The Irish Growers Thread!

Here, another thing, while I'm at it, what do youse think of autos? Do you reckon we could do a little survey of how people rate autos in general, which ones people like, I'm especially interested to hear from people that have done both clones and autos and how they compare, hassle (or lack of), yield, quality, reliabilty, stability, the whole shebang.

From what I've heard, the seed sales of autos are through the roof in Ireland, compared to regular or fem seeds. That could just be the appeal of not having to do 12/12, or a height thing, or I dont knwo what.

I'm really curious. Let us know. It would help a lot of Irish gardeners :)

TBH its probably because of the poor quality of grass in ireland! if ye do manage to get your hands on somethin nice your payin ridiculous money for bad bags!
although I did get i nice bag of amnesia haze there a few days ago, top quality stuff and a nice bag

i reckon people are growin the auto's cause they want good quality weed and they want it quick, most people couldn't be bothered waitin for normal plants to grow when they can just grow auto's!
well that's just my opinion :)
you dont need much money to get started 1 of my mates grew 1 plant under 8 20 watt energy saving bulbs and got a 1/2 oz.........its easy enough

go to tesco buy bulbs, light fittings, cable,plugs,soil,a pot, = 25 euro

then go here and you can get a seed delivered for about 11 euro...........
sound for the info mn that'll come in handy
there's a head shop near me that sells everythin ye need its expensive enough tho but its good quality stuff ...seeds are very expensive from there too..
you dont need much money to get started 1 of my mates grew 1 plant under 8 20 watt energy saving bulbs and got a 1/2 oz.........its easy enough

go to tesco buy bulbs, light fittings, cable,plugs,soil,a pot, = 25 euro

then go here and you can get a seed delivered for about 11 euro...........
Dead right, and you cant beat those 85Watt spiral cfls from, 15 quid each, and they deliver for 3 quid. Theyre 425 watt equivalents, a couple of those would start you off nice :)
those lights sound good prof thanks!
i wanna get a good set up first proper ventilation the lot, if i'm gonna do it I may aswell do it properly yeno

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Che and Richie, have you used those bags before, really interested to hear how you find them, what kind of yield of hash, and if its worth the moulah you have to fork out on bubble bags. Is your trim worth smokin or not? Ive seen trim thats so covered in resin, its better than any bush weed Ive ever had in here or in England.
This will be my first time using the bubble bags so will have to report in a few weeks when grow is finished. Did use a mates home made oil maker the other day and was pleasantly surprise with the outcome. We're making for his mother to take as she has cancer. Yes kids Cannabis does sure cancer. Watch Rick Simpson, Running from the cure. If I can get anything like the crystals I had from some of my autos I should get some nice hash.

As for the autos versus clones debate again Ill need a few weeks to give a proper answer. In any of my 3 auto grows I only produced an ounce max. There for 3 plants equals 3 oz but with this 3 plant scrog I think I'm aiming to yield 3 times that.
Autos are quick and easy to grow. I found them good for learning. 70 days start to finish is brilliant wheres its taking 4 months for this. Theres a lot more you can do with regular plants such as lst or scrog which will make your yield much bigger. I used clones for this grow but didnt find cloning a easy process. Also when I was doing autos there was very few pure sativa autos. Its the stone I prefer. Alot more have come online in the last few weeks but they are sort of untested and im not sure of the genetics just yet. Hence i went for regular plants

Basically i think im trying to say that there is pros or cons for both. Really what best for you suits your situation
those lights sound good prof thanks!
i wanna get a good set up first proper ventilation the lot, if i'm gonna do it I may aswell do it properly yeno
I grew in England for a couple of years, Skunk #1 in rockwool slabs, 100 plants at a time sog, under 2000 Watts HPS. Had a fucking brilliant time, but was doing it with a mad careless geezer who would bring birds back to the house from the pub to show them all the weed he was growing, hoping to get them to suck his cock!

Worked too, but then they ripped us off. Moved twice.

That was years ago. Havent done it since, my wife couldnt deal with it, shed be too freaked.
I grew in England for a couple of years, Skunk #1 in rockwool slabs, 100 plants at a time sog, under 2000 Watts HPS. Had a fucking brilliant time, but was doing it with a mad careless geezer who would bring birds back to the house from the pub to show them all the weed he was growing, hoping to get them to suck his cock!

Worked too, but then they ripped us off. Moved twice.

That was years ago. Havent done it since, my wife couldnt deal with it, shed be too freaked.
sounds like good times man :)


Well-Known Member
Feckin-A ,

I didn't realise Irish & weed went together , No feckin wonder they call it The Emerald Isle with 40 shades-o-green . If yer Lucky Enough to be Irish , Then yer Feckin Lucky Enough . Erin Go Bragh ,,,