LAST will be Florida..... thats all wee need is high retired folks driving their golf carts into the ocean....... LOL
I would agree with you. I think it will have to be legal federally before states like, Georgia, South Carolina, Florida, Alabama legalize it for medical or recreational use. The bible thumping rednecks outweigh the pro pot activists by a huge margin. Aside from me and my wife I do not know one person who will openly admit marijuana shouldn't be illegal.I was born and grew up in Georgia , in the heart of the bible thumping belt. I see Georgia as the last state to hold out. They have some of the toughest "throw them under the jail" type prosecutors and judges I've ever seen. They also are one of the few states that will give you a D.U.I. and take you to jail for marijuana if your given a blood test and THC shows up even 3-4 weeks after you've toked. There are only a handful of states that do that.
Ga is one of the few states with "per se drugged driving law" which states that if you have any traceable amount of an illegal drug in your system while driving you are guilty of dui. This law is currently being challenged in the state supreme court.
I moved my ass away from GA. last year, to Colorado, I wasn't going to continue on growing and risking my freedom and all the property I owned too. I know how the people think there, they are close-minded as hell, they hate any type of outside influences or progress, I don't know about now but back during the 1990's they did come in a few years as the state with the LOWEST STANDARDIZED TEST SCORES in the nation...that's sad. Ignorance usually despises progress , and this is why I believe GA. will be dead last to legalize or have MMJ legislation. About 2 years ago the Georgia Legislature got a type of candy sucker taken out of stores because it supposedly tasted like pot.>
I know the type of people that live in Georgia, I knew that if I was going to continue to grow herb in my closet and remain free I was going to have to get out of that backwards ass state.
I kind of feel like North Carolina just might pull through and pass MMJ legislation and be the first southern state to have MMJ laws. I know there's a lot of people pushing for it hard there and they're not as backward as Georgia folks. I might consider moving to North Carolina when they pass it there because the cost of living in Colorado is expensive. I bought a truck off of ebay in Asheville there and that was one pretty ass town in the mountains . If it ever passes I might just move to Asheville, but as with most states right when MMJ legislation passes it usually takes doctors a while before they start recommending MMJ out of fear.
I hope North Carolina does pass MMJ , I've got relatives that live in eastern Tennessee. I have a feeling a lot of states are going to have a shitload of MMJ supporters pop up when/if California passes their marijuana bill on November 2, 2010. Right now I'm really pulling for North Carolina to pass MMJ laws. There's a woman on youtube named Jean Marlowe who lives in North Carolina and grows regardless of current laws there, she's served jail time, and defies local law enforcement where she lives, even has garnered the sympathy of a judge who ordered the sheriff to give back her growing equipment to her, she's a REAL martyr, I greatly admire her. We need more people like her to stand up to the courts and law enforcement , I had too much to lose when I lived in Georgia to take that chance, I owned 30 acres of heavily wooded land that LEO certainly would've taken away if given a chance.
Paladino.. I have a neutral opinion about him. However, I will say this... I like his idea/theory/hypothesis on the subject of the gay community/groups/people. I agree with it because we as humans.. weren't made to have sexual intercourse with the same sex.. bottom line. We were made so that we can reproduce.. and in order to do that you must have a female/male intercourse. Now, I mean.. I have nothing against gay people.. each to their own I suppose.. and as long as they don't bring that gay shit around me.. then there won't be any problem. But again, we as a human species were not made to have sexual intercourse with two people of the same sex.. male/male or female/female. IMO, people that are gay.. have mental issues.. that were produced by a tragic up-bringing from their childhood.. and they've never dealt with those issues/problems.. and I believe that maybe possibly, that person deciding that he/she is gay.. is their own personal way of dealing with their past issues. Just my opinion though..Paladino may look crazy, and i don't want him in albany, but i've learned never to underestimate the power of a nasty politician
he's a bit of a bad ass, and doesn't try to disguise it, probably would have no chance at all normally
but voters are super mad this year which can create a strange dynamic
i hope Cuomo will be good for MMJ, god we've waited long enough
I was born and grew up in Georgia , in the heart of the bible thumping belt. I see Georgia as the last state to hold out. They have some of the toughest "throw them under the jail" type prosecutors and judges I've ever seen. They also are one of the few states that will give you a D.U.I. and take you to jail for marijuana if your given a blood test and THC shows up even 3-4 weeks after you've toked. There are only a handful of states that do that.
Ga is one of the few states with "per se drugged driving law" which states that if you have any traceable amount of an illegal drug in your system while driving you are guilty of dui. This law is currently being challenged in the state supreme court.
I moved my ass away from GA. last year, to Colorado, I wasn't going to continue on growing and risking my freedom and all the property I owned too. I know how the people think there, they are close-minded as hell, they hate any type of outside influences or progress, I don't know about now but back during the 1990's they did come in a few years as the state with the LOWEST STANDARDIZED TEST SCORES in the nation...that's sad. Ignorance usually despises progress , and this is why I believe GA. will be dead last to legalize or have MMJ legislation. About 2 years ago the Georgia Legislature got a type of candy sucker taken out of stores because it supposedly tasted like pot.>
I know the type of people that live in Georgia, I knew that if I was going to continue to grow herb in my closet and remain free I was going to have to get out of that backwards ass state.
I kind of feel like North Carolina just might pull through and pass MMJ legislation and be the first southern state to have MMJ laws. I know there's a lot of people pushing for it hard there and they're not as backward as Georgia folks. I might consider moving to North Carolina when they pass it there because the cost of living in Colorado is expensive. I bought a truck off of ebay in Asheville there and that was one pretty ass town in the mountains . If it ever passes I might just move to Asheville, but as with most states right when MMJ legislation passes it usually takes doctors a while before they start recommending MMJ out of fear.
I hope North Carolina does pass MMJ , I've got relatives that live in eastern Tennessee. I have a feeling a lot of states are going to have a shitload of MMJ supporters pop up when/if California passes their marijuana bill on November 2, 2010. Right now I'm really pulling for North Carolina to pass MMJ laws. There's a woman on youtube named Jean Marlowe who lives in North Carolina and grows regardless of current laws there, she's served jail time, and defies local law enforcement where she lives, even has garnered the sympathy of a judge who ordered the sheriff to give back her growing equipment to her, she's a REAL martyr, I greatly admire her. We need more people like her to stand up to the courts and law enforcement , I had too much to lose when I lived in Georgia to take that chance, I owned 30 acres of heavily wooded land that LEO certainly would've taken away if given a chance.
If you are moving to WA state partly because of our MMJ laws, you will want to stay on the West side of the mountains...Western WA, not Eastern WA. Big diff. Is Seattle limits, dispensary's are ignored and medical marijuana is tolerated pretty well. Seattle (King County) policy is no MMJ busts and even illegal Marijuana is the lowest priority to pursue. It is opening up in other areas of W.Wa also...but Eastern WA is not the same at all, not nearly as accepted. Still read about a lot of pot busts on that side of the hump. If I recall, there is only one dispensary and good luck finding a "friendly" doctor...I stand to be corrected, but I do remember reading that somewhere local. But, I guess when it comes down to it....our 15 plant limit (no restrictions on growth stage) and 24 OZ limit isn't bad anywhere in the state!I am currently in the same situation(in a state with no MMJ Laws) and I am actually thinking about Spokane Washingtonlook into it
I lived in NV back in the late 70's early 80's. In the day, it was the least pot friendly of anywhere I had ever been. A seed was a felony, everyone dug holes in their yards and buried their stuff...it was a paranoid place. You could have knocked me over with a feather when I heard they were going for medical marijuana. When I lived there, it was like...they wanted the drinkers; the pot smokers weren't old enough to gamble and there wasn't a profit to be made off marijuana, so there wasn't any....period.Nevada will be last for recreational legalization. Obviously If grade A sticky were legal, fewer people would be snorting cocaine off of a dead hooker. The Mafia kinda likes to supply both, and they dont want their sales figures to drop.
Nevada or Utah will be last for MMJ.
Texas Senator Ron Paul thus far is the ONLY one in the Senate or Congress to actually introduce a bill for legalizing Industrial Hemp, and he is Co-sponser on the first full legalization bill. SO.... don't assume Texas will be last. IF we are counting which party was first to have a member introduce a Legalization Bill.... it was the Republicans. Ron Paul is more of a Libertarian, which makes him a proper Republican, rather than a GOP RINO.
Paladino.. I have a neutral opinion about him. However, I will say this... I like his idea/theory/hypothesis on the subject of the gay community/groups/people. I agree with it because we as humans.. weren't made to have sexual intercourse with the same sex.. bottom line. We were made so that we can reproduce.. and in order to do that you must have a female/male intercourse. Now, I mean.. I have nothing against gay people.. each to their own I suppose.. and as long as they don't bring that gay shit around me.. then there won't be any problem. But again, we as a human species were not made to have sexual intercourse with two people of the same sex.. male/male or female/female. IMO, people that are gay.. have mental issues.. that were produced by a tragic up-bringing from their childhood.. and they've never dealt with those issues/problems.. and I believe that maybe possibly, that person deciding that he/she is gay.. is their own personal way of dealing with their past issues. Just my opinion though..
anyhow.. take care ppl.
Im waiting for this.Im sure alot of people are waiting for this.^^^ holding that thought, NY politics are beginning to clarify a bit
Paterson is yesterday's news, he's gone in a couple of months
it may not be impossible that something could happen with MMJ with him still there
seems really unlikely though
now down to Paladino/Cuomo - Paladino doesn't seem to have the proverbial snowball's chance in hell, he's created to much bad press for himself, he's had a few too many crazy looking episodes, polls are way over to Cuomo
so we have the governor, what will happen? i really have no feel for Cuomo and MMJ
NY MMJ is not on the radar right now, too much other shit flying, but there is some momentum from last year when it made it through both legislative houses last year(that was a first)
getting back to the original point, who's next? could be NY and it could happen this year
the effect of this cannot be overstated, NY is still one big state, this will make shock waves
so i am stoked for the start of the year, and praying we have Prop 19 to prime things, no telling where we can go this year
Hey, if anyone in "the know" would be able to comment, I'd greatly appreciate it. I'm at a crossroads of exactly where to move to (although, the decision to move to a Medical Marijuana state has been made). At this point, I'm leaning towards Michigan, but to be honest, I would love to choose North Carolina (and I remember reading that the laws were quite favorable). So, the problem is whether to make the move to MI right away, or "wait and see" if North Carolina passes it's law this year. Would anyone who knows politics well be able to give a percentage guess (with some accuracy) as to whether or not the law will pass this year?
Also, if a law passes at the end of the year (assuming that's what on the ballot means), does it go into effect on Jan 1, 2011?
Probably asking a bit much with another question, but was curious as to whether or not it will be as relatively "easy" as other states to acquire a card?
I'm with you on that one! It will probably be legal on a Federal Level before SC pulls the trigger.Sadly, I think South Carolina will be the very last state to get the greenlight.
I think and hope it is New york that will be the next state to legalize it.Everyone here smokes and most of the arrests are marijuana related.The next state will probably be NC. I lived there and it's just implied that everyone smokes. The whole town of asheville smells like weed. The last state will be utah. They were the first state to ban it. I live here and I can tell you it's very uptight. Florida will have weed before Utah.
Hey thanks for this information. I haven't been able to make it to Michigan yet due to a very close family member's illness involving surgery and a month long hospital stay (my first exposure to seeing first hand what a lengthy healing process can be like). It has also been my sole responsibility to care for this person during recovery. That said, Michigan is still high on my priority list.Michigan is the place for you. If you have a medical condition that qualifies, you can be "legal" in less than a month. You are allowed to grow 12 plants legally and/or posess 2.5 ounces of weed. The economy is bad in Michigan though. Even if it goes through in NC, it will take time to get a system in place, expect a full year before it is "easy" to "get legal" in NC. Good luck to you with your decision. I have been watching NC with great interest, having seen how the process works (or doesn't work) in Michigan. The Dems are pushing mmj in NC, but overall it is a Republican state.