budy candy vs molasses


Well-Known Member
can anyone help me i heard on another forum that bud candy makes all of your diff strains taste the same and to just use molasses does anyone have any input???
it say in that link that " Bud Candy contains the powerful sugars that CarboLoad contains, so you save money by not having to use CarboLoad" wich states it has sugars. but what type of molasses should i use?
Your plant already produces it's own sugars and has a limited ability to take up carbs. If you have money to waste, send it to me, I'll put it to better use ;).
BUd candy has over 30 listed ingredients on the back of the bottle. I dont think molasses has a full shot of amino acids, vitamin B's, etc etc.
The weblink homebrewer posted is wrong. Bud Candy has no magnesium in it. NONE. If you look at the tiny .gif file to the right you can see it lists about 30 different things, but when you click on it to enlarge the picture it just goes to that small magnesium picture.
i use mollasis blackstrap unsulfered, not expensive 1 tab to one gallon of h20, it will sweeten up the buds and s/fatten them up i use it every 2 wks w/good results
how is it wrong its off the website that made it? if it says it has it it does but what do u think of the flavor diff? does it really make all your bud taste the same
how is it wrong its off the website that made it? if it says it has it it does but what do u think of the flavor diff? does it really make all your bud taste the same

I really dont know what to tell you. I'm fairly sure human beings work at Advanced Nutrients. Human beings are inherently prone to making mistakes. Now I may be going out on a limb here but bare with me. I'm pretty sure that AN hired a human being to build their website and I'm willing to bet that human being made a mistake. Maybe I'm crazy. Now it's a possibility that they hired a Romulan, which ofcourse are incapable of making mistakes (ie Spock). If this is the case then I am just a liar. Or maybe they hired a fresh water trout, which odviously has no hands or fingers or critical thinking ability. As a result I highly doubt they would make the fresh water trout head of web develpoment, I would think a trout would do better in sales or maybe CEO.

Look just go to a store and look at a bottle yourself. I mean its pretty odvious thats its a mistake. If you look at the tiny gif picture it has a long list of ingredients, then when you click on it to enlarge it magically erases all those ingredients and goes to a gif that just lists magnesium. Bud Candy has no magnesium in it!!!!

And hell no it doesnt make all your buds taste the same.
Regardless of the incorrect info by AN on their own site, the product claims to give your plants much needed carbs which in-turn, according to AN, increases aroma, yields, potency or whatever. Plants have a LIMITED ability to pull up carbs from the growing medium, probably because carbs/sugars are already produced via photosynthesis. Send this pdf file (http://www.advancednutrients.com/hydroponics/docs/BudCandy.pdf) to any botanist or horticulturalist and they'll laugh at the claims made by this product.
Regardless of the incorrect info by AN on their own site, the product claims to give your plants much needed carbs which in-turn, according to AN, increases aroma, yields, potency or whatever. Plants have a LIMITED ability to pull up carbs from the growing medium, probably because carbs/sugars are already produced via photosynthesis. Send this pdf file (http://www.advancednutrients.com/hydroponics/docs/BudCandy.pdf) to any botanist or horticulturalist and they'll laugh at the claims made by this product.
I agree. Plants can't take in nutrients any faster just because you spend more money on them. Most of the products directed towards MJ are rip offs and you'd be dumb to waste your money on them.
I really dont know what to tell you. I'm fairly sure human beings work at Advanced Nutrients. Human beings are inherently prone to making mistakes. Now I may be going out on a limb here but bare with me. I'm pretty sure that AN hired a human being to build their website and I'm willing to bet that human being made a mistake. Maybe I'm crazy. Now it's a possibility that they hired a Romulan, which ofcourse are incapable of making mistakes (ie Spock). If this is the case then I am just a liar. Or maybe they hired a fresh water trout, which odviously has no hands or fingers or critical thinking ability. As a result I highly doubt they would make the fresh water trout head of web develpoment, I would think a trout would do better in sales or maybe CEO.

Look just go to a store and look at a bottle yourself. I mean its pretty odvious thats its a mistake. If you look at the tiny gif picture it has a long list of ingredients, then when you click on it to enlarge it magically erases all those ingredients and goes to a gif that just lists magnesium. Bud Candy has no magnesium in it!!!!

And hell no it doesnt make all your buds taste the same.

all i ment was i didnt understand how it could be wrong about the magnesium i did notice the error on the website
So when do you start using Molasses? Every res change?(i change res every week) through out the whole flowering? and does it raise PPM?
Molasses comes in three strengths, black strap is the most refined and the best to use.

Nice to hear, I use that & Bud Candy in the same mix plus budswell so there you go

1 or 2 tbsp per gallon every other watering or so and you will be good

Good luck
View attachment 1166352i only use nutes for 3View attachment 1166347 weeks during flowering, i feed mollasses all cycles, There is no comparison in bud size, when i use to use no molasses.. they were half as big.View attachment 1166348i guess i like my small system, very cheap and more stuff than i know waht to do with :)