My First Grow: Journal

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Day 35. Lots has happen. My ph meter broke I could not measure the ph problem. No funds to buy anthing to fix all the nute lock out. Plant was getting worse by the day, so I repotted both plants about two to three days ago. I've lost about 30% of leaves on the bottom. Since repotting the plants they have not grown at all. I think they might have revegged on me too. I've got twisted leave tips on one plant. One plant has not really yellowed in 24 hrs so maybe its turning the corner. The other plant is still yellowing although at a slower pace. Not sure these plants are going to make it. If they revegged on me, then they are pretty much worthless even if they do survive. I think I will leave them for about a week and see what happens. I will start to foliar feed tonight in hopes of getting the plants some nutes. Bummer.
I would give them some time. They have been through alot of stress, so give it some time and see what happens. These plants are tough at this stage in their life so give them some time and see what happens. I may take them a few days to bunce back from the stress and then a few days to get back on track growing so just be patient. :) and if they don't bounce back just get some more seeds/soil and start over. That will be your only real cost so no biggie. I know it sucks but it is your first grow and your plants don't look that bad! Look at some of these other peoples grows! Your plants still look good just stick with them!


Active Member
They are in new soil so flushing and salts are not a problem. I shook out the roots of all the old soil and then replanted. I had no other choice really. I haven't given up, but running out funds, the plant sat in bad ph for about 7 days, then got a brutal transplant. If they survive, dont herm, and didn't reveg, then I made it. but right now, just dont know.


Active Member
I would give them some time. They have been through alot of stress, so give it some time and see what happens. These plants are tough at this stage in their life so give them some time and see what happens. I may take them a few days to bunce back from the stress and then a few days to get back on track growing so just be patient. :) and if they don't bounce back just get some more seeds/soil and start over. That will be your only real cost so no biggie. I know it sucks but it is your first grow and your plants don't look that bad! Look at some of these other peoples grows! Your plants still look good just stick with them!
Thanks for the advice and the pep talk lol. Its much needed right now. Let me ask you question: what happens to plant if it revegges? does it not do well in Flowering? Been trying to get some info on that but not sure. But I'm starting to think that the little bit of twisted leaf tips is from the lockout and maybe not the a reveg. I hope so. Thats the bitch of PH lock, you get all the symptoms of everthing, b/c you are suffering for every damn deficency there is. And if a new problem develops, good luck trying to figure out if the new damage is from the old fuck up lol. Thanks bro.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Just hang in there bro, I stressed the fuck out of my plants and all are blowing the fuck up right now so hang in there. Your plants look good still bro you have alot green full leaves in there and they are still bush as all hell so just stick in there and see them through. All you have to do is water them now so it's not like you are spending alot of money on them!


Active Member
Also I'm so pissed b/c my plants were almost perfect. I mean they looked really good. If I could have just adjusted that damn PH I could have avoided all of this. Lesson learned tho. I will never have that happen again. Gonna have backup ph testers at all time for now on. lol


Active Member
Day 42. Plants have fully recovered from the pH problem and transplant. They have been growing about an inch a day since. Tallest is about 19 inches tall. I have the flowering lights on and I'm hoping they show white hairs here any day. I moved the lights around to give the plants more lights on the sides. I transplanted the plants into Farran soil which is a very good quality base soil. I'm feeding with Jack's Classic Orchid Special with micro nutes (NKP 30/10/10) and have been doing so now for about a week. The plants seem to love it and have grown accordingly.


Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
looking good and healthy bro! I flowered mine at 16 in and they stretched to over 3 feet so be ready for the stretch my friend! make sure you have the room to grow them up in! Looking good.


Active Member
Thanks Howard good to hear from you. Did you get rid of that damn mother in law yet lol? I think the plants might be in their two week flowering stretch now, b/c they are growing so damn fast. I still no sign of white hairs tho. I think I got two different types of pheno's: on is tall and the other is short and real bushy. I think 6 to seven weeks of veg is too much for any indoor garden. Not sure what Nirvana was thinking when they made these seeds.


Well-Known Member
nice grow growing the same thing right now I have 3 nl fem autos I was wondering what time u had your lights on I have mine on 18/6


Active Member
nice grow growing the same thing right now I have 3 nl fem autos I was wondering what time u had your lights on I have mine on 18/6
For veg is was running 20/4. For flower I'm running 18/6. In about a month I'll run it 16/8. For the last two weeks I will run 12/12.


Active Member
Got my hydro pH up and down today with drop pH tester. Tested my water first thing and that shit comes out of the tap around 8.0 . . . I live in FL so the bedrock is made of limestone, so go figure it would be high. Even with the flower nute added, the water still test high near 8.0 . . . I adjusted it to about 6.5 . . . hope my plants like it. I had a shitty cheapy pH meter and that thing plain just gave me bad readings. Note to any newbie grower, throw out your cheap pH meter and go with a drop tester.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Got my hydro pH up and down today with drop pH tester. Tested my water first thing and that shit comes out of the tap around 8.0 . . . I live in FL so the bedrock is made of limestone, so go figure it would be high. Even with the flower nute added, the water still test high near 8.0 . . . I adjusted it to about 6.5 . . . hope my plants like it. I had a shitty cheapy pH meter and that thing plain just gave me bad readings. Note to any newbie grower, throw out your cheap pH meter and go with a drop tester.
Good to hear bro! I have the drop tester right now, and my local hydro store has one that you just stick in the water and it gives you a digital reading. But that bitch is about $100 so I don't see myself spending that anytime soon. My plants are starting to get some brown hairs so I am going to have to start construction on a cureing box soon! Oh and once again I am happy you got a PH tester and like you said, to any new growers your PH is impairative!


Active Member
Day 49. Plants are coming to the end of their two weeks stretch. Tallest one is 25 in. and the other is 17 in. Plants look good and healthy. Think I have about 8 weeks more of flowering. I lowered the lights to 18/6 for flowering. Pics below.


Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
from what I have read you can keep the lights on longer for autoflower! That is good cus they will get more light. I have never grown them but more light has to be better!


Active Member
Looking good..So are you going 12/12 for the last weeks?
Yes I think I will. I might even go 10/14 for the last week. I want the plants to get conditioned to receiving less light over time. I've done alot of research on cannabiniods and thc production in cannabis plants. The last two weeks is when the major thc procuction takes place. The less light it recieves, the less the thc will break down. I'm going for potency over yeild. Still debating on the how long of a dark period for these plants. NL genetics are unknown except that its a 60/40 Sativia/indica hybrid. There is alot to condisider: how long of a dark period? how much low watt light level to introduce? what kind of watering method to use? the length of time will be dependent on how long I can keep it breathig, and how much the low watt light will change/degrade thc into cbd. I think it will respond well to cold water method due to its ruderal genetics and its subterranian indica genetics.


Active Member
from what I have read you can keep the lights on longer for autoflower! That is good cus they will get more light. I have never grown them but more light has to be better!
Yo what up my brother? Yes, more light will give me more yeild, but I dont think I will get alot off these plants so I'm going for potency. I'll keep you posted on how it works out.