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Wexler Still Working Towards Hearings
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Rep. Robert Wexler is still working towards getting hearings started for VP Dick Cheney. I dont think Im violating any confidences to say that the support hes seen from the netroots has been really stunning to him. We have close to 200,000 signatures at and now hes looking for some of his fellow Congresspeople to join him in calling for hearings.
Check out the number of signatures now! And if you go back you will see the numbers keep going up by the minute ...
I called my rep today (1-800-828-0498 (ask the operator to connect you to your congressperson)and ask the assistant if the congressman plans to support the bill ... he stuttered and put me on hold ... then told me I would be contacted with a response ... hummm.
Not that is will make much difference, but at least it is clear "we the people" want impeachment! Join the noise ... let your voice be heard!

Rep. Robert Wexler is still working towards getting hearings started for VP Dick Cheney. I dont think Im violating any confidences to say that the support hes seen from the netroots has been really stunning to him. We have close to 200,000 signatures at and now hes looking for some of his fellow Congresspeople to join him in calling for hearings.
Check out the number of signatures now! And if you go back you will see the numbers keep going up by the minute ...

I called my rep today (1-800-828-0498 (ask the operator to connect you to your congressperson)and ask the assistant if the congressman plans to support the bill ... he stuttered and put me on hold ... then told me I would be contacted with a response ... hummm.
Not that is will make much difference, but at least it is clear "we the people" want impeachment! Join the noise ... let your voice be heard!