The Irish Growers Thread!


Active Member
9 weeks from the 1st pistil I count from, the 12/12 thing can be done to force flower a plant but it could take a few days to do so its not 100% accurate.

The plants will go through a hell of a lot of water yeah I had the big one in a ten litre bucket and she was needin watered every 5-8 days, I was givin her about half of a 1.5 litre bottle every feed and only a little bit maybe 250ml came out the bottom each time if even that shes harvested :( I miss watchin her grow but she started to dry up around the edges and all the pistils....I mean every single one turned like an orangie type looking. The budds are airy and I only got a half O (judging by eye) but I got exactly what I wanted, I knew I was only gonna get the half o I just wanted to know if I can grow a weed plant, so I went out and bought some zombie weed to keep me away from the box she's curing in for the next week to fortnight....let you all know how she smokes and I'll put pics up tommorow at some stage cause I forgot my cardreader to do it now.

Just the 2 ak's veggin out now and the other 3 seeds are germinating, ones cracked already so by the time I finish work tonight the other 2 should be ready to rock aswell, think I'm gonna put 2 in eve's old bucket to save room instead of packin 5 pots into a small cupboard.

As for the light I'm gonna go nuts, I got the light alright but no fuckin fixture to plug it into and a ordered the fixture also so now I have to wait for that to get posted out....we're lookin at tuesday/wednesday now and even then it might get sent to fuckin omagh again cause the business I get my stuff sent to isn't going to be open until late those days :( ah well, thank god I smoke weed or I wouldn't be writing this now...trying to see past the big fist mark in the glass would be easy haha :D


Hey lads ,Over past couple of days shes been looking realy sick , Around 9 weeks into flowering , First grow and not sure if she will make it , How big do the calyx swell and roughly when .Cheers


Hey lads ,Over past couple of days shes been looking realy sick , Around 9 weeks into flowering , First grow and not sure if she will make it , How big do the calyx swell and roughly when .Cheers
looks nearly done ... has the room been too hot? ... over/under watered ?

and the size depends on alot of things genetics/pot size/nutes/lights etc

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
Believe it or not I got a set in Himalayan crafts in navan a couple of days ago. Pricey bit of kit though. 185 for a 5 bag set. Last one in the shop I think so give them a bell. They might have them. Have iolites too
Ah cheers paddy man, have to get my mits on some of thos. Quality investment.

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
Gave them a ring there and they have some in stock. 85 beans for the 2 bag set, bit steep but might aswell get them as they last a good while if you take care of them ya know. Watched a few vids on youtube there on how to use them looks fairly handy so fuck it im goin to head up there during the week and hopefully make me some bubble hash. Cant wait.bongsmilie

Oh yea, heres a pick of my haul of shrooms i got for halloween, not much but i got another 15 later that day with some luck. Was fairly fucked after them:bigjoint:



Active Member
Mine are drinking a ridiculous amount of water. Ive got 3 in my scrog and they go through 8 litres between them every 3 days or so.
che paddy tell me about it, i was starting to get worried because last night i gave the ladies a litre of water and today they are dry again, really snuff dry. but if they need it they need it so thats all you can do.
if its 9 weeks from first pistils then i have about another 5 weeks left to go in flower, hopefully i will have a nice bit of stuff by then. when do you think i should give them another flush, the last flush they had was a while back now.
I got the light alright but no fuckin fixture to plug it into and a ordered the fixture also so now I have to wait for that to get posted out
what fixture do you mean, is it just the adapter you mean, from america to here, i just got an adapter from power city for a fiver and it works fine. at least you got the light anyway, i think i am going to buy some more seeds aswell so i will have my next grow coming into flower when these plants are being harvested. constant supply then isnt it. good luck getting your fixture anyway.
willoco i would not worry too much, as said already it looks like its nearly finished,cant say about the calyx cos my firts grow. congrats and let us know what the smoke is like.
ps. did you lads download all the free books on growing weed you can download, i got them a couple of weeks ago, like 10 or so manuals but good reading. let me know if you want a link to them.
Here, another thing, while I'm at it, what do youse think of autos? Do you reckon we could do a little survey of how people rate autos in general, which ones people like, I'm especially interested to hear from people that have done both clones and autos and how they compare, hassle (or lack of), yield, quality, reliabilty, stability, the whole shebang.

From what I've heard, the seed sales of autos are through the roof in Ireland, compared to regular or fem seeds. That could just be the appeal of not having to do 12/12, or a height thing, or I dont knwo what.

I'm really curious. Let us know. It would help a lot of Irish gardeners :)

Believe it or not I got a set in Himalayan crafts in navan a couple of days ago. Pricey bit of kit though. 185 for a 5 bag set. Last one in the shop I think so give them a bell. They might have them. Have iolites too
Che and Richie, have you used those bags before, really interested to hear how you find them, what kind of yield of hash, and if its worth the moulah you have to fork out on bubble bags. Is your trim worth smokin or not? Ive seen trim thats so covered in resin, its better than any bush weed Ive ever had in here or in England.


Well-Known Member
IMO they have gone threw the roof because of the 50 -70 day harvest time ...i love autos man the only ones i have grown is lowryder#2 so far but i have some easyryder,s waiting to be germed ....


Well-Known Member
if you put auto,s in a good pot and under good lights you could easily get 1oz+...........but if you were to use a clone in the same kind of pot and same lights you could top it a few times and get double the yeild....
So, theyre grand if you want to do a quick one-off grow, or you cant/dont want to have a second room for mothers/clones, but can get maybe 3 times the yield with a little extra effort and space?

Is that it?