1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahhahah you kiddin me double 00 Disaster more like lol. yeah man id love to go stateside again ive met some real cool cats on riu but nowt like hookiin up n blazing one

stay up hem!

mr west

Well-Known Member
oh yeah that reminds me, I have a road trip to organise to toon town, how ya fixed one weekend this month Donnald?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
mornin westy lad, im sadly going to have to postpone a while owing to me not being able to afford the digi ballast till next month :( and ive got nee smoke to get badman shtoned wiv ya till then either bro.

oh and i heard a top tip for beasting the PM man. crank your temps up to 110 and it'll kill it stone dead!?!? not tried it but a fella on another forum told me to watch for the pm on the cuts he sent n if it did develop to do that.


Well-Known Member
mornin westy lad, im sadly going to have to postpone a while owing to me not being able to afford the digi ballast till next month :( and ive got nee smoke to get badman shtoned wiv ya till then either bro.

oh and i heard a top tip for beasting the PM man. crank your temps up to 110 and it'll kill it stone dead!?!? not tried it but a fella on another forum told me to watch for the pm on the cuts he sent n if it did develop to do that.
Never heard that one...worth a try I guess. Nice pics Don, both look completely different for sure.

Take it easy bru,


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
typo it was 100 not 110, but intrigueing none the less. id be wary of puttin my temps that high for an hour mind

yeah totally different. i think im going to take a couple of snips from the more black rose lookin one just incase

have a goodun man

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
so ive just moved the bush that is the livers about in the tent and twigged ive got two boys in the next rotation. gutted i kinda needed them to be ladies but cest la vie eh

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
you aint kiddin. you could get hurt with some peeps round ere.

just got given a bag, its wet shit and looks like a fiver deal im gutted ive been without for ages and i dont even want to smoke the stuff ill take a pic later. its disgusting


Well-Known Member
mornin westy lad, im sadly going to have to postpone a while owing to me not being able to afford the digi ballast till next month :( and ive got nee smoke to get badman shtoned wiv ya till then either bro.

oh and i heard a top tip for beasting the PM man. crank your temps up to 110 and it'll kill it stone dead!?!? not tried it but a fella on another forum told me to watch for the pm on the cuts he sent n if it did develop to do that.
what? another forum? you traitor lol. i must be the only one who does'nt use any other forums.....


Well-Known Member
what? another forum? you traitor lol. i must be the only one who does'nt use any other forums.....
I think I have like 1 post on a couple of other forums, but scrapped them yonks ago...my misses would strnagle me if she thought I was getting another roger rabbit with yet another weed forum, haha.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahahaha i joined just to get beans the found it was quite kanny but its creator seems to have done a midnight flit with loads of peeps money. im riu till i die. honest guv

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
great link there westy :) Some rather interesting points are made, some which pique my curiosity and debating manner :lol:

""My personal belief in terms of sheer scale of harm is that one of the most dangerous drugs in this country is alcohol. Alcohol is a lawful drug. Likewise, nicotine is a lawful drug, but cigarettes can kill," he said. "There is a wider debate on the impacts to our community about all aspects of drugs, of which illicit drugs are one modest part."" Think he forgot to mention that cannabis is a lawful drug as well :lol: Even he doesn't appear to be able to differentiate between lawful and legal, unless he's intentionally being sneaky, emailed them, but doubt i'll get a response :D

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i could cryy i got such a weak deal its wet about a fiver deal and just generally crap a lad in the office said hed take half it off me for a tenner and put it in one j it was a double size j to be fair but still. i would rather scrump than buy that gash again

inteesting read but i doubt it will change much

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I've got wet crap as well :( i could imprint my thumbnail into the stem with ease :s that makes 3 bad deal and a refused bad deal in a row. I don't understand the dealers mentality. Why would he not tell his grower he'd be back in a week? Either way he won't be getting money from me so why not wait till he has something worth buying. Sigh. I resorted to nipping a bud, would have been a tasty 8th but alas, the good ol speed dry.


Well-Known Member
great link there westy :) Some rather interesting points are made, some which pique my curiosity and debating manner :lol:

""My personal belief in terms of sheer scale of harm is that one of the most dangerous drugs in this country is alcohol. Alcohol is a lawful drug. Likewise, nicotine is a lawful drug, but cigarettes can kill," he said. "There is a wider debate on the impacts to our community about all aspects of drugs, of which illicit drugs are one modest part."" Think he forgot to mention that cannabis is a lawful drug as well :lol: Even he doesn't appear to be able to differentiate between lawful and legal, unless he's intentionally being sneaky, emailed them, but doubt i'll get a response :D

Maybe its as easy as hes a drinker...LOL...Doesn't wanna but down hes brew just ours...