First Grow, Bagseeds, Come take a look!!!


Well-Known Member
according to that site (looking at the pics) my plants look closest to overwatering and PH fluctuation... the PH is makes more sense then the overwatering, I dont understand in any states of my mind how I could be overwatering.


Well-Known Member
I made a video, showing you my closet, plants, setup, temps, and my broken double perk bong :(... any idea on the safest and stealthiest way to upload it? I was thinking youtube but Im not sure, opinions?


Well-Known Member
im pretty sure its 40-60%...youd prolly be safe in somwhere in that range 50% or so..
I dunno....I pretty much trust Jorge Cervantes on grow tips...thats right out of his newest grow book "Marijuana Horticulture the Indoor/Outdoor Medical Growers Bible." vegging plants require more humidity than flowering one's 50 is ideal for buddies and I have dialed in on these #'s and having great success. I do agree though...70% might be pushing it....aim for 60-65%.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking that they might be getting to cold at night to... not sure what the temps are fluxuating at (im sleeping usually) but this last week ive been sleeping with the window cracked, and it might be making my babies cold


Cheese Head
well my I left my heater off last night and it was 12f here last night and my grow room goto 50f and my plant looked straight up bad it was real real droopy.


Well-Known Member
"The present temperature difference between day and night may cause some difficulties. At day temperature may go up to 30 degrees centigrade, while temperature at night may be only 17 degrees centigrade.
Through this, plants have to evaporate too much moisture in too little time when facing day temperature. This may cause so called burning tops. Leafs will show dry brown edges (or they get all brown) and they curl.
New tops will grow, but it will slow down the growing process enormously. It probably takes you several weeks more before you can harvest.
The maximum difference between day and night temperature must only be about 5 degrees centigrade. So it is advised to heaten up a little at night."

this is from another thread and the guys problem looks very similar to mine. with the droopy and purple spots on leaves, ive also noticed very stunted growth...


Well-Known Member
your hygro/thermometer should have a feature with the press of a button you can find out your max temp/min temp...and max humid/ min looked like a good one...mines a cheapy and it has that feature...I'll post some pics to show ya what i mean...As for the purple know what strain your growing? I know its bagseed, but do know what they came from? Some plants just turn purple from genetics, but since yours have been stressed...Im guessing either slightly cold...or maybe a nute diffecency or overload? I think it's too much Phosphorus can cause plants to falsey turn purple. Speaking of nutes..what are you using? How much? How often? And how often are you finding that you have to water a week?


Well-Known Member
GEORGE CERVENTAS is the shit dude!..u should try and buy "george cerventas ultimate grow dvd" it shows u pretty much everything! he just came out with a "part 2" i wanna get that shit!


Well-Known Member
Lets see here. Yeah it has that feature... Im going to reset it now and check it tomorrow when I wake up to see how much the temp drops during the next, and humid for that matter. No clue on strains honestly. When I transplanted I used a soil that already contained nutes so I havent givin them any Nutes mixed with water yet. I have been watering them about once a week. This next time I water Im going to be using some 1/4 strength Veg Flora Nova Nutes. I also had another question. My pots that they are currently in have drainage spots on the bottom so they can drain into the plastic pans, I can see roots coming out of the holes, will the light piss off the roots (as in a know roots+light dont work together) am I going to need to transplant again or am I still currently fine for awhile? Fine till harvest?


Well-Known Member
"The present temperature difference between day and night may cause some difficulties. At day temperature may go up to 30 degrees centigrade, while temperature at night may be only 17 degrees centigrade.
Through this, plants have to evaporate too much moisture in too little time when facing day temperature. This may cause so called burning tops. Leafs will show dry brown edges (or they get all brown) and they curl.
New tops will grow, but it will slow down the growing process enormously. It probably takes you several weeks more before you can harvest.
The maximum difference between day and night temperature must only be about 5 degrees centigrade. So it is advised to heaten up a little at night."

this is from another thread and the guys problem looks very similar to mine. with the droopy and purple spots on leaves, ive also noticed very stunted growth...
This is part of your problem....there isnt enough humidity in the air when lights come on...plants begin to transpire (because of heat) faster than they can take up water. This is "burning your plants." Get a humidifier! 30 percent humidity is way too low, especially if the day temps are close to 80f...and your night temps near 55f. This is exactlty what this guy is talking about..and it makes perfect sence. So yeah, raise night temps (be aware that heat lowers humidity)...and get a humidifier....should solve the problem.....


Well-Known Member
They are rootbound again? I would suggest tranplanting RIGHT BEFORE OR AFTER you start flowering. Plants shoot roots down further into the ground looking for more water and nutrients when they begin to flower. Plants know they need more water and nutes when they get bigger. As for the light hitting roots...those roots stopped growing when they hit the air. It's called air "pruning" roots cease to grow when they hit air. It's not too big of an issue...I can see roots through my drainage holes as well. Its just a small amount of root compared to the whole root biggy...


Well-Known Member
good question....the heater and humidifier will be working against each other at may want to look into those seedling/clone warming mats...or maybe even an electric blanket? Beware of fire hazard! Ill look into it.