Greenhouse seeds WTF?


Well-Known Member
Oh my, do you by any chance ride on one of those blue buses where most of the passengers are window lickers ???? When did i state i know what he is doing and what genetics he is crossing and breeding or that they supply male seed ?????? Arjan and greenhouse have built a rep and are still going strong, all the experience i have had with GH has been a pleasure, enjoyable and given great results. We are each entitled to our own opinion, im not telling anyone there wrong, i just think its harsh to attack GH from a single experience. Theres alot of other breeders who ( a few were mentioned ) that ive grown out and had bad results too, so for each bad report theres a good, thus why GH are still around to this day, they must be doing something right.
You'll get nowhere on this forum by insulting the more educated.


Well-Known Member
Oh my, do you by any chance ride on one of those blue buses where most of the passengers are window lickers ???? When did i state i know what he is doing and what genetics he is crossing and breeding or that they supply male seed ?????? Arjan and greenhouse have built a rep and are still going strong, all the experience i have had with GH has been a pleasure, enjoyable and given great results. We are each entitled to our own opinion, im not telling anyone there wrong, i just think its harsh to attack GH from a single experience. Theres alot of other breeders who ( a few were mentioned ) that ive grown out and had bad results too, so for each bad report theres a good, thus why GH are still around to this day, they must be doing something right.
I wont rip on anyone for their preference of beans, but I like getting both male and female seeds for breeding purposes.. Once I get strains I really like I prefer to keep everything "in house"..



Well-Known Member
You'll get nowhere on this forum by insulting the more educated.
Cool story bro, anyways.......... post count dont mean you have experience, just that you spend enormous amounts of time posting in forum boards. Good luck to you, be sure to wipe your chin where the shit is dribbling out. Peace.


Active Member
Oh my, do you by any chance ride on one of those blue buses where most of the passengers are window lickers ???? When did i state i know what he is doing and what genetics he is crossing and breeding or that they supply male seed ?????? Arjan and greenhouse have built a rep and are still going strong, all the experience i have had with GH has been a pleasure, enjoyable and given great results. We are each entitled to our own opinion, im not telling anyone there wrong, i just think its harsh to attack GH from a single experience. Theres alot of other breeders who ( a few were mentioned ) that ive grown out and had bad results too, so for each bad report theres a good, thus why GH are still around to this day, they must be doing something right.
Cool story bro, anyways.......... post count dont mean you have experience, just that you spend enormous amounts of time posting in forum boards. Good luck to you, be sure to wipe your chin where the shit is dribbling out. Peace.
Good luck kid :wall:


Well-Known Member
It seems like all the big seed venders suck (i.e. serious seeds, green house, and Dutch Passion). Stick with the respected small guys. TGA (cheap and great quality), Dj short, Mr. Nice, ect..Do your homework and you'll find a plethora of good genetics out there.

Brick Top

New Member
WTF's up with greenhouse seeds? God they fk'n suck. I mean, some have half leaves, leaves growin at weird angles, a plant that's 13 in tall with a stem thats 10 in long lookin like a fk'n palm tree. It's a genetic train wreck. Inbred down syndrome plants.

What sort of setup are you running? Soil? If soil, what size pots? Hydro? Aero? What type of lighting? Light cycle? How about wattage? Ventilation? What nutes do you use? Temperature & humidity range? CO2? Etc?

I am not a big Green House Seeds fan but I have grown a handful of them and so far I have not had a single problem that I could honestly blame on poor genetics or old beans or anything a breeder or seedbank could be blamed for. I am not saying you caused what you are seeing and do not care much for, but more than once I have seen that be the case with growers who were unhappy with their plants and who blamed the breeder and or seedbank. Describe your setup in detail and let's see if people can help to eliminate the possibility that conditions/environment being at least partially the cause.


Well-Known Member
Cool story bro, anyways.......... post count dont mean you have experience, just that you spend enormous amounts of time posting in forum boards. Good luck to you, be sure to wipe your chin where the shit is dribbling out. Peace.
Right. So post some pics of your grows so we can see that you're not just an immature beginner. Keep it relevant and post your grows from GH seeds.
It seems like all the big seed venders suck (i.e. serious seeds, green house, and Dutch Passion). Stick with the respected small guys. TGA (cheap and great quality), Dj short, Mr. Nice, ect..Do your homework and you'll find a plethora of good genetics out there.
Serious Seeds? Where have you heard cons of them? They're one of the most reputable that I've read about so far, but i could be wrong on their quality. Their selection is very small... rather than marketing a bunch of new unstable crosses and ripoffs they spent years working on the strains they make. Read reviews for their AK47 (copied by many hack breeders), Chronic, White Russian, Kali Mist, etc.. Almost all reports I've found are very favorable.
Though I concluded the same as you about all the other breeders you mentioned.


Well-Known Member
Serious Seeds? Where have you heard cons of them? They're one of the most reputable that I've read about so far, but i could be wrong on their quality. Their selection is very small... rather than marketing a bunch of new unstable crosses and ripoffs they spent years working on the strains they make. Read reviews for their AK47 (copied by many hack breeders), Chronic, White Russian, Kali Mist, etc.. Almost all reports I've found are very favorable.
Though I concluded the same as you about all the other breeders you mentioned.
There are plenty of negs about serious seed, DP, and green house. Once again do you're homework. If you think Serious is a fine company then maybe it is to you. Personally though I like the smaller breeders. They just seem to put out a better quality product and a lot of unique strains.

FYI if your the kind thats looking for high profile named strains then by all means buy off the big time breeders. Every now and then they do pump out a quality product. Personally though I've had a enough of them. Their quality is lacking and their prices are unreal. Many of the smaller operations just put out a better quality product. Granted I have an eye for uncompromising quality that may fall into the smug realm at times.


Well-Known Member
There are plenty of negs about serious seed, DP, and green house. Once again do you're homework. If you think Serious is a fine company then maybe it is to you. Personally though I like the smaller breeders. They just seem to put out a better quality product and a lot of unique strains.

FYI if your the kind thats looking for high profile named strains then by all means buy off the big time breeders. Every now and then they do pump out a quality product. Personally though I've had a enough of them. Their quality is lacking and their prices are unreal. Many of the smaller operations just put out a better quality product. Granted I have an eye for uncompromising quality that may fall into the smug realm at times.
Show me some links or posts where growers are complaining about the quality from serious seeds. Ak47 and Kali mist are legendary and when other breeders are copying their strains, that should give you an idea of the quality they're putting out. Again, where are the links?

Hey godl1ke, where are your pics? Or do you always sling mud and run when you can't step up?


Active Member
HAHA i almost peed my pant reading this thread...... Breeders are out to make $$$$ GH doesnt offer "regular" seeds because they dont have too and people still buy their seeds. If you dont like them because of that I am sure they dont give a rats ass because they are selling hand over fist. For them $$$ is what it is about. Everybody knows the CC is a popularity contest but with the victor goes the spoils and if GH wants to give away t-shirts, samples and other advertisement to win then so be it. For us "home growers" we want the best quality but for breeders they want the biggest name to make the most $$$. Is there a chance you are going to get a shitty seed yes but i would venture to say its more likely your grow tech then anything....


Stay away from GreenHouse all together. They don't even offer 'standard' seeds which either means they steal genetics or just don't own any solid breeding males.
Casting aside any negative experiences related to Greenhouse, or other he said-she said bullshit pertaining to their business practices/breeding methods; how can one assume that a seed company 'steals genetics' or doesn't 'own any solid breeding males' just because they distribute exclusively feminized seeds? It would seem a bit more likely that perhaps they don't offer regular seeds for the opposite reason: effectively disallowing anybody from creating stable crosses of, or with, their strains and thus protecting their genetics.

I personally think that a bit unethical, and therefore am not jumping at the gun to grow any of their strains. However, they obviously have enough money, and it is no secret that they exert a bit of effort into seeking out landrace specimens for fresh genetic material. I am sure they have quite the extensive collection of genetics available for breeding purposes, and certainly have the resources. I can't help but find your comments priggish and a stretch of the imagination.


Well-Known Member
Casting aside any negative experiences related to Greenhouse, or other he said-she said bullshit pertaining to their business practices/breeding methods; how can one assume that a seed company 'steals genetics' or doesn't 'own any solid breeding males' just because they distribute exclusively feminized seeds? It would seem a bit more likely that perhaps they don't offer regular seeds for the opposite reason: effectively disallowing anybody from creating stable crosses of, or with, their strains and thus protecting their genetics.

I personally think that a bit unethical, and therefore am not jumping at the gun to grow any of their strains. However, they obviously have enough money, and it is no secret that they exert a bit of effort into seeking out landrace specimens for fresh genetic material. I am sure they have quite the extensive collection of genetics available for breeding purposes, and certainly have the resources. I can't help but find your comments priggish and a stretch of the imagination.
There is a story about the original owners of GH and how when they split up, the owner who left took all his prized males with him. Mr Nice I believe? Apparently he has the true white widow. Other than White Widow, Trainwreck and Bubba Kush are good examples of strains with a murky histories. Multiple banks carry these strains, who has the 'real' one?

There are some threads on this site about GH and their history from other breeders, search them out. My posts my make more sense.

Bad side-effects from only offering feminized seeds:


Active Member
Well, GHS has the famed Super Silver Haze. It's hard not to get interested in a strain with so much mystique.