Club 600


Well-Known Member
There is a television show on the History Channal Marijuana, A Chronic History That just showed The Gray Area in A-dam.

The program is 1 of 4 covering coke, meth, heroin and cannabis they slagged off the 1st 3 (and rightly so) but seemed to be on our side as regards cannabis about time mainstream tv helped our fight against ignorance.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I watched both programs. I think they were both fair in the fact that they should both sides of the issues. Pro and illeagal side. I was pretty impressed. Hopefully soon they will be able to make a program about how it USED to be when weed was illeagal.


Well-Known Member
The more I fuck around with the settings on my camera the more bud porn you guys get. I think Im starting to get the hang of this.


Well-Known Member
I'm fairly new to the 600 club, coming from the LED club. Here are some pics of my current grow. They are entering the 7th week of flowering and have 2-3 more weeks to go it appears. The buds are really starting to get big. The one I have outside needs to be staked now, as the stems are near breaking. I'm hoping to pull a few oz from this, and the next grow will be two waterfarms under a scrog.

wally nutter

Well-Known Member
I'm fairly new to the 600 club, coming from the LED club. Here are some pics of my current grow. They are entering the 7th week of flowering and have 2-3 more weeks to go it appears. The buds are really starting to get big. The one I have outside needs to be staked now, as the stems are near breaking. I'm hoping to pull a few oz from this, and the next grow will be two waterfarms under a scrog.

momma mia. i like the first and last especially!


Well-Known Member
Anyone use Canna Products? Looking for a new Nutrient solution and canna has caught my attention, was wondering if anyone has had any luck with it.

Underage Bud Porn


Well-Known Member
Not often 3rd time in 5 years, i've heard nothing but good about house and garden i'm using their aqua flakes in my NFT and their looking good, in my pots i'm using hesi coco which is a cup winning feed the hesi i found produced a smoother end smoke, there's so many brands on the market all saying their the best well i'll be the judge of that, i get bored easily same with feeds and strains, i will keep on searching looking for the holy grail but i doubt I'll ever find it lol


Well-Known Member
I've been looking at the canna pk 13-14 and rhizotonic?, is it worth the money?
i have used both and they both work. i would definately recommend the rhizotonic, i never used it last grow and i have used it this one, i can tell the diference that is for sure!. using 18ltr pots i used to water every 3-4 days, this time round i am watering every other day, the plants just gulp down every thing i throw at them. i also believe it will help prevent nute lock out preventing leaf burn etc.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
I don't think there is a holy grail for nutrients, supplements or strains. I think the genetics, light and the growing environment make up the holy grail.


Well-Known Member
I don't think there is a holy grail for nutrients, supplements or strains. I think the genetics, light and the growing environment make up the holy grail.
true, you gotta do what works for you. i have a saying, if it aint broke-experiment.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
ghb, a man after my own heart. I have a good half dozen grows under my belt and none of them have been the same. My first grow was in party cups, all dwarfs, none over sixteen or eighteen inches tall and some under a foot. My next grow was in one gallon grow bags under a t-5, after that was another t-5 grow but that time I tied the girls down and grew them horizontally along shower curtain rods. After that came my first hid grow and those were in two gallon trash cans and I just let them go. Next one in three gallon trash cans and after that an lst grow with sativas in three gallon trash cans. Last grow was in one and two gallon smart pots. This grow I have my mothers in one gallon grow bags, cuttings into either my bubbler cloner or some into peat pellets and then into party cups to veg a bit and then half gallon grow bags to finish. Right now I have ten plants under one light and about fifteen more going in party cups that have been transplanted from the cloner and peat pellets, they too will go into half gallon grow bags to finish. In february I'll start my next full blown grow which will be another sativa grow. I'll start them in the tent and let them veg there for a bit, then under the metal halides for another bit before flowering. I'll be using three gallon smart pots with six plants total under two lights. Not sure if I'll top them, supercrop them or lst them, we'll see what the plants say. It's all one big ongoing experiment and I love it!!!


Well-Known Member
L:ovely stuff OD, you are for sure getting it nailed with the camera, great shots for sure!

And for a first show Serapis very nice indeed. How do you find the difference between LED and HID?

HeadsUp and WormDrive, I use Canna, like GHB said, I would recommend the rhizotonic, (for the main grow I use BIo Nova) I use the Rhiz with my clones and through veg if cutting down and feeding light. I also use as a foliar spray through veg, plants seem to love it, as soon as I flower I stop with the foliar though.