robert 14617
Well-Known Member
that's not always the case and you know it
throw some pictures up here when you get a chance , grow the shit out of it and have some free smoke ,some of the best in my opinionmy bag seeds are growin prtty good
so im not complaining haha
that's not always the case and you know it
i have had some crap hermi's come from bag seed and have seed out of mexican dirt weed that grew into some potent sweet sticky goodness, the guy is getting started let him cut his teeth on bag seed, learn some growing techniques before taking that next stepI speak from my own personal experences,
buy from a breeder that has had the strain testedhow could you possibly know the THC content of any plant dumbfounds me.
pics of great bagseed on page 89 of this thread. maybe 189. it was a while ago.
"There's no question that marijuana, today, is more potent than the marijuana in the 1960s. However, if you were to look at the average marijuana potency which is about 3.5 percent, it's been relatively stable for the last 20 years. Having said that, it's very important that what we have now is a wider range of potencies available than we had in the 1970s, in particular," Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse Alan Leshner said in 1999 while testifying in front of the U.S. House Subcommittee on Crime.
Those who support the legalization of marijuana say that the data is skewed because testing was only performed on marijuana of specific geographic origins in the 1960s and 1970s, and therefore isn't representative of marijuana potency overall. Officials obtained the samples from a type of Mexican marijuana that is known to contain low levels of THC -- 0.4 to 1 percent. When these levels are compared to other types of marijuana, it looks as if potency levels have risen in the last 30 years.
Typical THC levels, which determines marijuana potency, range from 0.3 to 4 percent. However, some specially grown plants can contain THC levels as high as 15 percent. Several factors are involved in determining the potency of a marijuana plant, including:
The time at which the plant is harvested affects the level of THC. Additionally, female varieties have higher levels of THC than male varieties. As a cannabis plant matures, its chemical composition changes. During early development, cannabidiolic acid is the most prevalent chemical. Later, cannabidiolic acid is converted to cannabidiol, which is later converted to THC when the plant reaches its floral maturation.
- Growing climate and conditions
- Plant genetics
- Harvesting and processing
To determine the average potency levels of marijuana, researchers need to examine a cross section of cannabis plants, which wasn't done in the 1960s and 1970s. This makes it difficult to make accurate comparisons between the THC levels of that time period and the THC levels of today.
your plants can have tons of resin and look great but you cant grow a 5% strain into a 15-20 % strain period
all plants will have resin though
yay for more good info in this thread.
just started drying another of the outdoor plants. kinda disappointing but all i can say is that i only had 5weeks of influence on these.
the blue cheese in the mini scrog is starting to pop out the top of the screen. fun.
(highly doubt i'll post pictures. have taken them though. still not comfortable again yet. grrrr.)