Could slavery make america great again?


Well-Known Member
i am not a slave on any level, i am paid for the work i do, i cannot be traded, bought or sold.. nobody will ever beat me or whip me. i think i can vote, i can own a home/land my kids wont be taken from me and sold, i can fuck a white girl without being hung.. so tell me again..
how could slavery work with the midstate of people in any race nowadays.. ur gonna have a hell of a war .


Well-Known Member
i am not a slave on any level, i am paid for the work i do, i cannot be traded, bought or sold.. nobody will ever beat me or whip me. i think i can vote, i can own a home/land my kids wont be taken from me and sold, i can fuck a white girl without being hung.. so tell me again..
how could slavery work with the midstate of people in any race nowadays.. ur gonna have a hell of a war .
You are obviously not able to comprehend your own state of enslavement this is a common condition it comes from a lack of education among the slave class and a lack of the ability or desire to think.


Well-Known Member
You are obviously not able to comprehend your own state of enslavement this is a common condition it comes from a lack of education among the slave class and a lack of the ability or desire to think.

i don't believe slavery will benefit the US like i stated in my earlier post..but i agree with all your posts talking about how most of us are already enslaved and don't know it. we're unable to think critically and are unable to even understand what freedom is.



Well-Known Member
i am not enslaved in any way, i i am free to do what i want when i want. i can say what i want when i want where i want. spend how i want whatever store i feel like goin in. i feel pretty damn free, but maybe you are right. maybe i am conditioned to think this is freedom, but i cant think of being any free'r. maybe africa in a tribe living off the land being broke as shit and ashy wit flies on my face(i'm speaking for rural indigenous tribes). i'll pass i like what i believe as freedom much better.

as far as your question, if you mean slavery in the same way most people think when they think slavery. then no, u can not justify that by saying it will be a better nation. and if u meant trying to get any kind of free labor to pull us out of debt that will not work either! truth is no ,atter which way you do it having cheaper and free labor wouldnt solve shit as most people are paid shit nowadays anyway. and the gov't and banks are responsible for this bullshit not the people, employment and labor cost are not even a dent in the debts that america has most hard work is done by machines not by man, having men do the work (free or cheap) would result in some low ass production rates which would never keep up with demand thus not working at all.

Bud Tipps

Well-Known Member
How about ending slavery?

We are the target of slavery for what we cultivate and consume, the people in jails are already being used as slaves to compete with China's slave labor.

Why would you want your fellow stoners to continue to be treated as slaves?


Well-Known Member
How about ending slavery?

We are the target of slavery for what we cultivate and consume, the people in jails are already being used as slaves to compete with China's slave labor.

Why would you want your fellow stoners to continue to be treated as slaves?
So why do you use money? you work for money that is worthless. why would you purchace something from someone you don't know? why would you sell something to someone you haven't met?

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
So are you illiterate ? lazy? or just looking for argument? can you add anything to discussion or debate? we have allready treaded that ground in this thread, if you read it you will see that we have touched on the fact that we are slaves-OPEN YOUR EYES
If you believe that then you need



Well-Known Member
and it could easily be done if enough people would agree
it wouldnt be easy.. remember again people aint scared to fight back now. it aint like before where the whites had guns and africa didnt. now everybody has a gun, and a kitchen full of knives even canadians will fight back. definately wouldnt work for prisoners e already get .35 cent an hour when a fuckin honeybun is $1.50.. they would just sit on their ass and no do a damn thing, u know like a strike. and when they try to pull out their "whips" or whatever current item would be used, they might end up gettin jumped or stabbed
how do you think you can get people to majority yes a law lke this when money is the only thing anybody wants.


Well-Known Member
it wouldnt be easy.. remember again people aint scared to fight back now. it aint like before where the whites had guns and africa didnt. now everybody has a gun, and a kitchen full of knives even canadians will fight back. definately wouldnt work for prisoners e already get .35 cent an hour when a fuckin honeybun is $1.50.. they would just sit on their ass and no do a damn thing, u know like a strike. and when they try to pull out their "whips" or whatever current item would be used, they might end up gettin jumped or stabbed
how do you think you can get people to majority yes a law lke this when money is the only thing anybody wants.

start them when they are young so they know no better. ;)


Active Member
I was wondering why no one in politics has proposed slavery to help turn the economy around. Do you think using some form of slavery could return the U.S. to prosperity?
wow. Probably because we live in america. and bringing up an "idea" like that to would get you shot.


Well-Known Member
might as well find a sparcely populated utopia, kill everyone and prosper.Oh yea been there done that
we all pay taxes don't we? unconstitutional taxes.
we're all slaves to this government and all the oil executives that run it.
think about it people.
and we'll all continue to be slaves unless we do something about it.


New Member
By the suggestion of using prisoners for slavery on this forum when we all know most prisoners are in there for cannabis or some other chemical. On a forum which is centered on the use and production of the plant the prisoners are deprived their freedom for....
