My Shit Smells like hay HELP


Ok let me start by telling you the conditions of my grow. I have my spare bedroom seperated into three parts i have a 400W MH lamp sorounded by silver mylar that I veg in. Then my room has a fiber board wall that seperates vege from flower. On the flower side I sourounded the room with red Mylar it has 2 400W HPS lights. I grew BigBud from seed it spent 2 months in Veg and 2 months in Flower. I kept my ph between 6.5 and 7. I used the Fox Farm 6 point fertilizer system. for the last week before I harvested I cut off all nutes and flushed my soil. Everything looked good smelt good it was time to cut and cure but when I did my weed started to smell like hay so I did more reasearch every thing I read said that weed will smell like that fore a little while but the weed smell will return towards the end of the curing process. I cut and trimmed my plants I let them hang for 4 days that when I first noticed the hay smell I jarred my weed burping it a couple of times a day for a week and a half. I really thought I did everything right but my weed smells like hay and tastes like it when I smoke it what did I do wrong I cant sell this shit to a dispensary HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!! :leaf:

Brick Top

New Member
During a slow drying process under optimal, or near optimal, conditions the fresh cut lawn or hay-like smell will go away and then a long slow cure will result in your harvest having the best odor the stain can possibly have and also assure it will reach full potency by giving it the needed time for the percentage of THC that at harvest is in a non-psychoactive form to turn fully psychoactive.

If the drying and or curing process is rushed and not performed under optimal or near optimal conditions your results will not be as good as they otherwise would be, and could be. If the process is sped up too much the natural breakdown and transformation of the various elements will not occur and there is no known way to make them occur later so you might be stuck with what you now have forever and ever amen.


Well-Known Member
only recommendation I can give is to rehydrate your buds. If you take an apple and slice it up, drop a slice in each jar, leave it in there for 1 hr. I bet the smell comes back.


Active Member
dirtycarl+bigbud=hay make sence to me jk lol curing it will help if done proper hay smell is better than chemical smell.

Brick Top

New Member
only recommendation I can give is to rehydrate your buds. If you take an apple and slice it up, drop a slice in each jar, leave it in there for 1 hr. I bet the smell comes back.

A better way to rehydrate is to keep some green/moist leaves when harvesting, keep in a ziploc bag in the refrigerator to keep them moist, and if re-hydration is needed use the moist cannabis leaves. They are less apt to mold than apple slices or orange peels or other such methods.

Re-hydration will add moisture back to over-dried buds but it will not restart the stopped chemical breakdown and transformation of the various elements that need time and proper conditions to fully transform into what they should be.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Yeah it will get better as you cure it out. Just make sure you do it the right way! My last harvest my bud smelled like a spice. But after I dried it and jared it up day by day it started getting that sweet dank smell. Also like someone else said have someone else smell it. My wife smelled mine and when I thought it smelled like spice she told me it smelled different. Give it some time my friend you will be happy if you do it right.


Well-Known Member
did you perhaps grow hay instead of marijuana? this has known to happen in the past. have to say it is the cure that finishes the product. it is interesting smelling the sweet bud smell then as it dries it loses its put it in jars for 3 weeks and the smell slowly comes back.


Well-Known Member
like people said just cure it longer, make sure its manicured properly... and i would flush longer than a week in soil...


Well-Known Member
You also didn't let it cure long enough. I believe I read that you let it hang on the vine for 4 days before you jarred it? You need to leave it until the stems crack minimum for a good cure. Thats around 4 weeks for me and i have a dehumidifier running on low in the next room.


Well-Known Member
Ive had this happen a while ago to but after a while it smelled like it was supposed to nice and dank nuggety.

Greenjumble- You let your harvest air dry like hanging for 4 weeks? I couldnt do that where i live hell around 4-5 days outside hanging in the shed its damn near to dry and crumbly at times. But you must be doing it indoors to have a de humid running in the next room.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
You also didn't let it cure long enough. I believe I read that you let it hang on the vine for 4 days before you jarred it? You need to leave it until the stems crack minimum for a good cure. Thats around 4 weeks for me and i have a dehumidifier running on low in the next room.
You don't have to leave it for a month hanging! It depends on what your temp is in your room. If it is 80 in there it will dry alot quicker if it is 60 degrees in the room.

Everyone has their own way, try a couple and see what works best for you.


2 everyone thanks for all the help next week when i cut my next crop ill be sure to let it hang until the stems snap when i bend them and i wont rush the curing process


Well-Known Member
2 everyone thanks for all the help next week when i cut my next crop ill be sure to let it hang until the stems snap when i bend them and i wont rush the curing process
I disagree with the stem snapping. i like going into cure jars a little earlier than that. just personal preference, i go for the stem bending but not breaking.


Well-Known Member
Standard cure is until the stems crack and then jarring in mason jars "burping" or opening them up for 20 minutes a day after that. I hang in the basement around 65-70 degrees with dehumidifier in the next room. Takes 3-4 weks to crack the stems. The longer I let them hang the better the smell always. I also up the cal/mag and molasses at the first hint of amber for 3-4 days then flush with water for another 5 days or so then chop in the a.m.... trim and hang til they crack. Makes for a great cure and aroma.


Well-Known Member
Standard cure is until the stems crack and then jarring in mason jars "burping" or opening them up for 20 minutes a day after that. I hang in the basement around 65-70 degrees with dehumidifier in the next room. Takes 3-4 weks to crack the stems. The longer I let them hang the better the smell always. I also up the cal/mag and molasses at the first hint of amber for 3-4 days then flush with water for another 5 days or so then chop in the a.m.... trim and hang til they crack. Makes for a great cure and aroma.
Your tellin me your buds hang for 3-4 weeks before going into jars? Does moisture come back when put into mason jars? I do 3 days and into jars without lids, i pay close attention for too much moisture and will set nugs out or burp lids when needed.

You may be growing on a large scale and a room full of drying fruit will dry alot slower than the few plants i dry at a time. Bud size plays a big role as well.