Rocky Mountain High Grow Journal (CFL's exclusively)

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Update on the plants.

the clones are really starting to take off now, the first two that is. The other four are really struggling. Not dying but may take forever to get them back into veggy state.

I am noticing quite a difference already with the HPS light. My plants are all filling in much better and growing like..........weeds!

I planned to harvest one this weekend and that one has been placed on another pot so it gets the most light on all the leaves. It will be ready this weekend I think as about 70% of the hairs, at the top anyway, are turning brown.

The other 3 that are on schedule with that one are slightly behind. I think I will harvest a second plant the following weekend, maybe all three. The two that were topped have about 4-5 real nice bud sites that are filling in well. That's the other thing on the light, the buds are getting much, much fuller and compact.

I have two more that are about 2-3 weeks behind the first 4. I then have 8, including the one that could be the government weed, that are about 2-3 weeks behind those. I think the next couple months will be very busy with harvesting!! Woo HOO

I will be getting a decent digital camera middle of next week so I will then start to shower you guys in bud pictures!!

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Everything is growing great. The 2nd clones are starting to do better, although the stongest of the 1st clones is looking a bit sickly.

I'm thinking of waiting another week before harvesting the first plant, even though I do believe it is getting close to time. don't many of the lower leaves start dying and yellowing when the plant is approaching the harvest time? This one hasn't lost any, which one of the reasons I think I maybe jumping the gun. It has been in flowering for 8 full weeks though.

Guess I will see how it looks tomorrow and sunday.

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
So I went ahead and harvested my first plant today, woo hoo!

I got up early this morning as my lights come on at 6 am and I read it's good to harvest before they see the light. I thought I could use some scissors to chop her down, boy was I mistaken!! I needed a pair of wire cutters to get that baby down. I also read that if your flush is done correctly the 'juice' from the plant should taste clear like water. I flushed thoroughly a week ago, 6 gallons through a 2 gallon pot and have been feeding molasses every day since. The juice did taste clear, this morning, like water so I believe I did a good job on the flushing.

I then hung the branches in the spare shower, made a curtain to keep it dark and put a small oscillating fan underneath moving the air.

I hope that main cola has some weight, as there isn't much after that.


Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Okay so here's what I've found.

I had been using the 10% run off method of watering for most of the plants life and thus the roots were concentrated at the bottom of the pot.

I did NOT see the typical 'snake' at the bottom.

One interesting note is that I started YGF's turkey baster method of watering in the past few weeks and I can actually see the roots making their way to the top, where the water was. I wish I had a good camera (next week for sure) to show you guys.

The roots were making u turns to the top, would be the best description.


Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Sorry I know the pics suck from the camera phone, but that should be solved next week.

I harvested one plant, it was in flowering for 8 full weeks. I think I will harvest the next one in 2 weeks, give it some time to really produce.


Well-Known Member
looking like you got er all done RMH.....did you know that RMH stnds for Rocky Mountain House a town in western Cad....and that we often referred to is a Rotten Monkey Hopuse.....hahahahaha....the kids we are!?....looking good are a little difficult to see ....but glad you got it all together and finished! whats next? well those lil'bushes will sure get you started! Walk on man!

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Well the harvested plant is hanging to dry with an oscillating fan running 2-3 feet below the buds.

I think I will be lucky to get an ounce after it's dried, we'll see.

I started flushing the plant I'm going to harvest next weekend and will begin the molasses this week. I also trimmed some of the bigger fan leaves so the bottom of the plant can get plenty of light this last week.

The other plants are moving right along.