schwag is also known as headache weed around my parts.. i guess its all part of the dry and cure, or rather lack of a proper one of both that attributes to this headache factor.. and i agree.. schwag is usually grown outdoors, in large plots, with no care taken to seperate males and females, so schwag is almost always seeded.. than comes that lovely bricking thing that they always seem to do to schwag.. compress it and brick it up for easy transport..
mids to me is probably grown outdoors.. it could have come from name brand seeds or clones, but once again, lil care was spent in seperating males and females, once again mids are often seeded as a result.. the dry and cure on mids is usually much better than that one schwag imo..
this takes us to dank, top shelf bud. often called kind bud depending on where your from.. kb is usually grown indoors with love and care.. males and females are almost always seperated, resulting in sinsimelia.. kb or dank can range from just good bagseeds growng with love and care, and can go all the way up to the best of the best name brand bud that was grown by someone who knew what they were doing and were after the finest quality product that they can accomplish..
and of course, price varies greatly according to quality...