Well ok that sounds good but to save me research what brands of regs and or flow meters? Also if you buy a tank then a reg then is it something else that is the flow meter? How do you get the co2 from the tank to over the plants? hoseing of some sort? I have seen a water cooled propane unit but those I am not sure of either. I wonder if they might be cheaper but i thought they did not need a flow meter as the other person said but a chiller for the water maybe?? Thanks for your help.. What, if any, brands of regs/flow meters would you want to stay away from..?
Try the tool below. Buy a regulator and flow meter. I bought mine on ebay for about $115. I bought a 20# tank from my local carbonic shop for about $120, it was new and full. Look for Airgas (name brand store in USA) or places that sell fire extinguishers. Lastly use the tool at the link to calculate flow. Set flow meter and your set. Good luck