Could You Survive A Zombie Outbreak?


Well-Known Member have a point, I should take that thing down
...maybe the loud speaker sqreeching Rosie O'donell's karaoke country christmas songs will keep them away..idk...but the people next door to me hate it


Well-Known Member have a point, I should take that thing down
...maybe the loud speaker sqreeching Rosie O'donell's karaoke country christmas songs will keep them away..idk...but the people next door to me hate it
The terror, poor neighbors, lol.:fire:


Active Member
Step 1: Acquire Island cottage and relocate. Owners aren't likely there and if they are, are not infected.
Step 2: Stock up on food, bladed weapons, a few rifles and as much ammunition as possible.
Step 3: If summer, find Barge or other vessel large enough to move machinery such as a skid-steer, or other useful equipment for land clearing and construction, across the water. If winter, bring across equipment on ice. Build successive barriers of snow around house.
Step 4: Clear Island for farming both food and weed. Use cleared trees to create island defences. Acquire adequate supply livestock and seeds.
Step 5: Farm to produce all the the food and weed you will ever need,
Step 6: ??????
Step 7: Profit.


Well-Known Member
I never thought I'd be the one bringing this up, but doesn't that constitute cruel and unusual punishment? Or did they lose any such rights to being treated humanely when they turned to zombies? I mean shooting, burning, crushing or chopping, sure. But Rosie?! Though you might think of marketing that to the DOD, I bet you could get a pretty penny ;)

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
As much as you guys keep disagreeing with me most of the crap we do today is done by computers, there normally isnt someone shovelling coal anymore,
and again solar powered back up generators are EVERYWHERE now im saving most likely the meat would go back in your grocery store but shit would still work excluding like internet and cable OBVIOUSLY youre not going to beable to text fred from your blackberry , but i mean mainsources of power like lights, refrigerators, running water ect
MOST of it is, but the human element is still critical. Look at how many people lose power during a simple thunderstorm and how long it takes to get back up. My power has gone out a few time since i've lived in my house. It's not a big deal because detroit edison has crews all over fixing shit. They also have thousands of employees on site. If the process was as simple and automated as you seem to believe, why bother employing THOUSANDS of people on a daily basis? Most of what those people do is waste time, but overall there is still a ton of manual work that takes a human to do.

There isn't someone manually shoveling coal in. But people are manually operating the barges that bring the coal ashore. And people are manually moving cranes and bulldozers to get that coal into position for the cork screw feeder to haul it up to storage for coking. People oversee much of the process. It would absolutely grind to a halt if left abandoned.

I also think everyone is oversimplifying everything else too. It's real easy to say you will harvest some copper and build yourself a big ass generator. I think in practice you would find it overwhelming, even if you actually did know what you are doing and understand all the principals behind it (I have my doubts about most of you). I mean you have to eat, your family has to eat, and will continue to need to eat, you gots to smoke, gotta have shelter and safety. A whole lot of needs you need to meet before you go powering your grow lights and xboxes. As if it's not enough society will be crumbled, you will have a hoard of zombie assholes to deal with too.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I rewatched zombie land the other day. The one thing that ruins the movie for me is when they get on that amusement ride that goes up in the air then comes back down. I mean why? You are being chased by zombies and you choose to get in a non protected ride that is going to go straight up, then deliver you back onto the ground? It makes no sense. It actually angers me and ruins the entire movie having such a huge illogical plot hole. grrrr.

I also watched episode 3 of the walking dead on amc. I like it.


Well-Known Member
I rewatched zombie land the other day. The one thing that ruins the movie for me is when they get on that amusement ride that goes up in the air then comes back down. I mean why? You are being chased by zombies and you choose to get in a non protected ride that is going to go straight up, then deliver you back onto the ground? It makes no sense. It actually angers me and ruins the entire movie having such a huge illogical plot hole. grrrr.

I also watched episode 3 of the walking dead on amc. I like it.
That's the show that got me to think of making this thread, and I hear ya on the Zombie Land part.

They made the girls out to be so smart then had them do something dumb like that.:wall:

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I thought the high element of distrust between living people didn't make much sense either. Yeah I get that you are looking out for #1, but there are tons of resources still available, why are you going to totally fuck these other living humans over for? What did they gain by stealing the guns and car (besides the guns and a car)? Seems like it would make much more sense to team up (like they eventually did). I mean why not all 4 travel and watch each others backs? And steal more cars, maybe get a convoy going to haul resources you find. Yes yes zombie rule # whatever "travel light". I somehow dont think that should apply to rocking around in stolen SUVs.


Well-Known Member
I thought the high element of distrust between living people didn't make much sense either. Yeah I get that you are looking out for #1, but there are tons of resources still available, why are you going to totally fuck these other living humans over for? What did they gain by stealing the guns and car (besides the guns and a car)? Seems like it would make much more sense to team up (like they eventually did). I mean why not all 4 travel and watch each others backs? And steal more cars, maybe get a convoy going to haul resources you find. Yes yes zombie rule # whatever "travel light". I somehow dont think that should apply to rocking around in stolen SUVs.
while it didn't make since, it was realistic. People fuck themselves all the time looking out for #1,doing short sighted things that seem like its best for them, when really it ends up fucking everyone, including them. What I did understand about that ride part is, if you know that shit is going to go back down, why not climb the actual structure?!

Guy, like your sig, the one time I've been intensely questioned by police I found one phrase covered everything, and I repeated it more times then I can count... "I don't know what your talking about" :twisted: it was funny because he was so obviously trying to intimidate me, screaming in my face, getting redder then a fucking apple, as if his dramatics were going to change my answer...


Well-Known Member
doubletap is a waste of ammo imo. shoot the fucker once in the head with a slug or 00 buck..if they are still moving a machete is in order. you need to conserve all the ammo you have in a zombie apocalypse, because even if you load your own, you will run out of primers, powder etc...


Well-Known Member
So what about a zombie amusement park...say, like a big warehouse broken up into many "level" like segments filled with zombies made from the recently dead, humans and animals, etc. ? You could charge an insane amount for admission and make people sign a waiver...lock them in there and the only way to get out is to make it to the end or surrender and be extracted...


Well-Known Member
doubletap is a waste of ammo imo. shoot the fucker once in the head with a slug or 00 buck..if they are still moving a machete is in order. you need to conserve all the ammo you have in a zombie apocalypse, because even if you load your own, you will run out of primers, powder etc...
Machete's I see being a godsend. They are cheap, big and effective. The only mutation of the sword to find such varied utilitarian use even up to modern times...


Well-Known Member
i believe in every zombie defense arsenal should be a machete, and a saiga 12 guage with 20 rd drum(md arms makes the best one)...i have 3 saiga's just in case my one of the homies need one.
i just need to get the damn machete's


Well-Known Member
medieval-chopper.jpgthis is my baby, only cost $25. I want to get a second one....One side chops, the other side crushes.... :twisted: the way it the edge angles foward sinks in and guides the rest of the edge into a perfect slice. I love this toy....*sniffles*

Also have a straight ninja sword, but in case of a zombie outbreak, I'm relying on my chopper.... :fire:


Well-Known Member
that one is pretty easy does it come out of the sheath? id want my on my left shoulder so i could reach up with my right hand and grab in the event a brainsucker got too close.