Well I have further confirmation on the 'turkey baster' method of watering.
the transplants I moved today, show me the money! You can see the roots shoot straight to the bottom where the perlite was holding water, then once I started the TBM rather than the 10% run off, the roots make a full u turn and begin searching for the food and water. The root systems were beginning to fill the soil up nicely.
Also, I noticed on transplanting the Satori and mystery seeds, that they were slowly making their way to the bottom, not a B line down there. I May have to swear off the root cubes as today when I transplanted I noticed that the plants that came from root cubes had very little roots going into the soil whereas the others that were straight into soil did. the root cube seedling root ball, would fall apart in my hands. The ones without the root cube stayed in nice form, I assume the roots are holding it together.
YGF, you will be happy to know that I used the micorrizae on all the transplants. I used a weak solution of the MIC, to soak my new soil in the new pots. Then when I turned them out of the containers I 'drizzled the roots with a full strength MIC mix.
I'm hoping for very strong root systems on these babies!
I will try to post the root pictures in a little while.