I purchased everything that i believe it needs... proper soil... Its like she won't grow...
Okay so here's the problem... I'm using the miracle grow moisture control soil and the bloom booster... Lol
Your soil is probably your first problem. Unfortunately, that soil is crap for growing cannabis plants. It is very likely that you have over watered the plant and that you have root rot. Watering should occur when you lift the planter and it feels outrageously light. Then you water to saturation with run off. This is usually every 3-4 days depending on heat, humidity and plant size it can be as often as daily, or as infrequent as weekly.
You cannot know the temperature without a thermometer. My 400w lamp in a wing reflector keeps my 2x4 tent at a steamy 82 degrees even with 180 cfm exhaust and additional 4" intake fans. The only way I can keep it in the mid 70's is with a cool tube or with air conditioning blowing into the intake fan.
Since you're behind with this plant you might want to just cut your losses and start from scratch. The stress from this period of life is likely to force her to produce male flowers in response. The risk is pretty great in your case. If you can manage to get another clone, and this time place it in a 1 gallon planter of some Organic soil, or coco coir, and then use a quality nutrition line not found at a hardware store you will have better luck.
There are a slew of other things to address, but from what I know now it is that you have a 400w light system with one plant in a closet without a thermometer and using miracle grow soil. You are also confused about watering... This isn't a great start, but it's not like the end of the world. Fill us in more on what you've spent money on, and what you're trying to accomplish, and we'll guide you down the right path.