Week before Harvest, she stopped drinking water & curled up and died

I don't have any photos right now, but this is the weirdest thing I've ever seen.
A week before harvest, everything looks good, I go in and notice that everything is still wet so I don't water and come back the next morning and from the top working its way down everything is dead, overnight the leaves have curled up like the wicked witch of the west are brown & crunchy.

Why would they just stop taking water?
Thanks for your reply, TWSS. No, no root rot. A friend said it might be blight. Have you ever heard of it? What causes it? How to prevent it?
I've done a little research and am not finding much info. This is not something I ever wanna experience again. So Sudden, So Sad.


Active Member
We need more info, a lot more info.
How did you grow, with what, etc
Put as much detail as you can and maybe someone can connect the dots for you.
Did you change anything?


Well-Known Member
Really? That's your response? What a bunch of idiots.
How do you expect us to respond when you provide no details other than, "uhh...I walk in the room and shes dead".

Anyways, I have a theory but I will keep it to myself in fear of being called an idiot.
Responses like, it must be the death knights or give me a bud ARE idiotic. I guess I don't share the same sense of humor when it comes to an entire run being ruined.
I didn't give a bunch of details because there really aren't any details to give.
Literally, it happened overnight. Watering fine, next day still wet, didn't water, next day dead from the top down, curled and brown. Was going to harvest in about 4-6 days. Everything looked completely normal and right on track up until they were still wet the one day. Nothing has changed in my methods. I haven't used anything new or done anything differently from before. And I have to say for the last 20yrs, I've been pretty successful...maybe just lucky.
I use soil (Fox Farm) and advanced nutrients. I checked to see if there was root rot, there wasn't.

From the description that my friend gave me the other day, it sounds like its probably a blight of some kind. Does anyone have any experience with "the blight"?
I would love to hear about peoples experiences with blight, not the world of warcraft.
Thanks for your help.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you had a nutrient lock out, too much salt, or too high of a PH. You need to be on top of that shit daily. In any case, if it were your last week before harvest you should have flushed that bitch.

P.S. from my limited knowledge blight is kind of a generic term for a pathogen infection. Who knows what could have caused that.
Flushing is a myth. The only time I let myself buy into that is when I've had some sort of pest problem towards the end. Better safe than sorry, I suppose.
Thanks for your input Ronjon, but the ph & salt were fine.

From what I've found on the blight issue its a brown or Erwinia. I'm not completely clear on the difference just that its a bacteria.
My friend suggested adding commercial grade hydrogen peroxide to my water.
Still looking for more info.
Hey...Sorry. The tone of my last posting definitely sounds bitchie and that's not my intention. Lets just say this isn't my first rodeo.
I really appreciate the input that people have given because it makes me take a second look. But honestly, there's nothing out of the ordinary on this one.
I'm just a little amazed that more people haven't encountered this same situation.
Thanks in advance for your help.

Brick Top

New Member
It could have been caused by stem canker and it could have been caused by fusarium wilt. Both will stop the intake of moisture in plants by destroying the plant's vascular system causing them to die. Then again it could be something else too.


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm??? A plant dying in that short of amount of time?? Overnite? Without any symtoms or warning signs? Something really dont sound right there!!! Would bleach kill it that quick? At the top? WOW!

Brick Top

New Member
Hmmmm??? A plant dying in that short of amount of time?? Overnite? Without any symtoms or warning signs? Something really dont sound right there!!! Would bleach kill it that quick? At the top? WOW!

Actually is sounded like it happened over at least two days. He or she wrote; "Watering fine, next day still wet, didn't water, next day dead from the top down, curled and brown." If you notice there were two next days mentioned and there likely was something going on well before that but it just hadn't reached a point where there were visible signs yet.



Well-Known Member
You give no details like soil/hydro, lights temp, nutes, container size, strain or all that saying there are no details to give and then flushing is a myth and you want people to help you diagnose a plant? I wont be helping that is for sure. Anything anyone tells you is a guess because you have told us nothing. My guess is a cold front. No wait bad nutes or maybe rootbound or no light bleaching combined with heat stress.