world.
For you it might be Semantics. But for me, I just hate hearing it, sounds ignorant. Go figure... Ignorant Foreigners... Calling Americans: Indians... And Immigrants: Americans...