A Medicinal Refrigerator


Well-Known Member
didnt understand that ancient pothead :) are you asking how to change the location where it saves the pictures? or how to take better pics with it? well hopefully you got one of Sony's memory cards. when i first got my 12 mega-pixel camera it seemed to take crappy pics too. but I found, and not to insult your intelligence by any means, that if I back out just far enough to focus good, and not zoom, but only use optical zoom cause digital zoom only distorts the pic and makes it grainy, then when you get it on your computer crop off all the junk. or, you can back up far, and zoom in until the focus and the picture is just what you want and snap. then the same thing as the previous method, put on the computer and crop out all the crap from the top and bottom which isnt needed. I like to use Microsoft Office Picture Manager in Office 2003 because the editing is simple and i have it, but thats me. hope that helped answer your question. it is a nice cam, and 7x optical zoom rocks for suck a teeny cam. now go get to snapping and show us what you got :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Yea I was wondering if I could turn the GPS location off. I think it was jsgamber who mentioned that for taking pics, or it was you and I've been doing it that way since. Thanks and Pics coming soon. Took a few so a journal is getting updated soon.


Well-Known Member
great news, i think it is geo-tagging, or maybe just generic tagging. give me a minute and i will see what i can find.


Well-Known Member
i think your cool, they need a built in GPS and your model dont have it, its called geotagging. either that or your model requires additional software for it to work, and i dont think someone else can track your photos unless you tag them. but just to be safe go through all the menus and make sure there is nothing that says tagging or gps. if your unsure post something and i will take a gander.


Well-Known Member
I got the wiring duct taped, then foil taped. I used the upper temp control housing to keep all the wiring into a clean, safe spot. I trimmed it then put foil tape on the sides, and covered some holes. I put the dial back in after I took the mounting piece off the rheostat (sp?) A water spill won't hit the wire nuts now. I also drilled a hole and put both temp sensor lines in. The upper one is hanging under the main tube. I'll put velcro tabs for the lower again.
I have a power supply that is 12v and 5 Amp. so I'll use it for the main exhaust and intake. The other 2 exhaust's will have their own timer. So the wiring for that is next. Gumball,I saved that cropped one at 800X600. Seems better.
Close Up.jpg


Well-Known Member
how is that pc of yours doing daniels, i havent seen any pics lately.
Beginning to wonder if your reading my mind sometimes Gumball. :-P
Just took pics of them, feed Marge, and got pics of her. Just sat down to start getting them ready. I'll post W.'s twins first.
Is the FrigiDare looking 'Danielsque' yet? As you so succinctly put it that time. I got the power strips on for timers, now on to fans.
Lovin' this new camera BTW. Cropping and re-saving take some time though.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
HAHA, we are sometimes oddly in sync!!

yes, the frigidaire is most def looking danielsesque!! you have any outer design mods, like the female restroom sign on the outside of the other frig?

yes, cropping, then resizing to RIU limits does take a little time. but it saves a little time on the upload to RIU, and the clearity it shows really display how nice your plants are.

cant wait for the pics!! oh, i moved my bulb into a perpindicular position like yours, and it actually cooled off my case some, so that is a great design move, thanks daniels!!


Well-Known Member
Here's W. Twins Barb & Jenna. I feed them too much last week. These tiny cups are harder.
GB I re-sized it for 800X600 and it loaded at 300 something KB, so is that as good as I can do?
9-25 W.'s Twins cropped.jpg


Well-Known Member
hmmm, well file download speed increases similar to a car. if you push the gas pedal down al the way your not immediately at top speed. similar with downloading and bandwidth. that file is only 316 KB, so you said it loaded at "300 something KB", and those are rated at KBs, for seconds. so it really took less than 2 seconds to upload that file. because it was small it didnt have time to speed up any more. that i think is awesome time. so if you did 10 pictures that size it would be less than 30 seconds to upload, if all conditions are right.

hope that made sense, answered your question, and didnt insult your intelligence. i am a computer tech so i find myself either simplifying something down so far i insult someones intelligence, or i dont simplify it enough and it goes way over their heads.

the twins are looking real good daniels, especially for only being half way done. how long did you veg them for again?


Well-Known Member
Started at 75.4 amb. 78 {|} 30 min. later. 84.9 amb. 77.8
It jumped up fast but is holding. This is the upper sensor too.
Two hours on and 84.7 & amb. 77


Well-Known Member
I found a design flaw yesterday with the fans. The pantyhose was being sucked toward the fan so I had to cut them out. I didn't want to take them apart. I'll probably Velcro some or just use the Carbon Filter.

The temps seemed to hold well for the two hours I tested it. Yea, Gumball I got something planned to finalize it.:-o The FrigiDare is getting close to accepting applications for Tenants.;-)

My buddy and I are going to Yellow-tail Lake today. I missed all boating this summer. Something I haven't done in a LONG time. Maybe never.


Well-Known Member
sounds like some good results! looks like a jet cockpit on the back :) have a good day at the lake buddy, get you some R & R :bigjoint: