On the Impeachment Front ... Help Needed


Well-Known Member
Wexler Still Working Towards Hearings…Can You Help?
Rep. Robert Wexler is still working towards getting hearings started for VP Dick Cheney. I don’t think I’m violating any confidences to say that the support he’s seen from the netroots has been really stunning to him. We have close to 200,000 signatures at WexlerWantsHearings.com and now he’s looking for some of his fellow Congresspeople to join him in calling for hearings.

Check out the number of signatures now! And if you go back you will see the numbers keep going up by the minute ... :hump:

I called my rep today (
1-800-828-0498 (ask the operator to connect you to your congressperson)
and ask the assistant if the congressman plans to support the bill ... he stuttered and put me on hold ... then told me I would be contacted with a response ... hummm.

Not that is will make much difference, but at least it is clear "we the people" want impeachment! Join the noise ... let your voice be heard!

Wexler Still Working Towards Hearings…Can You Help?
Rep. Robert Wexler is still working towards getting hearings started for VP Dick Cheney. I don’t think I’m violating any confidences to say that the support he’s seen from the netroots has been really stunning to him. We have close to 200,000 signatures at WexlerWantsHearings.com and now he’s looking for some of his fellow Congresspeople to join him in calling for hearings.

Check out the number of signatures now! And if you go back you will see the numbers keep going up by the minute ... :hump:

I called my rep today (1-800-828-0498 (ask the operator to connect you to your congressperson)
and ask the assistant if the congressman plans to support the bill ... he stuttered and put me on hold ... then told me I would be contacted with a response ... hummm.

Not that is will make much difference, but at least it is clear "we the people" want impeachment! Join the noise ... let your voice be heard!

Yeah, I've submitted a few calls for impeachment and all I get is a form letter expressing they've taken my complaint under consideration and they'll get back to me. They never get back.
I know ... but the point is to make some noise ... let them know we know they are both and pay for ... that's the point.
There is, unfortunately for you guys, a conspicuous lack of evidence necessary to initiate impeachment.
Wexler is a shameless publicity hound.
I guarantee impeachment is never going to happen.
Time to deal with political reality....move on!
There is, unfortunately for you guys, a conspicuous lack of evidence necessary to initiate impeachment.
Wexler is a shameless publicity hound.
I guarantee impeachment is never going to happen.
Time to deal with political reality....move on!
If the gutless Democrats had 1/10th the balls of the Repukes, they would have appointed a special prosecutor long ago. The whole shootin match is in complicity if you ask me. The dems for not taking action and the repukes for standing with the assholes.
Med if indeed there was one scintilla of any real evidence, impeachment would have taken place by now!
Med if indeed there was one scintilla of any real evidence, impeachment would have taken place by now!
Tell me why there was no special prosecutor positioned to investigate the lies told about the reasons to invade Iraq. Please don't come back with the ignorant reply "because there were no lies told", because you know there were. It's a complicity beyond understanding. Also tell me why the gutless Democrats will not cut off funding for the war, Complicity.
There is, unfortunately for you guys, a conspicuous lack of evidence necessary to initiate impeachment.
Wexler is a shameless publicity hound.
I guarantee impeachment is never going to happen.
Time to deal with political reality....move on!

What a stupid statement ... there is plenty of evidence ... I put up a thread listing all their crimes ... you just choose to ignore the crimes like a good nazi ... THAT WHY THEY DON'T WANT TO IMPEACH it would not only implicate the illegitimate bush regime but all the members of the PNAC.

Man are you dense ... :roll:
Tell me why there was no special prosecutor positioned to investigate the lies told about the reasons to invade Iraq. Please don't come back with the ignorant reply "because there were no lies told", because you know there were. It's a complicity beyond understanding. Also tell me why the gutless Democrats will not cut off funding for the war, Complicity.

Once again, you fail to provide EVIDENCE.

And what is this evidence of? You list a bunch of pages with no argument. I personally wouldn't call any of these "sources" credible. An angelfire page, you need to do better than that. I can make a website that says you are my bitch(everyone already knows it), but that alone doesn't make it true. Evidence would equal indictments.
A list of "crimes" is not proof of guilt. If there was evidence, people would already be indicted.

How the hell do you figure that when we have a CORRUPTED CONGRESS ... who obviously are not upholding their oath of office ... what a stupid statement.:roll:
And what is this evidence of? You list a bunch of pages with no argument. I personally wouldn't call any of these "sources" credible. An angelfire page, you need to do better than that. I can make a website that says you are my bitch(everyone already knows it), but that alone doesn't make it true.
Yeah I was right, you are too ignorant to debate with, my bitch your ass. I'm pretty sure I could handle you in an 8X10 jail cell, hey bitch, come on over and give me some head.~LOL~>
Lady liberty(justice) is blind. If evidence of a real, black-and-white crime existed, people would be indicted. They made a bigger deal out of a stained dress in Clinton's era. It doesn't add up...
Yeah I was right, you are too ignorant to debate with, my bitch your ass. I'm pretty sure I could handle you in an 8X10 jail cell, hey bitch, come on over and give me some head.~LOL~>

What evidence is there? All you provided was aqusations and lies. Do better than that. Why isn't this on the front pages of the Times, credibility! If this shit was credible it would be a news sensation. All of these sites have links to bullshit impeachment pages. If they were credible and unbiased, they would just report the facts.