Could slavery make america great again?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering why no one in politics has proposed slavery to help turn the economy around. Do you think using some form of slavery could return the U.S. to prosperity?
Because ALL MEN were created eaqual?

Besides your antip prop 19 silliness, this post is the stupidest....


Well-Known Member
Because ALL MEN were created eaqual?

Besides your antip prop 19 silliness, this post is the stupidest....
quotes a line made famous by slave owners and claiming this is my stupidest post- weak rebuttal. so you agree we could easily enslave canada?


Well-Known Member
"Gold is the currency of kings; silver is the currency of gentlemen; barter is the currency of peasants, and debt is the currency of slaves."

I saw this quote on a bumper sticker and it got me thinking about slavery. With 70% of GDP being consumer driven spending, (debt) it follows that most of us are already slaves. The question isn't about WHO is the slave, but Who is the slave owner. It is my belief that in reality, the "haves" have been making slaves of the "have-nots" since December 23, 1913. Slavery in the sense that it exists today is not about race or class, but about the miracle of compounding interest. To answer the original question, slavery has ALREADY grown the US into the World's largest economy by a very wide margin.


Well-Known Member
what if americans could adopt slavery and guarantee the average citizen a better life. what if you could support a household on one income or retire at 45 or have 6 weeks of vacation a year or have better roads and cleaner air


Undercover Mod
I have another theory. You know the housing market crash, it was diliberate. The rich white man now has all the money and the land.


Active Member
We are in a indentured servitude without the masses knowing it! Global ecnonomy working toward the ends of Faciism! check it out on Freedom to facisms by Aaron Russo. We don't know it, the masses, and we are all on route for this. Like Carnegie said while working for Rockefeller, 'no one person will ever be rich while working for someone else'.
This is close to what PoonJoon said above, in that artificial market manipulation will bring us all down as we have seen!


Active Member
And I forgot to mention, what a close minded topic headline. Come on! Think about what you said Serapis when you titled this thread. Even with the idea of slavery you still have the Cost of Goods which would include the cost of procuring the labor, feeding and sheltering etc. So even given this you would have to balance that with the low cost of third world labor versus 'slavery' here.
The true reason we are all where we are now, given this current economy, is that we don't produce anything anymore here! all of our economy is driven on technology and brokering.


Active Member
I have another theory. You know the housing market crash, it was diliberate. The rich white man now has all the money and the land.
You are damn right Balzac89. Come on people, gentrification! Look it up! driving the housing and land values down, usually to a certain race or demographic of people, so that they, 'the man', can buy it up and raise the property values to make a profit!
Great point Balzac! And don't forget who got bailed out???? the same people that are gong to own half the country when it's done. the mortgage companies etc.
Ok enough! hahah


Active Member
"Gold is the currency of kings; silver is the currency of gentlemen; barter is the currency of peasants, and debt is the currency of slaves."

I saw this quote on a bumper sticker and it got me thinking about slavery. With 70% of GDP being consumer driven spending, (debt) it follows that most of us are already slaves. The question isn't about WHO is the slave, but Who is the slave owner. It is my belief that in reality, the "haves" have been making slaves of the "have-nots" since December 23, 1913. Slavery in the sense that it exists today is not about race or class, but about the miracle of compounding interest. To answer the original question, slavery has ALREADY grown the US into the World's largest economy by a very wide margin.
Love it Carnifreek! you are exactly right imho!


Well-Known Member
And I forgot to mention, what a close minded topic headline. Come on! Think about what you said Serapis when you titled this thread. Even with the idea of slavery you still have the Cost of Goods which would include the cost of procuring the labor, feeding and sheltering etc. So even given this you would have to balance that with the low cost of third world labor versus 'slavery' here.
The true reason we are all where we are now, given this current economy, is that we don't produce anything anymore here! all of our economy is driven on technology and brokering.
we need to produce things here and maybe slavery could make us competitive with 3rd world labor. weren't the iraqi's sopposed to pay our costs for the war after we 'liberated' them? I think I remember something about that at the begining of the war that they would pay us with oil so it wouldn't cost anything. I might be wrong about that i'm not sure. It would be a good idea though put them to work pumping oil make have them come here and have them build factories make all the illegal imigrants in the U.S. work to they can mine coal. we can have Green energy I can see it now when mine aren't busy working they'll be riding stationary bikes with generators that power my computer and the fan on their bike will cool me. we could have big wheels like a hampster wheel and make them run power plants


Well-Known Member
we still use slave labor it's called china, chocolate also is harvested by using trafficked children.. USA USA USA

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
slaves to currency and bankers? Come on man. You expect everything to be free? Regardless of how fucked up this world is and how fucked up America is, we still have freedom. Ive been around the world and before i left i thought this place sucked ass. When i got back i kissed the ground. I now know first hand theres no other place i wanna be. We as people get out of bed and go earn a living. Thats what we do. Thats what humanity has done since the beginning of time. I'd much rather be on a beach somewhere sipping on a pina colada everyday but i know thats not gonna happen. If you want something you have to buy it. If you wanna buy it you have to earn it. Thats the way it works. It doesnt make us slaves.

Kinder masters do not mean that you are free. The United States retains some freedoms, yet they incarcerate the highest % of their own population of any country. In this "free" country, on this very forum, we have to remain anonymous when discussing a plant or advocating it's use. So we might have a kinder master (for now) tell me one aspect of your life that doesn't have some form of government control in it....


New Member
Most of us are already slaves and just don't know it yet. Slaves to Currency and Bankers.
Geeze, how can this be, I agree with you, Although I would expand a bit on the thesis. I say the workers are slaves to the masters of the society, the elites, the people,(As George Carlin would say) that own the society. If you're not one, then in some context, you are a slave. Unions have in the past hundred years made some progress in creating a middle class, but that is fast fading with the owners again using their Media to blast the unions and discourage people from joining at every turn. We are returning to an era where there will be just rich and poor, it may take another hundred years, but it will surely come to pass, unless we the people stand up and demand our rights.


Well-Known Member
we need to produce things here and maybe slavery could make us competitive with 3rd world labor. weren't the iraqi's sopposed to pay our costs for the war after we 'liberated' them? I think I remember something about that at the begining of the war that they would pay us with oil so it wouldn't cost anything. I might be wrong about that i'm not sure. It would be a good idea though put them to work pumping oil make have them come here and have them build factories make all the illegal imigrants in the U.S. work to they can mine coal. we can have Green energy I can see it now when mine aren't busy working they'll be riding stationary bikes with generators that power my computer and the fan on their bike will cool me. we could have big wheels like a hampster wheel and make them run power plants
so no one supports renewable energy and 0% unemployment?


Well-Known Member
I think we could hook altenators to these things and have them build a bunch of them we could have huge rows many stories high with people running in them they could even have solar pannels on the top to create even more power they could compost their poop and use the methane and burn the poo for more energy they could use their urine to fertilize the feilds they could eat our garbage.