• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Well Played, Sirs And Ma'ams

ink the world

Well-Known Member
Parker, I understand the "movement" quite well, obviously better than you..................
From a Reuters poll of self identified "Tea Partiers":

* 55 percent say the United States is a Christian nation
* 48 percent worry that public officials do not pay enough attention to religion
* 47 percent of self-identified Tea Party members consider themselves part of the Christian conservative movement
* 58 percent think that minorities get too much government attention
* 18 percent of Tea Party members support same-sex marriage, compared with 37 percent of the population as a whole.
* 36 percent say abortion should be legal, compared with 55 percent of the population as a whole.

Sharon Angle: Nevada
In a June 2010 radio interview, broadcast statewide in Nevada, Angle stated that she had counseled young girls in "very at risk, difficult pregnancies" to consider other alternatives, by which they had been able to make "a lemon situation into lemonade".[56][57]
Angle opposes abortion, even in cases of rape and incest, saying that it is against God's 'Plan"
Angle favors the privatization of Medicare
Angle has said that the Social Security system should be "transitioned out"

Joe Miller: Alaska

Opposes Unemployment benefits, even though his own wife collected unemployment TWICE, he has called them "unconstitutional"
Favors the elimination of the federal minimum wage
Also against aboution in all cases
Opposes federal aid programs not enumerated in the U.S. Constitution.[34] Miller has alleged that under the existing system, farmers do not have much choice but to accept federal farm subsides and explains why he accepted thousands of dollars in farm subsidies for property he owned in Kansas, including while he lived Connecticut and in Alaska.

Fucking hypocrite

The New "Face of the Tea Party" already in Washington himself, Mr. Jim Demint
Senator DeMint has been a consistent supporter of school prayer
DeMint opposes abortion, including in cases of rape and incest...DeMint said at a church rally that openly gay people and unmarried women who are sleeping with a boyfriend shouldn't be in the classroom

No need for me to go on and on.....there ya go, this is what YOU are supporting along w/ the economic conservative issues. Christian Conservatives w/ a new name. Their game is the same though.......I stead of insulting me, why not spend a few minutes reading what YOUR candidates actually support. Sad, but so common today in our country........laziness clouded by misguided anger.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
Heres some video for ya, just so you cant accuse me of gathering my info from the "lamestream media"

Sharron Angle is chosen by God:

Eliminating Medicare and SS:

Jim Demint on Gays and unmarried pregnant women:

Joe Miller trying to bullshit his way out of his hypocrisy, notice he WILL NOT answer the question:

My personal favorite, the train wreck Christine O Donnell


Well-Known Member
Ink, the Teabaggers are too diverse to write them off as a repackaged moral majority.

As you pointed out in your data there are significant percentages in the Tea Party who support abortion (36%); who do not think America is a Christian nation (45%); or who do not consider themselves part of the Christian movement (53%).

And your focusing on religion, especially Wicca, kinda sorta smells like religious intolerance. As if citizens, and elected officials, don't have a First Amendment right concerning freedom of religion.

I'm fairly certain you don't really believe that, but I gotta be honest; that's the vibe I'm getting off that previous post.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
Ink, the Teabaggers are too diverse to write them off as a repackaged moral majority.

As you pointed out in your data there are significant percentages in the Tea Party who support abortion (36%); who do not think America is a Christian nation (45%); or who do not consider themselves part of the Christian movement (53%).

And your focusing on religion, especially Wicca, kinda sorta smells like religious intolerance. As if citizens, and elected officials, don't have a First Amendment right concerning freedom of religion.

I'm fairly certain you don't really believe that, but I gotta be honest; that's the vibe I'm getting off that previous post.

John, you are correct, the movement as a whole might not be the Moral Majority, its candidates sure sound like it though....I am talking specifically about the candidates mentioned in the OP, not people that believe in fiscal responsibility.
Like I said before, we are ALL free to practice whatever religion we want to. Worship a head of cabbage for all i care, one superstition is good as the next. I dont care if O Donnell practiced witchcraft or if she is Christian. I didnt single out Wicca at all.If anything Im VERY solid on one thing:
I want ALL religion out of government, I believe in the separation of Church and State.

My point is that the "movement" is about fiscal responsibility and personal freedom its candidates ARE NOT. I hear a lot of fiscal conservative talk, yet not a single candidate listed has mentioned also cutting defense. They are not doing the work for the common man or small business owner. They too have been bought.

The social views they all have are too much for me. I would think that "small government" would also mean the government NOT having control over a womans reproductive rights, the rights of gay people, pregnant unwed women, etc etc.. They are tying their Christian Conservative views to their economic views.

For me thats a game changer, if they left the social stuff out Id be right there w/ you. This is a far cry from the original Tea Party movement from the Ron Paul crowd.


Well-Known Member
Parker, I understand the "movement" quite well, obviously better than you..................
obviously not. I do not accept YOUR word. Because YOU say so? read on sport the proof is in the pudding
From a Reuters poll of self identified "Tea Partiers":
* 55 percent say the United States is a Christian nation
* 48 percent worry that public officials do not pay enough attention to religion
* 47 percent of self-identified Tea Party members consider themselves part of the Christian conservative movement
* 58 percent think that minorities get too much government attention
* 18 percent of Tea Party members support same-sex marriage, compared with 37 percent of the population as a whole.
* 36 percent say abortion should be legal, compared with 55 percent of the population as a whole.

Sharon Angle: Nevada
In a June 2010 radio interview, broadcast statewide in Nevada, Angle stated that she had counseled young girls in "very at risk, difficult pregnancies" to consider other alternatives, by which they had been able to make "a lemon situation into lemonade".[56][57]
Angle opposes abortion, even in cases of rape and incest, saying that it is against God's 'Plan"
Angle favors the privatization of Medicare
Angle has said that the Social Security system should be "transitioned out"

Joe Miller: Alaska

Opposes Unemployment benefits, even though his own wife collected unemployment TWICE, he has called them "unconstitutional"
Favors the elimination of the federal minimum wage
Also against aboution in all cases
Opposes federal aid programs not enumerated in the U.S. Constitution.[34] Miller has alleged that under the existing system, farmers do not have much choice but to accept federal farm subsides and explains why he accepted thousands of dollars in farm subsidies for property he owned in Kansas, including while he lived Connecticut and in Alaska.

Fucking hypocrite

The New "Face of the Tea Party" already in Washington himself, Mr. Jim Demint
Senator DeMint has been a consistent supporter of school prayer
DeMint opposes abortion, including in cases of rape and incest...DeMint said at a church rally that openly gay people and unmarried women who are sleeping with a boyfriend shouldn't be in the classroom

No need for me to go on and on.....there ya go, this is what YOU are supporting along w/ the economic conservative issues. Christian Conservatives w/ a new name. Their game is the same though.......I stead of insulting me, why not spend a few minutes reading what YOUR candidates actually support. Sad, but so common today in our country........laziness clouded by misguided anger.
To be sure their are Teocons who have jumped onboard and are trying to hijack the Tea Party. But make no mistake. If you are not for small government and lowering the debt, no matter what you SAY you do not support the Tea Party.
A message was sent in Delaware to the Repub Castle. TARP, Cap and Trade, are not small government. How else could someone like O'Donnell have won?

See this is the thing with people like you. It is your failed analysis that got you to your failed points.

The Tea Party is not a party. It does not have offices, it has no leader. The Tea Party is made up of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents. Americans intent on stopping the move towards a democratic socialism the Repubs and Dems have pointed us towards.

You point out Millers wife received unemployment. She paid into it. Why are you trying to stop people from getting THEIR money back? What you fail to point out is the issue should be "why are we FORCED to pay into unemployment at all"? Like I said you don't come close to knowing what the Tea Party is about. In fact, you don't even sniff it.

btw Demint has changed his tune. He is now saying it should be voted on at a local level. I agree with that, but still don't like his stance on the ACTUAL ISSUE. Moving it to a local level is a major victory for the Tea Parties ideals. If that is something else you don't see, which I don't think you do since you don't mention it, it just proves my point once again. And I will admit when people see smaller government along with reduce the debt it may not come across as reduce the Federal Government even when the rhetoric says so.

Where ever you live I hope YOU get a say in what goes on in YOUR area. I hope whatever happens in your area is not FORCED on ME in MY area.

Has this cleared things up?


Well-Known Member
My point is that the "movement" is about fiscal responsibility and personal freedom its candidates ARE NOT. I hear a lot of fiscal conservative talk, yet not a single candidate listed has mentioned also cutting defense. They are not doing the work for the common man or small business owner. They too have been bought.
what about Rand Paul. You know the guy who is leading in Kentucky for US Senator? Ever hear of him? You do know his father started the Tea Party movement in 2007 don't you? His dad also wants to cut the military spending.


“We have huge budgetary problems and the Republicans often say, ‘Oh it’s just that welfare queen, if she’d go back to work we’d balance the budget,’” Paul observed during the campaign. “Well, the truth of the matter is, if you look at the numbers, there’s not enough money just in welfare to cut to balance the budget. You have to look at the entire budget, and approximately 40 percent of that budget is military.” (I hope that statement raises more eyebrows)

“Part of the reason we are bankrupt as a country is that we are fighting so many foreign wars and have so many military bases around the world.”

When I hear things like "you know the Tea Party better than me" or like my other lost puppy Uncle Buck who says he follows Ron Paul but has shown he doesn't understand his policies, do you blame me for getting upset???
Why should I sit still when all this misinformation is going around? It's like Ground Hog Day and I'm back at the 2008 elections and all the hacks are coming out with misinformation about Ron Paul again.

Too many WANT to be right instead of finding the right answers. Don't listen to me. I keep telling people these aren't my ideas. These are the ideas that, through history have proven to work. We were founded on these ideals for a reason. Do some research. Find out not only what the candidates say, but more importantly HOW they vote AND the reasons behind it.

Abraham Lincoln had it right when he said "I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts." Sgt Joe Friday couldn't have said it any better himself.


Well-Known Member
btw Demint has changed his tune. He is now saying it should be voted on at a local level. I agree with that, but still don't like his stance on the ACTUAL ISSUE. Moving it to a local level is a major victory for the Tea Parties ideals.
also a major victory for local bigots who want to keep the gays from teaching. this should NOT be a local issue at all. americans ALL deserve equal protection under the law. allowing a local jurisdiction to bar gays from teaching is just plain fucking dumb.

Where ever you live I hope YOU get a say in what goes on in YOUR area. I hope whatever happens in your area is not FORCED on ME in MY area.
yes and no. we all deserve a say in our own local issues. however, if a local school in your area wants to bar gays or unmarried women from teaching, no dice. just because i don't live there doesn't mean my gay son or preggo daughter may be barred from teaching.

not everything is a local issue.


Well-Known Member
ASIDE: I just finished a hairy exam. I am pretty sure I nailed it up until the very last problem which was worth 21 points. Fuck! At least I can count on partial credit for that one because I did complete it, just not correctly.

And I am satisfied that if that last problem fucked me up, it probably juked the rest of the class, too.

No use crying over spilled milk. I gotta shake it off. I have another test in six hours.
had that happen a couple times myself....flying along until the bomb at the end. but you kept your head on and at least completed it, showing what you know.

good luck on examen numero dos.


Well-Known Member
Why don't you ask, who is responsible for violating the woman? The child is not. Why are you all for punishing the child?
The flaw with this line of thinking is that it is being used to establish absolute right and wrong by law and is based on an individual's opinion ("The child is not (violating the woman)"), but then it continues on to ask an arbitrary and unjustified question (aka "strawman") that casts the caricature of a heartless person with an inexplicable penchant for "killing children" (guess they just must be evil people huh?) on those who support abortion. It's a politically engineered question, and it gets the debate nowhere.

As forementioned, the crux of the problem is that some individuals out there carry the opinion that the child is not a violation of the woman's body. As a matter of fact, many women DO see the child as a violation of their body, both in the changes made to their bodies during a full pregnancy, and in the sense that something was put in them by force against their will to begin with. Some women really do see the mass of cells in their uteri merely as a disgusting extension of the sperm that created it, the horrid actions that put it there, and want it removed, which is why some women choose abortions when they are raped in the first place.

Anyone who actually believes that all children are a gift seriously needs to take off the rosy glasses and imagine what it would be like conceiving, birthing, and raising that wonderful child of theirs with someone they hate so deeply they'd want to kill them with their bare hands. Also, tack on to that being completely unprepared and unwilling to be a parent whatsoever.

A woman carrying the child of her rapist has already had her choices denied and her body violated. A ban on abortion not only denies women their choice AGAIN, but GUARANTEES that the violation of their body that the rapist began, is finished.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
obviously not. I do not accept YOUR word. Because YOU say so? read on sport the proof is in the pudding

To be sure their are Teocons who have jumped onboard and are trying to hijack the Tea Party. But make no mistake. If you are not for small government and lowering the debt, no matter what you SAY you do not support the Tea Party.
A message was sent in Delaware to the Repub Castle. TARP, Cap and Trade, are not small government. How else could someone like O'Donnell have won?

See this is the thing with people like you. It is your failed analysis that got you to your failed points.

The Tea Party is not a party. It does not have offices, it has no leader. The Tea Party is made up of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents. Americans intent on stopping the move towards a democratic socialism the Repubs and Dems have pointed us towards.

You point out Millers wife received unemployment. She paid into it. Why are you trying to stop people from getting THEIR money back? What you fail to point out is the issue should be "why are we FORCED to pay into unemployment at all"? Like I said you don't come close to knowing what the Tea Party is about. In fact, you don't even sniff it.

btw Demint has changed his tune. He is now saying it should be voted on at a local level. I agree with that, but still don't like his stance on the ACTUAL ISSUE. Moving it to a local level is a major victory for the Tea Parties ideals. If that is something else you don't see, which I don't think you do since you don't mention it, it just proves my point once again. And I will admit when people see smaller government along with reduce the debt it may not come across as reduce the Federal Government even when the rhetoric says so.

Where ever you live I hope YOU get a say in what goes on in YOUR area. I hope whatever happens in your area is not FORCED on ME in MY area.

Has this cleared things up?
The ONLY thing you cleared up is that fact that you have the reading comprehension skills of my 5 year old.

I NEVER said Millers wife isnt entitled to unemployment, HE DID you damned babboon!!! Read up on the candidates you are defending, or at least read what I actually posted.

No sense debating someone that has nothing to offer other than thinly veiled insults and no reading comprehension. As far as O Donnell, she won a primary, thats it.check the poll #'s on her in the general election. You actually pointing to her as a symbol of economic responsibility shows your utter lack of knowledge of your candidate. Just the person to take financial advice from, she is a financial disaster. She cant keep her own personal finances straight, do the research on her finances and "work" history.

Like I said you dont know a damned thing about the candidates you are willing to insult me over in the defense of. Yeah your post did clear up a lot.
I know what the tea party is about, this crop of candidates isnt it.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
what about Rand Paul. You know the guy who is leading in Kentucky for US Senator? Ever hear of him? You do know his father started the Tea Party movement in 2007 don't you? His dad also wants to cut the military spending.
yep, heard of him plenty. I didnt mention him did I? No I didnt. I was referring to the candidates in the OP, as I said numerous times.

And yeah wise ass, Ive heard of his dad. And the candidates in the OP are FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR from what the origins of this movement are.


Well-Known Member
The ONLY thing you cleared up is that fact that you have the reading comprehension skills of my 5 year old.

I NEVER said Millers wife isnt entitled to unemployment, HE DID you damned babboon!!! Read up on the candidates you are defending, or at least read what I actually posted.
Like I said you don't get it. You don't understand a thing. It is unconstitutional because it is THEFT. It has nothing to do with anything else. Anyone who pays into the system deserves to get their money back. The same thing is said about SS. Do you ignore that too? We should not have unemployment forced onto us. Get it now?

No sense debating someone that has nothing to offer other than thinly veiled insults and no reading comprehension. As far as O Donnell, she won a primary, thats it.check the poll #'s on her in the general election. You actually pointing to her as a symbol of economic responsibility shows your utter lack of knowledge of your candidate. Just the person to take financial advice from, she is a financial disaster. She cant keep her own personal finances straight, do the research on her finances and "work" history.
lmao keep trying little man. The point I made, which a 5 year old could understand. Is the person she was running against HAS shown from his past votes HE IS NOT FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE. That is why he got the boot. It is your fault you did not understand the point I made not mine.

Like I said you dont know a damned thing about the candidates you are willing to insult me over in the defense of. Yeah your post did clear up a lot.
I know what the tea party is about, this crop of candidates isnt it.
You haven't shown you know jack yet. You failed on all your points to understand the reasons. Read up on it a bit then get back to me sporto.


Well-Known Member
yep, heard of him plenty. I didnt mention him did I? No I didnt. I was referring to the candidates in the OP, as I said numerous times.
And yeah wise ass, Ive heard of his dad. And the candidates in the OP are FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR from what the origins of this movement are.
Since when do only the candidates YOU hand pick and choose stand for all Tea Party candidates??? keep trying.
You are too dull witted to understand what the reasons are behind the policies. That is YOUR failure. Obvious from YOUR posts YOUR agenda is not the truth.


Well-Known Member
also a major victory for local bigots who want to keep the gays from teaching. this should NOT be a local issue at all. americans ALL deserve equal protection under the law. allowing a local jurisdiction to bar gays from teaching is just plain fucking dumb.
agreed on the issue itself, I would vote for allowing gays to teach. If it gets to the Supreme Court I would hope they allow gays to teach.
If a school district is dumb enough to pass this what does that do to the quality of the education their children receive? Obviously the free market tells us the teacher pool just got smaller so they have less quality teachers to choose from.

yes and no. we all deserve a say in our own local issues. however, if a local school in your area wants to bar gays or unmarried women from teaching, no dice. just because i don't live there doesn't mean my gay son or preggo daughter may be barred from teaching.
not everything is a local issue.
there are specific enumerated powers the Federal Government has. They have overstepped their authority time and time again. You have too much faith that the over reaching arm of the Federal Government will do the correct thing. I do not. Look at history. Was prohibition constitutional? It still passed.


Well-Known Member
The flaw with this line of thinking is that it is being used to establish absolute right and wrong by law and is based on an individual's opinion ("The child is not (violating the woman)"), but then it continues on to ask an arbitrary and unjustified question (aka "strawman") that casts the caricature of a heartless person with an inexplicable penchant for "killing children" (guess they just must be evil people huh?) on those who support abortion. It's a politically engineered question, and it gets the debate nowhere.
it is not a strawman at all. You are punishing the baby for actions it had no part in. Nothing more, nothing less.

As forementioned, the crux of the problem is that some individuals out there carry the opinion that the child is not a violation of the woman's body. As a matter of fact, many women DO see the child as a violation of their body, both in the changes made to their bodies during a full pregnancy, and in the sense that something was put in them by force against their will to begin with. Some women really do see the mass of cells in their uteri merely as a disgusting extension of the sperm that created it, the horrid actions that put it there, and want it removed, which is why some women choose abortions when they are raped in the first place.

Anyone who actually believes that all children are a gift seriously needs to take off the rosy glasses and imagine what it would be like conceiving, birthing, and raising that wonderful child of theirs with someone they hate so deeply they'd want to kill them with their bare hands. Also, tack on to that being completely unprepared and unwilling to be a parent whatsoever.

A woman carrying the child of her rapist has already had her choices denied and her body violated. A ban on abortion not only denies women their choice AGAIN, but GUARANTEES that the violation of their body that the rapist began, is finished.
ever heard of adoption?
How far off is technology that the infant can survive outside of the womb within a few weeks? or can be taken from their mothers body and put into a surrogate with little risk?

Why do you believe the right to life is less important than the right to your property?
Do you think there will be a time when people value human life?
and the kicker do you think any state would outlaw abortion? If it did what would happen?


Well-Known Member
agreed on the issue itself, I would vote for allowing gays to teach. If it gets to the Supreme Court I would hope they allow gays to teach.
If a school district is dumb enough to pass this what does that do to the quality of the education their children receive? Obviously the free market tells us the teacher pool just got smaller so they have less quality teachers to choose from.
what a great solution :roll:

give the children shittier education because the local officials are regressive bigots.

pure. fucking. genius. all thanks to the gospel of parker.

there are specific enumerated powers the Federal Government has. They have overstepped their authority time and time again. You have too much faith that the over reaching arm of the Federal Government will do the correct thing. I do not. Look at history. Was prohibition constitutional? It still passed.
i'm sorry, we weren't talking aout prohibition. we were talking about demint's position on letting local jurisdictions deny equal protection under the law to certain groups of people. ensuring equal protection under the law IS a function of the federal government. your attempt to extrapolate to other cases to make me look like a nanny stater was pathetic at best, just like the rest of your debating skills, the most popular of which would be telling people that "they don't undertsand" and throwing insults.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
Hey Parker, keep the fucking insults to yourself....

Enough of the internet tough guy act trying to belittle me and shit....Ive served this country for the rights YOU enjoy, I hardly need a lecture on freedom or its price, I know all too well personally...you can disagree w/ me but there isnt a need for insults....


Well-Known Member
Hey Parker, keep the fucking insults to yourself....

Enough of the internet tough guy act trying to belittle me and shit....Ive served this country for the rights YOU enjoy, I hardly need a lecture on freedom or its price, I know all too well personally...you can disagree w/ me but there isnt a need for insults....
I'm starting to realize that insults are actually terms of endearment around here! lol! It only means he loves you ink.:hug:


Well-Known Member
you don't get it. You don't understand ....Do you ignore that too? ... Get it now?... keep trying little man....a 5 year old could understand....It is your fault you did not understand the point I made....You haven't shown you know jack yet. You failed on all your points to understand ... Read up on it a bit then get back to me sporto.
parker, i must tell you....you really like to tell people how "they don't understand" or "don't get it"....you do it so often. it gets really annoying.