Club 600

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Well-Known Member
I apologize if I seem like I was harping on the vibe issue. I read every post by everyone and sometimes when I reply, it seems I'm rather late on the issue. It's because I don't read all the posts and then go back and respond to each I feel like responding to, so like today, by the time I responded it seems we all kissed and made up, my bad. Sorry guys.


Well-Known Member
duchieman, how do you change the f settings? I get the rest of what you are saying and thank you for the detailed info about settings, can't wait to try it out around seven thirty tonight.
What kind of camera Heads up? Make and model. Not sure if you can control that if it's a basic digital camera but that's ok because increasing your shutter speed will compensate for that adjustment. The two settings (shutter speed and fstop) kind of work hand in hand, that is to say if you increase one setting by 1 jump and decrease the other by 1 jump you end up with the same result you started with. So, if you can't control 1 then control the other. I hope that helps. If you got that make and model I can help a bit more maybe. I'm no pro, just an enthusiast.


Well-Known Member
Shocking? Really? I guess I'm just getting old and not much shocks me anymore. My grandmother was married at fifteen in the us of a. I think it is only shocking because culturally we are not used to ten year olds giving birth. It's no more shocking than a mother and her eleven year old daughter walking ten miles to get water and then carry said water back ten miles to the village. What good would all our knowledge do us if we woke up in the amazon jungle? I think the people who lived there would look at us and be shocked.

Good point.

wally nutter

Well-Known Member
meet my new friend

im pretty sure she's a she



Well-Known Member
She's beautiful :-)! Looked like she was eating something already, but be sure to give her some food if there are no bugs in your growing area.

wally nutter

Well-Known Member
She's beautiful :-)! Looked like she was eating something already, but be sure to give her some food if there are no bugs in your growing area.
she really likes to keep her feet clean. i cant wait to find something of substance. i dont have any infestations but if i do im ready




Well-Known Member
LOL I hope this doesn't happen to you wally :-)


Well-Known Member
That is one pretty looking gal, and also a very good pic!
Thanks DST. She is a reveg of a cutting I took, 3 weeks into flower, from my first grow. That one I did what a lot of newbies do and jumped the gun on her. This one started out a little ratty looking, kinda like Cinderella before the Fairy God Mother. Now she's a fine ripe lady. I'm just waiting for some seeds to show up and I'm ready to step it up. 600's just a little under worked right now. ;-)


wally nutter

Well-Known Member
sorry about the bombardment of videos

but heres Tiva and Kai

tiva's pretty amber so shes a little couchlocked xD lolollol


wally nutter

Well-Known Member
There is a television show on the History Channal Marijuana, A Chronic History That just showed The Gray Area in A-dam.

thats your area or was?

did you know there are over 2000 species of praying mantis!?

this one can kill a mouse


Well-Known Member
There is a television show on the History Channal Marijuana, A Chronic History That just showed The Gray Area in A-dam.

I watched a show yesterday that was basically about the dude that founded Green House Seeds, his seedbank business and his coffe shops. It was very interesting but for some reason I can't remember his name. I'm sure you guys know, I know it but cant think of it for some reason right now.

They showed footage from when they travel around the world searching for certain strains and stuff.


Well-Known Member
Genuity, is that the og18? If so, how is it? I have several clones that have survived my first real cloning attempt. I'm not too concerned with yield, I'm much more interested in quality.
its the og#18 x skunk,the yield is great.
veg'd for 5 weeks in a 3 gal pot,flower'd for 63-65 days and got 5 3/4oz dry.
then i did a clone in a 5 gal pot veg'd for 6 weeks flower'd for 70 days and got 8 1/4oz dry.
the quality of the product after a 3 week cure is just so dame sour,no skunk smell or that deep musk taste
it likes to go yellow befor all the other gals,i just let her do her!!!!
real nice "face high",nice bong rip,whole face go's num.......i love it..