I think so, gooood fucking job Don>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

<<<<< tar yeah looks like its taken, i picked the most un cheese lookiing one to spluff on so who knows how she'll turn out ?!?!
Agreed, looks like the calyxes are splitting.
looking fantastic in yer tent. Good luck with the roofer!
Hope you have a good weekend, Don.
cheers bro yeah im pretty pleased so far just need get the first run out and life will be good im sick of buying gear, good C99 but the bag weights are shy maybe 2.3 if im lucky
"roofer coming today hopefully he wont smell"
I'm sure the roofer will smell a bit, thats a tough job...unless he showered in the morning then he wont smell so bad....unless its hot then he could stink... Sorry couldn't help myself lol
I dont think he'll give a shit and if he's not a toker he will be clueless as far as where its coming from.
Things are looking really nice in there! Now you get to drool for the next few weeks it goes by soo slow.
hahaha yeah im sure i was being overly para but it keeps you on your toes eh lol im already drooling at the site! it smells so good in there, ive really missed chiefing my own. still not long to go, gonna go check my snips my psychosis has rooted n needs potting on badly the others are still way bnehind
Hey Don hows it goin Bro.
Fuckin Ryder Cup Stopped in Wales due to weather....Imagine that...LOL
sup hem lad! hahahah rain ???? in wales????? lmao i dont beleieve it lol whole countries been lashing down for a week.
Weather in Wales, I dont belive it, really? LMAO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
blinding sunshine up north this morn tho there was a hint of frost. winter cometh
I rather liked the photo of 20 groundsmen trying to brush all the water off the green. Think that might be a losing battle today.
swings and roundabouts man n ot a month or so back it was drought warnings lol