• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Can You Adam And Eve It?


New Member
When it comes to cellular biology things get very complicated...I would describe it, the cell, as a big city or a even a watch with all gears and screws and all.....When you need a certain part of a car, for example a honda civic, in a big city...You can't just go to a Cadillac dealer and ask for the part you need (even though that same exact part is in a cadillac, it will not do the job for a honda civic) , for example the pistons or whatever part it is your looking for...by the way I'm not a big know it all guy when it comes to cars...

People swap parts all the time from different cars. It's like a sport to some people, in fact I bet somewhere it is. What about hybrids? remember, not all living things have blood.

So the theory of evolution says that cells just borrow parts from other cells that they need most in that environment, situtation, whatever and evolve through time by perfering that part over another, I'm sorry but I forgottt the technical term...but you've probably studied the theory in high school when Darwin goes to the eastern islands and sees the different birds with different beaks and he argues they have evolved that sort of beak for their uses in thier environment...I don't know, beaks for breaking nuts, beaks for eating berries, etc...But according to theory of Intelligent design this is impossible because of the reasons I mentioned above...(cadillac, honda civic..parts..pistons...you know...)YOu can't just borrow parts that are designed for that specific purpose or size and shape...it simply won't work with the other parts....in this case the engine of the car and even more so with the complicated cellular structure....

I hope this help out a little more with why I'm tryin to say....
The Islands that Darwin visited all have different environments, despite being very close together. The Islands (galapagos) have the same types of animals living on each. The reason they have the same animals on each is that the Islands were once one big island, now I think there are 4 of them, please feel free to correct. One example is a type of turtle. On one of the Islands this turtle looks fairly normal, it's food are on low-lying bushes. Now take the same turtle on the island next door. On this Island, the turtles food is set far higher than on the other Island, meaning that the turtle much stretch it's neck to reach it. Over a period of some years this turtle has developed a much longer neck, so now it no longer needs to stretch, it's food is within reach. Meaning that this turtle has evolved a longer neck to ensure it's survival rate. Now tell me, is this not evolution? This is all scientific fact, btw. This and more.


Well-Known Member
this I will give to you...but how do they explain the evolution from a bunch of molecules coming together from simple atoms and then evolve over time to becomes living beings and such....It is absolutley impossible for me to imagine...unless there is a certain designer, who knows what has to be done for this organism to work correctly (as a machine would). Parts of a watch will not just come together unless the watch-maker puts them together in correct order, just like all these atoms that exist and the thoery says that they come together by mere chance and perference...

I'm sorry if this doesn't make sence...cause I've been watching the game and been drinking...


New Member
they say that the human race came from a headless, hermaphrodite mollusc. It may be hard to imagine, but it is believable. Life started in the very deepest of the ocean, there is no light and very little oxygen. In the ocean new life forms are coming into being all the time. Some will move up a level in the ocean (closer to the surface), maybe to a level where they may need to see to ensure their survival. Some of these new life forms will die out as they cannot adapt, some of them may even go back down a level. While one of the life forms will adapt and be able to survive at the new level.

If you were to keep a family in constant darkness for a few generations the children would start to be born blind. Of course, this has never been tested on humans, at least not to my knowledge.

I see life as a race, a race for survival. Every single life form needs another to feed from. Even plants will quite happily feed from remains. New germs can appear as though from nowhere, an animal virus that can mutate to infect humans, this is evolution. The virus evolves to include us in it's meal chain, we become a NEW means of survival for this living thing. It has adapted, learned, and then evolved the physical traits necessary for long-term survival.

We are still evolving too. Our bodies may well have slowed down, but our attitudes and even our minds are evolving. The future looks bleak, particularly with the global warming threat, many of us will die off. The world is changing, and an individual will not be able to evolve the necessary traits to survive... but his children will, and his childrens children, etc. You never know we may all start turning black again. It's a possibility, as the sun increases in strength, our childrens melanin will need to increase to protect us from the sun. Also, nostrils will need to widen so that we can breathe the thin air better.


Well-Known Member
...how do they explain the evolution from a bunch of molecules coming together from simple atoms and then evolve over time to becomes living beings and such....It is absolutley impossible for me to imagine...unless there is a certain designer, who knows what has to be done for this organism to work correctly...
simple. nothing is chance. people think that without divine creation and intention, everything is meaningless, and everything is random. but i disagree. form does not follow function. form and function are the same. the universe is just one huge ripple effect. a big ass chain of dominoes.

the planet we live on is a sphere. it looks pretty, and it does shit that supports life. now, earth wasnt created by somebody, it just formed slowly, creating many, many, layers. the sphere is the only natural shape for planets to form. (simple example of something being 'created' 'randomly' and it having 'purpose')

back to the ripple. an obvious question would be "who cause the ripple" and an obvious question to that would be "what ripple". think of a radio wave diagram ud see in a text book. ppl measure wavelengths to label and classify to understand better. but the energy isnt confined to that one wavelength. that one wavelength is like a snapshot. the energy itself doesnt have boundaries. its our perception that has the boundaries, and even thats just because we say so. the radio wave is never ending, because it never started. and even if it did "start" a long time ago, it would be perfectly reasonable to believe that it had started and ended before that endless times.


Well-Known Member
they say that the human race came from a headless, hermaphrodite mollusc. It may be hard to imagine, but it is believable. Life started in the very deepest of the ocean, there is no light and very little oxygen. In the ocean new life forms are coming into being all the time. Some will move up a level in the ocean (closer to the surface), maybe to a level where they may need to see to ensure their survival. Some of these new life forms will die out as they cannot adapt, some of them may even go back down a level. While one of the life forms will adapt and be able to survive at the new level.

If you were to keep a family in constant darkness for a few generations the children would start to be born blind. Of course, this has never been tested on humans, at least not to my knowledge.

I see life as a race, a race for survival. Every single life form needs another to feed from. Even plants will quite happily feed from remains. New germs can appear as though from nowhere, an animal virus that can mutate to infect humans, this is evolution. The virus evolves to include us in it's meal chain, we become a NEW means of survival for this living thing. It has adapted, learned, and then evolved the physical traits necessary for long-term survival.

We are still evolving too. Our bodies may well have slowed down, but our attitudes and even our minds are evolving. The future looks bleak, particularly with the global warming threat, many of us will die off. The world is changing, and an individual will not be able to evolve the necessary traits to survive... but his children will, and his childrens children, etc. You never know we may all start turning black again. It's a possibility, as the sun increases in strength, our childrens melanin will need to increase to protect us from the sun. Also, nostrils will need to widen so that we can breathe the thin air better.
I agree with your view on evolution(except viruses aren't living organisms but meh). The simple fact that there are different races of humans is plenty of evidence. Why do people from certain areas look a certain way? Adaptation. Evolution. Evolution is adaptation over a much longer period of time.


Well-Known Member
nothing is chance. people think that without divine creation and intention, everything is meaningless, and everything is random. but i disagree. form does not follow function. form and function are the same. the universe is just one huge ripple effect. a big ass chain of dominoes.
Cause and Effect. Things don't happen for no reason. The big ass chain of dominoes is a perfect description. Evolution is caused by change in an organisms environment. Fish didn't just decide to grow legs and run around on land. A change in their environment (cause) made certain characteristics more suited for the new environment. Survival of the fittest is always in play so these characteristics are most likely to be passed on to the next generation (effect). Follow this line of events over a million years and you have evolution.


Active Member
Oh my goodness boys are we really talking about this?? Lets just all get high and sit in a nice kum-by-ya- circle??


Active Member
Ok people think of it this way.. MATH.. Doesn't it answer everything?? It always leads to the answer, ok I know this sounds lyke some scientology bullshit but honsetly it leads to space and all this I dunno i'm too high top explain to ya'll duma$$ez


Active Member
Honestly, the only reason i ever claimed to be 'christian' was because of my other, i wanted to make her happy since she always seemed to push the 'fear of god' down my throat. in the back of my head i know were alone, but what if hes up there and I actually go to hell? OMG i hate it when i get these revelations when i'm high..


Well-Known Member
Ok people think of it this way.. MATH.. Doesn't it answer everything?? It always leads to the answer, ok I know this sounds lyke some scientology bullshit but honsetly it leads to space and all this I dunno i'm too high top explain to ya'll duma$$ez
Lyke is actually written as like


Well-Known Member
Viruses are actually quite alien-like...They invade their host, and afterwards inject their DNA into the host's cells...The enzymes break down part of the hosts DNA structure, for example the atdgatcagatcggg part, and afterwards the copy of the virus's DNA, for example gcttaaacgat, is attached to the part that just came off the structure with the help of the enzyme....This can of course lead to cancer and other diseases. AIDS is actually a virus called HIV. After it has taken over completley, you're ammune system is fucked and I'm assuming the genetic code that once balanced this ammune system is written over by the gentics of the HIV virus. There's no cure for AIDS because the virus has a unique tendency to change it's molecular structure...


Well-Known Member
and i'm back... took me a while to catch up but... well anyway... first off with darwin... his work is quite significant and i see the point in a lot of what he theorizes about his work on the islands... however just because he discovered a lot of differnt creatures of different types so what... fish will grow to the size of their home... if you put coi for instance in a small pond say 100 gallons they will get kinda big but not really as big as say if they were in a 500 gallon pond... but doesn't this tend to lead you to believe human perception has a greater role in things then some random scientific belief... an example would be something like this... it is proven in human phsycology that if you were to put a large amount of food on a small plate it makes it harder to eat it because the plate limits your perception eg. you see a lots of food in a small place or what looks like lots of food due to plate size and therefore your mind prepares for a large meal even though it may be a normal helping on a regular plate... same deal as if u put a normal amount of food on a large plate... it looks like less and so ur mind prepares for less and you could probably eat more even though as with the small plate it may be the same amount... granted darwain did see a lot but his perception is what caused him to come up with his theory... your turtle example for instance... i'm sure one turtle did have a longer neck but was it neccesarily for food... was darwain there over the hundreds of thousands or million years that it took the turtle to evolve... maybe it has a longer neck for another reason or maybe the change happened for another reason... wouldn't it make sense that if these islands were so close together the turtle might just migrate to another island where food was easier to get... that is a survival instinct seen more often then adaption or change... whales birds humans (before we learned farming and such).... they all migrate to find food and many others due also because after all moving is much easier then stretching your neck... so even darwains theory lacks all of the answers that was just his theory... and if you are so willing to believe in his theory which even if put together over a whole lifetime doesn't amount to shit in the millions of years this planet has been here... then why not just believe any theory... humans have believed in a higher power since and definately before the first written document... if evolution as you say is for the strongest why not just get rid of this silly idea... i mean if religion is such a waste of time and effort why didn't we evolve out of this silly state of mind a long time ago... why do people smoke why drink why eat fast food... these are all things humans do where they are aware of the effects know it will kill them faster and pursue anyway... why do humans do these things... no other animal ever found will willingly partake in activity which threatens their survival yet humans do it all the time... where in evolution is this explained... no animal will commit suicide for afterall that is the most opposite of survival you can get yet thousands if not millions do so every year... back to darwain... a lot of the creatures found in remote areas far away from humans are weird to say the least... in jungles, deep in the ocean, on remote islands... all the animals found are so far away from what a human could imagine... yet animals found near humans tend to display some human qualities and are less weird (forgive my lack of scientific rhetoric) so doesn't the argument as stated above that human perception might have something to do with this hold some ground... and my last problem with darwain is this... he explored such a small and remote part of THE UNIVERSE... as i said before even if he spent a lifetime on this it still isn't relative because the universe is so large and our knowledge of such so small that any theory or othersuch idea is almost meaningless... for every argument anyone could bring up anyone willing to do a little bit of studying and that has a reasonable amount of intelligence could disprove it... my problem with atheists is simply this... they are just as religious as anyone else its just that science is their religion... unfortunately as great as science is it is just as fickle as any other idea... and will not now or ever be able to answer all the questions that humans have been asking for millions of years... the same questions socrates asked many years ago to this day have not been answered and will not... it is because of all of the unanswered questions and the fact that religion is hotwired into humans that i believe in a higher being or at least a being with much greater understanding then humans... it is because we are able to have conversations like this... that i believe humans are set apart... any argument you come up with i promise i can shoot down with the same simple logic that you use skunk... but i like to learn and therefore i will continue even though it is probably as meaningless for me to try to convince you as it is that you might convince me...