100% this and no other reason, people demand anyhow so suppliers supply.I thought the reason for the molasses was for the microbes to eat
Bud candy is nothing more than a magnesium supplement: http://www.advancednutrients.com/hydroponics/products/bud_candy/bud_candy_faq_nutrient_facts.php
There may or may not be sugars in that as well in which case molasses is a much more economical option.
I would never spend that crazy $$ on budcandy...id do with another nute companys product if i felt it totally necessary..if you got $$ to burn by all means be my guest..May as well go n spend double the $$ on AN PH up and down also..
Go spend your money on over priced and over hyped products. Ill stay with soil and molasses, your guys' bud candy is just fancy advertisement. These people know how gullible you people are, especially taking all advice you see on forums. Do your own experiments if you really think you'll do better. Compare your results with what you see here if you feel it necessary. I know I'm not making these soon to be monopolies any stronger...
Finally somebody pointed that out.i'm not going thru this whole thread to find out if someone else noticed, but Spock is not from Romulin. he is a vulcan.
The sugars (carbs) that are produced by bud candy are not meant to be absorbed by the plant itself but by microbes in the root zone, making the microbes more active. Making nutrients more available to be absorbed by the roots.Your plant already produces it's own sugars and has a limited ability to take up carbs. If you have money to waste, send it to me, I'll put it to better use.
The sugars (carbs) that are produced by bud candy are not meant to be absorbed by the plant itself but by microbes in the root zone, making the microbes more active. Making nutrients more available to be absorbed by the roots.
US Government websites are developed by freshwater trout.I really dont know what to tell you. I'm fairly sure human beings work at Advanced Nutrients. Human beings are inherently prone to making mistakes. Now I may be going out on a limb here but bare with me. I'm pretty sure that AN hired a human being to build their website and I'm willing to bet that human being made a mistake. Maybe I'm crazy. Now it's a possibility that they hired a Romulan, which ofcourse are incapable of making mistakes (ie Spock). If this is the case then I am just a liar. Or maybe they hired a fresh water trout, which odviously has no hands or fingers or critical thinking ability. As a result I highly doubt they would make the fresh water trout head of web develpoment, I would think a trout would do better in sales or maybe CEO.
Look just go to a store and look at a bottle yourself. I mean its pretty odvious thats its a mistake. If you look at the tiny gif picture it has a long list of ingredients, then when you click on it to enlarge it magically erases all those ingredients and goes to a gif that just lists magnesium. Bud Candy has no magnesium in it!!!!
And hell no it doesnt make all your buds taste the same.